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肯定与否定的翻译一、英语肯定、汉语否定 形式上,英语采用肯定句式,但实际在含蓄表达否定 意义,翻译成汉语时用否定。 (1)动词 英语中含有否定的动词有:fail, miss, lack, ignore, escape, refuse, withhold, neglect, deny, overlook, exclude, differ, forbid, defy, hate, etc 动词词组:keep from, refrainfromEg. To our disappointment, he failed to take the overall situation into account.使我们失望的是他不顾大局。wHe ran his eyes over the refreshments on the table but shook his head and refused to touch anything.w他看了看桌子上的点心,摇了摇头,一点也不想 吃 。 wHer hint escaped me.w她的暗示没有引起我的注意。 wShe went to the airport to meet her friend, but she missed her in the crowd.w她去机场接她的朋友,可是没能在人群中见到她。 wHe keeps from alcohol and tobaco.w他烟酒不沾。(2)名词w表示否定的名词有:absence, avoidance, failure, denial, refusal, freedom, loss, lack, ignorance, defiance, embarrassment, etcwEg: His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident.w他开车时心不在焉,几乎闯祸。wHer child was in a terrible state of neglect.w她的孩子简直没人管。 wHe coughed with embarrassment.w他不自然地咳嗽。 wA lack of awareness of cultural differences or local customs can create problems.w不注意文化差异和当地的习俗可能会出 问题。(3)形容词w表达否定意义的形容词及短语:few, little, thin, deaf, absent, awkward, had, blind, dead, last, poor, free from, far from, safe from, short of, ignorant of, safe and sound, etcwEg: The explanation is pretty thin.w 这种解释理由很不充分。wHe was deaf to all advice.w他不听一切劝告。 wI am glad to see you safe and sound.w我很高兴看到你安然无恙。 wHe would be the last man to say such things.w他决不会说这种话。(4)副词w常见的否定副词有:little, seldom, hardly, barely, scarcely, otherwise, rarely ,etc wEg: The old lady said idly, “Well, what dose it matter?” w那老妇人漫不经心地说:“哼!这有什么关系?” wTime is what we want most, but what many use worst. w时间是我们最缺少的,但偏偏许多人最不善于利用 。wTraveling alone, she was sitting in the corner of the carriage.w她没有同伴,只一个人坐在车厢一角动也不 动。 wSlips are scarcely avoidable when you are new to your work.w没有工作经验,出点差错是不可避免的。(5)介词及介词短语w表示否定的介词和介词短语有:beside, against, from, above, below, under, beyond, beneath, without, except, within, instead of, out of, etc wEg: She is above meanness and deceit.w她不至于做卑鄙和欺骗的事情。 wHe is beyond doubt an enterprising young man.w无疑,他是一位有进取心的青年人。 wWhat he said is beside the question.w他说的与本题无关。 wGood advice is without price.w好的建议是无价的。 wIt is far from him to do anything to hurt you .w他决不会做任何伤害你的事情。(6)连词及短语w表示否定意义的常用连词有:before, rather than, unless, too to, or, etc wEg: I , rather than you, should do the work. w应该做这个工作的应该是我,而不是你。 wYou ought to know better than to do that sort of things. w你应知道不该做那种事情。 wYoud better do it now before you forget it. w趁着还没有忘记,你最好现在就做。wThey would rather go on with the experiment than give it up.w他们宁愿把实验继续下去,而不愿放弃。 wWear your raincoat or you will catch cold.w穿上雨衣,不然你会着凉的。(7)一些特定结构wIt is a wise father that knows his own son.w再聪明的父亲也不见得了解自己的儿子。 wIt is a silly fish that is caught twice.w再愚蠢的鱼也不会上钩两次。(智者不会重 蹈覆辙) wBut that she was prevented, my mother would have accomplished her design.w若不是被阻止,我妈妈早就完成她的设计了wWe have bitten off more than we can chew.w我们承担了力所不能及的事。/贪多嚼不烂。wOh, God! If this is a ladys manners.w噢,天哪!这决不是女人的举止。(8)一些习惯表达wHe is a nuisance, I want to see the back of him. w他真讨厌,我也不愿意见到他。 wWe are living up to what the people expect to us. w我们不会辜负人民对我们的期望。 wHe who has a mind, to beat his dog will easily find his stick. w欲加之罪,何患无词。 wA bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. w双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手。wLet me catch you at it again. w再让我逮着你,可饶不了你。 wI hear everything. w什么都瞒不过我。 wA stitch in time saves nine. w小洞不补,大洞吃苦。 wTom was professors godson, and had been one of the family anytime these 20years. w汤姆是教授的干儿子,这20年来,一家人没 把他当外人看。i nwHe is trying in vain to answer the question. w他回答不出来那个问题。 wThe criminal is still at large. w罪犯还尚未捉拿归案。 wThe restaurant was anything but satisfactory. w这家饭店太不让人满意了。 wI was at a loss to understand what he alluded to . w我无法领悟他话中暗示的是什么。二、英语否定,汉语肯定w(1)动词 wSuddenly he heard a sound behind him, and realized he was not alone in the garage.w他突然听见背后有响声,便立刻意识到车库里还有 别人。 wThe mother gently disengaged her hand from that of her sleeping baby. w 母亲小心翼翼地从熟睡的孩子手里抽出自己的手。wThe boss could fire any employee who had ever displeased him.w老板可以开除任何得罪过他的雇员。 wHow often has he not complained about the weather here!w他经常抱怨这里的天气。(2)副词wIt is a wise man that never makes mistakes.w再聪明的人也会犯错。 wHe involuntarily raised his hand to scratch his head.w他下意识地举起手挠挠头。(3)名词wThere has been serious disagreement between the two political parties over this question.w关于这个问题两个政党之间存在严重分歧。 wWe were puzzled by the sudden disappearance of our team leader.w队长突然失踪使我们感到困惑不解。 wThere is nothing like jogging as a means of exercise.w慢跑是锻炼身体的最佳办法。(4)形容词wEg: Teachers should be nondiscriminatory and should be equal to any of their students. w老师应该一视同仁,平等地对待每一位学生。 wThis fish is an unusual winter visitor to Japan Sea. w这种鱼很少冬季到日本海来。 wMany people thought Henry was so indecisive that it was hard to be a team leader. w好多人认为亨利是个优柔寡断的人,不适合做队长(5)短语wShe will forget all about it as likely as not. w她很可能会忘得一干二净。 wHe is old, none the less he works like a young man. w他虽然上了年纪,但干起活来,还象个年轻人。 wWe do not like her other than
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