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1The determination of patent infringement German Approach 专利侵权判定-德国方式Dr. Klaus Grabinski博士 Presiding Judge, Duesseldorf District Court Duesseldorf 地方法院首席法官 Shanghai, 10 July 2008 2008年7月10日上海12I. Legal framework法律框架nEuropean Patent Convention (EPC) of 5 October 1973 n1973年10月5日的欧洲专利公约 (EPC) nEPC came into effect on 7 October 1977n德国专利公约 (EPC) 于1977年10月7日生效nCurrently 34 Contracting states (all member states of the EU, CH, HR,TR, .)n目前有34个合约国(欧盟所有成员国、瑞士、克罗地亚和 土耳其)nEPC encompasses substantive and procedural law. n欧洲专利公约 (EPC)包括实体法和诉讼法 23nEuropean patent (EP)n欧洲专利(EP)Pre-grant授予专利前: nCentralized application procedure (prosecution) before the EPO nEPO之前的集中申请程序(起诉) Post-grant授予专利后: nThe EP splits up into a bundle of national patents with effect in those contracting states that have been designated in the grant request. n欧洲专利(EP)划分为成束的国家发明专利,对在授予请求指定的 合约国有效。nOpposition proceedings only before the EPOn欧洲专利公约之前的异议程序.nInfringement and nullity proceedings in each of the Contracting States.n每个合约国的侵权和无效程序34nArticle 69 (1) EPC Extent of protectionn第69条(1)欧洲专利公约-保护范围nPurpose: to ensure a uniform interpretation of patent claims in all Contracting Statesn目的:确保所有合约国专利申请范围解释一致The extent of the protection conferred by a European patent or a European patent application shall be determined by the terms of the claims. Nevertheless, the description and the drawings shall be used to interpret the claims“欧洲专利或欧洲授予的专利申请的保护范围由申请费 条款决定。然而,描述和图纸要被用作解释申请。45nProtocol on the Interpretation of Article 69 EPC:n欧洲专利公约第69条解释草案Article 1第一条: nArticle 69 should not be interpreted as meaning that the extent of the protection conferred by a European patent is to be understood as that defined by the strict, literal meaning of the wording used in the claimsn第69条不应当解释为欧洲专利授予的保护范围为申请所使用措辞严格 的字面意思 . nnor should it be taken to mean that the claims serve only as a guideline .n或者也不能解释为申请只作为指南 nit is to be interpreted as defining a position between these extremes which combines a fair protection for the patentee with a reasonable degree of certainty for third parties.“n它可以被解释为确定这些极端之间的位置,它采用对专利权所有人的 公平的保护与对第三方合理的确定程度的结合。56Article 2第二条: nFor the purpose of determining the extent of protection conferred by a European patent, due account shall be taken of any element which is equivalent to an element specified in the claims“ n为确定欧洲专利授予的保护范围,应当考虑包括与申请指定因 素一致的要素。 (Art. 2 came into effect only on the 13 December 2007 by a revision of the EPC called EPC 2000 (第二条在2007年12月13日修订过欧洲专利公约之后生效) 称为EPC 2000 67II. Claim Interpretation II. 申请范围解释nPoint of view角度The patent has to be interpreted from the point of view of 专利必须要通过以下角度进行解释 an average person skilled in the art工艺熟练的一般人员 at the application/priority date of the patent. 在专利申请/优先权日Criteria for determining the average person skilled in the art 确定工艺熟练的一般人员的标准:nExpertise in the technology of the patentn精于专利技术nProfessional qualifications (skilled worker, master craftsman, academic education)n职业资格(技术工人、熟练的工匠,学术教育)nPractical experiencesn实践经历nEngagement in the development of technical innovationn致力于技术创新的开发78nThe role of the patent judgen专利法官角色Claim interpretation is a question of law.申请范围的解释是一个法律问题The judge has to interpret the patent.法官必须解释专利Therefore, he must not leave claim interpretation to an expert.因此,他不能把专利范围解释留给专家来做However, the trial judge may take expert evidence if he needs help with regard to claim interpretation in establishing what is the person skilled in the arts general knowledge/abilitiy/experience at the priority date.但是,如果需要优先权日工艺熟练人员的综合知识/能力/经验的 申请范围解释时,审判法官需要听从专家的建议。89nAdmissible interpretation materialn允许的解释材料 Patent claim专利申请范围 Description and drawings描述和图纸 File history 文件历史nNo: DE, FR, UK; Yes: NLn编号:德国、法国、英国;是:荷兰 Prior Art现有工艺nonly when and insofar as mentioned in the descriptionn只有在描述中提及时910nInterpretation rulesn解释规则No strict philological interpretation of the patent claim专利申请没有严格的语言解释.The patent claim has to be interpreted purposively with regard to the overall technical context.专利申请要按照整体技术背景进行有目的的解释The patent claim has to be interpreted always in the light of the description and the drawings.专利申请通常要按照描述和图纸进行解释As part of the description and the drawings there have to be taken into account:要作为描述和图纸的一部分进行考虑:nPrior art mentioned in the descriptionn描述中提及的现有工艺nGeneral explanations of the invention (problem to be solved, advantages of the invention, etc.)n发明的综合说明(要解决的问题、发明的优势所在等)nExamples of the invention explained in the description and shown in the drawingsn描述中解释的或图纸中显示出的发明案例nExamples do not restrict a broad claim. n不限制广泛申请的例子 1011The patent specification can form a dictionary of its own专利规格可以形成自己的词典 (Federal Supreme Court of 2 March 1999, GRUR 1999, 909 (German); 30 IIC 932 (1999) (English translation) Tension Screw).(联邦最高法院1999年3月2日, GRUR 1999, 909 (德国); 30 IIC 932 (1999) (英语翻译)-膨胀螺栓)11nExample: The drum type washing machine n举例:滚筒式洗衣机The patent concerns a driving unit for a drum type washing machine
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