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课任教师:陈佳琪 联系电话:13662526161日常阅读外文杂志,刊物,国外建筑师网站了解最新信息。拓展知识结构与层次工作中接触外籍建筑师,沟通交流留学、国外工作或外资公司工作的基础掌握10001200专业英语词汇能顺利阅读并理解有关专业书刊的文选将有关英语文章译成汉语建筑类专业英语-上课用书 16课时8 units建筑学专业英语 中国建筑工业出版社 主编:蒋山 应宜文建筑英语 外语教学与研究出版社主编:常乐 孙元元Architecture: Form, Space, 重要的, 必要的Alexander is a self-proclaimed iconoclast, deliberately distancing himself from virtually all the major mainstream currents of twentieth- century architectural and planning thought.self-proclaimed adj.自称的iconoclast n. 攻击传统观念的人 反对崇拜圣像者deliberately adv. 故意地mainstream n. (思想或行为的)主流It is notable that the eight “treelike” plans he single out for attack in the most respected and famous twentieth-century plans from Le Corbusiers plan for the new town of Chandigarh, India, based on his principles for a contemporary city, to Paolo Soleris visionary megastructure of Mesa city in the Arizona desert.single out挑选megastructure n. 巨厦(指一种设想中的建筑学与生态学相结合的巨型建筑体)Since publication of his provocative early attack on the sterility of formal “treelike” city plans in the following selection, Alexander has been engaged in a lifelong search to decipher the deep structures underlying human needs and to define recurring patterns for a new paradigm of architecture.provocative adj. 煽动性的, 刺激性的, 挑衅的sterility n. 思想贫乏paradigm n. 范例; 样式; 模范The following selection is clear that a city should not be designed with a neatly branching treelike organization dividing functions from each other.Alexander condemns tidy city plan which lay out discretely bounded neighborhoods, zone one area for housing and another for bussiness, or establish areas just for universities or cultural facilities.zone n. (划分出来的)地区, 区域, 地带condemn vt. 谴责, 责备He sees human activity as much more complex and overlapping than that.overlap vi. vt.部分重叠Alexanders approach to describing how cities should be designed in this selection may trouble readers who seek clear, rational guidelines.He takes the position that not enough is yet known about how to design non-treelike cities to provide definite answers.Like an artist or a Zen master instructing an apprentice, Alexander closes this selection with provocative analogies, examples, and metaphors.Zen n. 禅, 禅宗provocative adj. 煽动性的, 刺激性的, 挑衅的metaphor n. 隐喻He suggests how an individual might pursue the quest for good design, but he does not offer a stock set of the answers. During the past three decades Alexander and his colleagues and students at the Center for Environmental Structure at the University of California of Berkeley have conducted a series of “experiments” working to understand and demonstrate how to design cities which are not “trees.”Alexanders writings since “A City Is Not a Tree” provide an abundance of specific principles and examples as well as many more unanswered questions and lines for exploration.While Alexander is fascinated with physical form, his approach begins with an interactive process working with clients to understand their most fundamental needs.fascinate vt. 使着迷, 使极感兴趣interactive adj. (指至少两个人或物)一起活动或互相合作的Profoundly respectful of the idea of clients, Alexanders projects incorporate rammed earth and chicken wire into housing for Mexicali slum dwellers and Zen architecture details into a Japanese school.chicken wire 铁丝织网He and his followers seek architecture which is “alive”; architecture that possesses “the quality without a name.”Consider the relevance of J.B.Jacksons description of how the informal vernacular architecture of small U.S. towns meets human needs to Alexanders conviction that built environments that grow organically contain important lessons for planners.relevance n.关联;切题vernacular n. organically adv.本国语, 本地话, 方言 有机地Alexander shares architectural critic Jane Jacobss love of apparently chaotic, jumbled urban neighborhoods.chaotic adj.混沌的; 一片混乱的; 一团糟的Like Jacobs he sees a complex order and rationality behind an apparently disorderly facade.facade n.(房屋的)正面;假象; 外观Consider Alexanders concept of a semi-lattice structure in relation to Jacobs argument for designing streets to provide play space for children, security, and areas for human interaction as well as space for cars to drive.semi-lattice n.半格 lattice 格子框架A casual observer might consider the resulting street a confused and disorderly one.She might not see how it meets multiple, complex human needs.Alexander would like to help architects and planners design streets which achieve the positive qualities of lively streets in New Yorks Greenwich Village or Bostons West End before urban renewal tidied up( and deadened) the streetscape.tidy up v.整理,收拾Note also the similarity to British architect/planner Raymond Unwins respect for natural cities and for urban forms shaped by the ideas of th
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