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替 代导 语 替代(Substitution)和省略一样,也是一 种避免重复和连接上下文的手段。替代 包括名词 性替代 (Nominal substitution)、动词性替代 (Verbal substitution) 和分句性替代(Clausal substitution)。因此有三种替代词:名词替代词、 动词替代词和分句替代词。1. 名词性替代 用替代词取代名词词组或名词词组 中心词这一语法现象叫名词性替代。名 词替代词主要为one/ ones, 还有the same, the kind, the sort等。1. 替代词one/ ones的用法 )替代词one/ ones只能替代单数复数可数名 词。例如: There are good films as well as bad ones. (ones = films) They sent us a lot of small apples instead of big ones. (ones = apples) 如果名词词组中心词是不可数名词,就不 能用one/ ones替代,要避免重复,通常采用名词性 省略: We prefer green tea to black (tea). I like fresh candy better than stale (candy). 2)替代词one/ ones和它们所替代的名词词组中心 词的“数”可以不一致。例如: I prefer the candy bottle to the small ones. Compare the new edition with the old ones. 3)替代词one/ ones和它们所替代的名词词组中心 词在句法功能上也可能不一致。例如: Do you see those gentlemen over there? The one with grey hair is my father. A: If only I could remember where it was that I saw someone putting away the box with those candles in, I could finish the decorations now. B: You mean the little colored ones. 在上述第一例中,被替代的gentlemen在句中 作宾语,而替代词one在句中作主语。在第二例中 ,被替代在句中作介词宾语,而替代词ones则是动 词宾语。 4)替代词one/ ones一般带有修饰语,它们和所替代 的名词中心词所指不一定是同一对象,这是替代词one/ ones用法上一个重要特征。例如: I dont like this book. Id like a more interesting one. Id like to have some big apples instead of small ones. 在上述第一例中,one虽然等于book,但“这本书 ”和“更有趣味的书”显然不是同一对象:同样地,第二 例中的ones虽然等于apples,但“小苹果”和“大苹果”所 指也并非一物。其所以所指对象不同是因为替代词one/ ones通常带有表示对比含义的修饰语。 替代词one/ ones所带的修饰语可以前置,也可以 后置。前置修饰语一般是限定词和形容词,通常带有 重音,表示对比含义。例如: I prefer an old coat to a new one. The new building was a four-story one. 当替代词one/ ones带有后置修饰语时,它们前 面总有定冠词,这种后置修饰语可以是形容词词组或 者非限定分句。例如: Compare this picture with the one painted by your brother. 也可以是副词、介词词组或关系分句。例如: This room and the one upstairs are well furnished. Ill read this book as soon as I finish the one Im reading. 带后置修饰语的替代词one/ ones也常见于比 较分句中。例如: Our new cassette is more expensive than the one we had before. I like this picture better than the one you showed me yesterday. 替代词one/ ones在形容词比较级、最高级以 及某些限定词如this, which,序数词等之后可以省 略。例如: I want the fifth volume, not the fourth (one). If I miss the 9:15 train, Ill catch the next (one). The second chapter is much longer than the first (one). 替代词one/ ones通常不用在名词属格之后, 也不用在形容词性物主代词+ own之后。例如可以 说: This is my house and thats Peters. 不可以说: *This is my house and thats Peters one. 可以说: I dont like to live long in a foreign country; I want to go back to my own 不可以说: *I dont like to live long in a foreign country; I want to go back to my own one. (5)替代词如果不带任何前置修饰语,即它的前面既 没有限定词也没有形容词时,便不是替代名词中心词 而是替代整个名词词组。例如: The question is one (= a question) of a great importance. If you want a friend, youll find one (= a friend) in me. 由上述诸例可以看护粗,替代词one的这种用法 是泛指同类事物中的任何一个,相当于不定冠词,因 此它没有复数形式。要泛指复数的事物,只能用some 。试比较: Here are a few apples. Would you like one (= an apple)? Here are a few apples. Would you like some (= some of them)? 因此不可以说: *Here are a few apples. Would you like ones ? 替代词one不带前置修饰语时,同样也不可以替 代不可数名词。例如可以说: Here is the fruit. Would you like some? 而不可以说: Here is the fruit. Would you like one? 替代词one的这种用法与人称代词的用法仍然有 所不同。前者泛指同类事物中的一个,而人称代词则 是具体指代某个同一的对象。试比较: I want a TV set, but I cant afford to buy one (= a TV set). I want this TV set, but I cant afford to buy it (= this TV set). 上述第一例如果改用it便是病句。 * I want a TV set, but I cant afford to buy it. 因为it和它所代替的名词词组所指为同一对象, 应带定冠词或其他特指限定词,但上文的名词词组 没有特指意义,因而只能用one,不能用it。 要注意区别替代名词词组的one,替代名词词组 中心词的one和数词one。试比较: A: Can I have those apples? B: You have already got one (= an apple). (在这里,重音落在got上,one不重读,如果 重读便成为数词。) Youve already got a red one(= an apple). (在这里,重音落在red上,one不重读,替代名词词 组中心词。) You can have one; give the rest to your little brother. (这句的one要重读,它是数词,表示“一个”。) 还要注意区别替代词one与不定人称代词one。如前 所述,不定人称代词one泛指“人”,相当于any person( 包括说话人和对方在内),只有单数形式,也不带修饰 语,通常单独使用,构成名词词组,只作句子的主语, 并有属格ones和反身形式oneself。one的这种用法与替 代词one在意义上是完全不同的。例如: One should do ones / his duty. If one wants to know a thing, one/ he ought to come into contact with it. One cant be too careful, can one/ he?1. B 其他名词替代词 )替代词the same的用法 the same可用作整个名词词组的替代词,通 常指物,但与它所替代的名词词组并非指同一对 象。例如: A: Ill have two poached eggs on toast, please. B: Ill have the same. 在这里,the same并非表示the same eggs, 而是替代在上文作宾语的整个名词词组two poached eggs on toast,当然不可能共指第一个说 话人所要的那份荷包蛋土司。 替代词the same一般不可以再带有修饰语,但 可以带有表示保留或条件的后置修饰语。例如: A: Ill have two poached eggs on toast, please. B: Ill have the same but fried. Ill have the same without the fried. A: Id like a cup of tea. B: Id like the same with milk but without sugar. 规章等正式文体中,替代词the same有
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