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1 General introduction to meridians and acupointsn The theory of meridians and acupoints is the basic theory of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. n The science of meridians is the routes that connect different parts of the body; while the science of acupoints is to explain the relation between the viscera and the meridians.1.1 General introduction to meridiansn Definition of the Meridians:n Difference between Meridians and collaterals :n the routes n transport qi and blood n regulate yin and yangn connect the zang-organs with the fu- organsn associate the external with the inter- nal as well as the upper with the lower.Differentence between meridians and collaterals nMeridiansnmain trunk nrun up and down ,interiorly and exteriorly within the bodyn in the deeper layer .ncollaterals nbranches of meridians networks,thinner and smaller than the meridians,nrun crisscrossly over the body . nCollaterals can be further divided into subcollaterals which called minute collaterals. nThe shallow collaterals are called superficial collaterals which distribute all over the body. 1.1 Composition of meridian systemn the twelve regular meridiansn the twelve meridian branches n the twelve meridian tendons nThe twelve skin areas nThe eight extraordinary vessels (please see your book)nThe fifteen collaterals1.1.2 Distribution of meridian systemn1.1.2.1 The twelve meridians1. Distribution on the surface of the body1. Association of the twelve meridians with the viscera1. Running direction , circulation and convergent principle of the twelve meridians Extetnal and internal relationnThe definition of the twelve meridians :nthe main part of the meridian system nalso known as “the twelve regular meridians”n including three yin and three yang meridians of the hand , three yin and three yang meridians of the foot. nThe distribution rules of the The twelve meridians :n (1) symmetry n (2) four limbs:n The yin meridians _ inner side n the yang meridians _ lateral side n The taiyin and yangming meridians (yin and yang) _the anterior side nThe shaoyin snd taiyang _the posterior side nthe jueyin and shaoyang _the middle sidenThe jueyin meridian of the foot has two kinds cases :one is anterior to the taiyin meridian of the foot (8 cun down to the medial malleolus ),the other is between the taiyin and shaoyin meridians .(8 cun above the medial malleolus)nThe rule of the the association of the twelve meridians with the viscera :n“pertaining and connection“. nYin meridians pertain to the zang organs and connect with the fu organs yang meridians pertain to the fu organs and connect with the zang organs. nRunning direction: nThe three yin meridians of the hand run from the chest to the hand; nthe three yang meridians run from the hand to the head;nthe three yang meridians of the foot run from the head to the foot; nthe three yin meridians run from the foot to the abdomen.“nCirculation: nThe twelve meridians form a cycle of qi and blood circulatory system. nThe circulatory order: lung_large intestine _stomach _spleen_heart _small intestine _urinary bladder _kidney _pericardium _sanjiao _gallbladder _liver _lung .nConvergent principle : nthe yin and yang meridians in external and internal relationship converge over the end of the four limbs ;n the yang meridians (with the same name )converge over the head and face ; nthe yin meridians and yang meridians (in a cycle-like connection) converge over the chest .nExternal and internal relation nan important interrelation among the twelve meridians similar to that of the relation between zang organs and fu organs, refers to the correspondence of the three yin and three yang meridians . The meridian branches of the twelve meridians n1. Definition :nstem from the twelve meridiansnrun deep into the trunk , associate with the viscera and join the meridians in external and internal relation . n2. Distribution characteristics :“stemming, entering, outthrusting(leaving) and combination. n“Stemming“ stem from the areas below the knees and elbows, “entering“ enter the body and usually associate with the viscera in external and internal relation, the branches of the three yang meridians of the foot also associate with the heart; n“outthrusting “come out to run in the superficial areas over the head and neck; n“combination“ the branches of the yin meridians combine with the yang meridians that they are in internal and external relation with, while the branches of the yang meridians with the meridians that they stem from.n 1. The definition : n (1)the areas where qi from the twelve meridians accumulates n(2)the regions where the twelve meridians are connected with the musculature and joints.2. The distribution rule :nThe same like the projection of the meridians that
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