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The Rite of SpringArthur MillerR einforcementT ext AnalysisThe Rite of SpringB ackgroundW arming upUnit 3Questions / ActivitiesCheck-on PreviewObjectivesThe Rite of SpringWarming upUnit 3Warming upQuestions / ActivitiesWill you be a good gardener? A quick quiz!1. Where is the best location to plant tall or climbing plants?A. North side of the garden B. East side of the gardenC. South side of the garden D. West side of the garden2. Tomato plants that are “determinate” are more bushy plants, and tomato plants that are indeterminate are more viny plantsTrue False3. Potatoes are in what family?A. Carrot Family (Umbelliferae) B. Tomato Family (Solanaceae)C. Pea Family (Leguminosae) D. Morning Glory Family (Convolvulaceae)4. What is the best level of soil ph for MOST plants?A. 3.5 - 5.5 B. 5.5 - 7.5C. 8.0 - 9.0D. 2.5 - 3.5Warming upQuestions / ActivitiesWill you be a good gardener? A quick quiz!5. Pine needle mulch lowers the ph level of soil while peat mossraises the ph level.TrueFalse 6. When a plant has beautiful lush foliage, but almost no fruit, the plant has an overdose of: (Ans: One 8-letter word)7. Tomato leaves that are purple and thin is a pretty good sign that they are lacking Potassium.TrueFalse 8. Potato plants want lots of organic matter in the soil for the potatoes to grow better.TrueFalseWarming upQuestions / ActivitiesNow Check Your Answer!1. North side of the garden. When the tall plants are planted on the north side, they dont block the sun from other smaller plants and also keep down the north winds.2. True. If you dont want to stake, you will want determinate. If not, go with indeterminate. 3. Tomato Family (Solanaceae). Eggplant, Tomato, Tomatillo, Potato, and Pepper are all in the tomato family.4. 5.5 - 7.5. Most plants require ph levels of 6-7, but a few can tolerate 5.5 like corn, carrots, and potatoes. Others can grow well in soil ph of 7.5 like cabbage and cauliflower.Warming upQuestions / ActivitiesNow Check Your Answer!5. False. Pine needle mulch and peat moss are good for alkaline soils because they lower the ph level. 6. Nitrogen. Nitrogen will help produce lush foliage, but too much will make the plant concentrate on the leaves instead of the fruit. 7. False. They lack phosphorus when the plants look like that.8. False. Too much organic matter will cause scabbing on the potatoes.Check-on PreviewWarming upSee the Preview Quiz on P67-70. Objectives Know something about the author Understand the genre of essay Learn how to interpret and appreciate literary essayWarming upBackgroundGenreAuthorThe Rite of SpringUnit 3BackgroundHis LifeArthur Miller 1915-2005uA Harlem-born Polish-Jewish boy uMajored in journalism at University of Michigan uWrote first play in 1936 uReceived BA in English in 1938BackgroundHis CareeruFirst successful play: All My Sons, 1946 u Huge success: Death of a Salesman, 1949 uThe Crucible, 1953 About Salem Witchhunt in 1692 HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee), anti- communist McCarthyism Attended a HUAC hearing in 1956, refusing to give names; sentenced to a $500 fine or thirty days in prison, blacklisted, and disallowed a US passport Conviction overturned in 1958 uReturn to theatrical success: The Price, 1968 uExperimental drama in 1970s, unsuccessful uKept writing until 2004BackgroundHis InfluenceuOne of the greatest dramatists of the twentieth century uPolitically engaged, commercially successful, social plays uNumourous awards and honors: Three Tony Awards, Pulitzer Prize for Death of the Salesman in 1949 1965, Elected the first American president of International Pen 1993, awarded the National Medal of Arts 2001, selected for the Jefferson Lecture, the U.S governments highest honor for achievement in the humanitiesBackgroundDeath of a Salesman 1949; 1984 movie starring Dustin Hoffman)The Crucible, 1953, 1996 movie starring Daniel Day-Lewis His WorksBackgroundHis Marriageu Mary Slattery, college sweetheart, 1940 u Marilyn Monroe, 1956 Brief affair in 1951 Accompanied Miller to his 1956 trial Made The Misfits with Miller as the scriptwriter Divorced in 1961 u Inge Morath, 1962 Son Daniel born with Down Syndrome; institutionalized at Millers insistence Son-in-law, English actor Daniel Day- Lewis BackgroundGenreEssay u A short piece of prose often written from the authors personal point of viewu Vague definition, great variety: literary, political, academic, journalistic, argumentative, expository, etc.u Aldous Huxley: a literary device for saying almost everything about almost anythingPersonal and the autobiographical: these use “fragments of reflective autobiography“ to “look at the world through the keyhole of anecdote and description “.Objective and factual: in these essays, the authors “do not speak directly of themselves, but turn their attention outward to some literary or scientific or political theme“.Abstr
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