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Unit 2 There are few doctors, so he had to work very hard.Reading and vocabularyWork in pairs. Write five things you know about Norman Bethune. Use the words in the box to help you.army Canada doctor hospital medicine soldier travel treatment ChinaNorman Bethune (18901939 )He came from Canada.He was Canadian.in the First World Warwent to the front He gave his life to helping the chinese people.In 1961He invented medical tools.injured soldierHe invented new treatments.The doctor will treat the injured soldier.He came to China to treat the Chinese soldiers in the mountains north of Yanan.He gave treatment to local people and soldier.wrote booksHe continued working in spite of cutting his hand.Once , he performed operations for 69 hours without stopping.He died because he did not stop to take care of his hand.Read the passage and answer the questions.1.What made Dr Norman Bethune a hero in China?2.How did Norman Bethune die?His work with the Chinese soldiers.He cut his hand during an operation, but he did not stop to take care of his hand.找出下列问题所在的段落。1.Why did he write books?2.How long did he once do operations without stopping?3.Why did he invent new ways to treat soldiers?4.Why was he a hero in China?5.Why did he come to China?Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 2Paragraph 5Paragraph 3Reading Read the passage and check your answers to Activity 1.Put the events in orderA. Born in 1890. B. Started hospitals and wrote books about new treatments. C. Worked with soldiers in the First World War. D. Invented medicinal tools to use outside hospitals. E. Came to China. F. Died.ACDEBFPair work Ask and the questions. Give reasons with so that. 1. He/go to countries with wars? Treat/soldiersWhy did he go to countries with wars?He went to countries with wars so that he could treat soldiers.2. He/invent new ways to treat soldiers? Stop/so many soldiers dyingWhy did he invent new ways to treat soldiers?He invented new ways to treat soldiers so that he could stop so many soldiers dying.3. He/invent new tools for operations? help/soldiers Why did he invent new tools for operations?He invented new tools for operations so that he could help soldiers.4. He/start new hospitals in China? People/ have treatment Why did he start new hospitals in China?He started new hospitals in China so thatpeople could have treatment.Writing Look at the facts about Norman Bethune in Activity 2. Now look at the facts about Yuan long ping and write a passage about him. Born in Beijing in 1930Studied in Southwest Agricultural College 1973: developed new rice both. and. 的用法: both A and B = A and B 例: 1. You and John are students.(你和 John 都是学生。) 2. Both you and John are students.give ones life to doing sth 赖宁为救火而献出了自己年轻的生命 。 Lai Ning gave his young life to putting the fire out 谭老师为救孩子在地震中献出了自己的生命 。 Mr Tan gave his life to saving the childrens lives in the earthquake.treat v. to give medical care or attention to a person, 你能治疗这种病吗? Are you able to treat this disease? 她因中暑而接受治疗。 She was treated for sunstroke treatment nthe methods used to make a sick person better 他已住院接受特殊治疗。 He has gone to hospital for special treatment continue doing sth 她想结婚后继续工作。 She wanted to continue working after she was married 这场雨整整一下午都下个不停。 The rain continued falling all afternoon in spite of “不管,尽管 ” 尽管年事已高,他依旧过着一种积 极的生活。 In spite of his age,he still leads an active life 他们无视所有那些危险水域告示牌,还是 去游泳了。 They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs 情态动词(表示推测)1.She cant be a teacher.(她不可能是老师)2.John must be over 70 years old.(约翰肯定70多岁了)Exercise首字母填空:nThe soldier joined the a_ in 2005.nNorman Bethune is a famous C_ doctor.nThe doctor joined a m_ team to work in a village.nAll the old people get free t_ in this hospital when they are ill.rmyanadianreatmentedicalKnow and Learn from real heroes 姓名:刘翔 出生地:上海 生日:1983.7.13 项目:110米跨栏 辉煌战绩 00年世青赛男子110米栏第4名 ;01年全运会、东亚运动会、 世界大学生运动会男子110米 栏冠军;02年瑞士洛桑国际大 奖赛以13秒12的成绩打破男子 110米栏亚洲纪录;04年110米 栏奥运冠军,他12秒91的成绩 打破奥运会纪录,并追平世界 纪录,06月7月12日,在洛桑 田径黄金联赛中以12秒88打破 了由科林杰克逊保持了13年之 久的世界纪录。07年2月11日 ,在德国田径室内赛上他以 7.42打破了60米栏亚洲纪录。 6月10日,中国选手刘翔在美 国尤金大奖赛男子110米栏比 赛中, 以13秒23的成绩获得冠军。姓名: 杨利伟民族:汉出生年月:1965年6月21日 籍贯:辽宁省葫芦岛市 身高:168厘米 杨利伟是中华人民共和 国第一位进入太空的太空人 ,大学文化,中国人民解放 军空军大校军衔。他是中国 培养的第一代航天员。记者曾问杨利伟,你对 航天员的职业怎么看?他说 ,在飞天的征程上,不仅充 满了艰辛,风险也时刻存在 ,许多勇士还为此付出了生 命,但征服太空是航天员的 神圣使命,作为一名军人, 就是要时刻准备奉献和牺牲 。史蒂芬霍金是英国物理学家, 他用毕生精力研究黑洞普通物 理学定理不再适用的时空领域) 和宇宙起源大爆炸原理。他提 出黑洞能发射辐射的预言现是 一个公认的假说。 霍金患有严重的肌萎缩、性脊 髓侧索硬化症,行动困难,长 年在轮椅上,于1985年动了一 次 气管手术,从此失去了说话的 能力。 1974年,他当选为英国 皇家学会最年轻的会员;1979 年,任剑桥大学卢卡逊讲座教 授,这是牛顿曾经担任过的职 位。弗洛伦斯-南丁格尔(1820-1910) 。1820年,弗洛伦斯-南丁格尔 生于英国一个富裕家庭,但她不 甘心于终身被禁锢在狭窄的家庭 圈子里,一心想成为一个优秀的 护士,以改变资产阶级社会鄙视 护士的观念。 1854年3月, 克里米亚战争爆发 ,1854年10月,南丁格尔率领38 名年轻妇女组成的护士团赴斯库 台,由于她们的护理工作获得很 大的成果,使国内各界人士开始 尊敬她和她的事业。 人们称她为“明灯女士”。她终身未嫁。著有医院管理 须知、护理须知等。 被英 国皇室授予伦敦城自由奖,这是 英国历史上国王第一次把这种荣 誉授予一个女性。比尔-盖茨(William H. Gates)比尔-盖茨是微软公司主席和 首席软件架构师。微软公司在个人 计算和商
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