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第六章Conversion of Sentence Members句子转换The conversion of word classes often results in the conversion of sentence members. So long as we can make Chinese translations smooth, we may try, by hook or by crook, to convert words, phrases, sentence members, and even sentence structures.Examples:A. Objects converted into Subjects(宾语转作主语 ) 1. The earth has the shape of a spheroid.译文:地球的形状是椭圆形的。4.1 Conversion of Sentence Elements(句子 成分转换)2. The road has an ascent of five degrees.译文:这条路的坡度为五度。B. Prepositional Objects converted into Subjects (介词宾语转作主语)1. He is strong of will.译文:他的意志很坚强。2. With the introduction of the new method, the products decreased in cost.译文:引进了新方法,产品的成本降低了。C. Predicatives converted into Subjects(表语转 作主语)1. Matter is anything that occupies space. 译文:凡占有空间的都是物质。D. Subjects converted into Attributes(主语转作 定语)1. Various substances differ widely in their magnetic characteristics.译文:各种材料的磁特性有很大的不同。2. Warm-blooded animals have a constant body temperature.译文:热血动物的体温是恒定的。E. Subjects converted into Objects(主语转作宾 语)1. Hydrogen is found in many compounds.译文:许多化合物中都有氢。2. As the match burns, heat and light are given off. 译文:火柴燃烧时就发出热和光。1. Its limited thickness and youthful age are other discoveries. 译文:它厚度有限,年代短,这是另外两个发现。F. Attributes converted into Predicates(定语转 作谓语)译文:由于在一定地区和一定时间内出现水量过多或 水量过少的现象,水的种种问题就产生了,而这些问 题逐年增多,逐年严重。2. Problems arise because too much water or too little water occurs at a certain place at a certain time, and these problems are increasing in number and magnitude each year.G. Adverbials converted into Complements in Chinese(状语转作补语) 1. The attractive force between the molecules is negligibly small. 译文:分子间的吸引力小得可以忽略不计。 1. Physical changes do not result in formation of new substances, nor do they involve a change in composition.译文:物理变化不生成新的物质,也不改变物质的 成分。H. Objects converted into Predicates(宾语转作 谓语)4.2 Conversion of Impersonal Subjects(转 换非人称主语)Impersonal subjects are far more often found in English than in Chinese, hence the necessity of their conversion into personal or other subjects in Chinese.English sentences with impersonal subjects (abstract nouns, events, expressions, names of things, nominal phrases, etc. as subjects), being rhetorically flavored with personification( 拟人化色彩) or euphemism(语气委婉),are well- built and condensed. Although simple grammatically, these sentences often imply certain logical relations or temporal sequences, expressing what would be represented by compound or complex structures.The translation of these sentences therefore is an art involving a number of techniques, such as Conversion, Division, Inversion, Addition, the change of structures, and the extension of the meanings of words.4.2.1 Convert Impersonal Subjects into Personal or Other Subjects(把非人称主语 转换为人称主语或其他主语)1. Not a sound reached our ears.译文:我们没有听到任何声音。2. No complaints passed her lips.译文:她从不抱怨。3. To make her his queen never entered his mind. 译文:他从来也没有想到要把她娶为皇后。4. Words fail me. 译文:我(吓得)就是说不出话来!4.2.2 Convert Impersonal Subjects and Split English Simple Sentences into Chinese Complex Sentences(转换非人称主 语,把英语的简单句拆成汉语的复合句)1. The sight of the orphan always reminds me of her parents.译文:一看到那孤儿,我便想起她的父母亲。2. To accept this position would involve my living in London. 译文:如果我接受这个职务,我就必须住在伦敦。3. I am very sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from sending an earlier reply to your letter.译文:(我因为)近来忙于各种事务,未能早些复 信,深感抱歉。4.2.3 Convert Impersonal Subjects into Chinese Adverbials or Prepositional Phrases(把非人称主语转换成汉语的状语或介词短 语)1.March 1940 found me working in a small construction firm.译文:1940年3月,我在一家小型建筑公司工作。2. The year 1959 saw the first appearance of a real flying ship in the world.译文:1959年,世界上首次出现了一艘真正会飞 的船。4. No city on American soil had known such destruction.译文:在美国国土上,没有一座城市曾经遭受过如此 严重的破坏。4.2.4 Convert Impersonal Subjects and Split English Sentences, Simple or Complex, into Chinese Compound or Run-on Sentences(转换非人称主语,把英语 的简单句或复合句拆成汉语的并列分句或流水句)3. My first experience of bottle-feeding a lamb came towards the end of the season.译文:我第一次用奶瓶喂羊羔,是在生产羔季节临近 结束的时候。2. The satisfaction of Miss Bennets mind gave such a glow of sweet animation to her face.译文:贝内特小姐心满意足,不禁桃腮犯晕,流露出 一丝激动的神情来。译文:我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没有 。1. The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 译文:这儿沙滩闪烁,松林掩映,远山连绵,自有一 种心旷神怡的气氛。3. Its gleaming sands and backdrop of pinewoods and distant hills lend it a pleasant and restful atmosphere.4.2.5 Convert Impersonal Subjects into Chinese “Extra-position Elements ”(把非 人称主语转换成汉语的外位成分,汉语的主语用“这 ”来代称这个外位成分)1. My two great isolating experiences have given me an almost mystical sense of identity with all suffering humanity.译文:我有过两次不同场合的重要经历,这使我产生 了一种几乎带有神秘色彩的同情心而站在一切受苦人 一边。2. The Kaleidoscope of shifting interests of the nations during the negotiation made it impossible to sort out the “winners” and “losers”. 译文:在谈判期间,各国的利益变化不定,好像万花 筒似的,这就使人难以分辨出究竟谁是“胜利者”,谁 是“输家”。4.3 Conversion of perspectives(转换视角 )Translation is based on the assumption that
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