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Lesson 43Let Me Check My Calendar用适当的关系词填空: 1. The boy _ we saw yesterday is Tom2. The place _ they visited is very famous.3. The nurse _ is taking the old mans temperature is my aunt.4. How can I get to the bookshop _ has a lot of history books?5. The girl _ hat is red is so pretty.who/whom/that/不填which/that/不填who/thatwhich/that whose用适当的关系词填空: 6. Thats the girl _ we talked about yesterday.7. The man with _ we had a talk just now isnt in the gym.8. A zoo is a park in _ many kinks of animals are kept for exhibition.9. Titanic is the only film _ I have seen twice.10. Everything _ I said was true.11. This is the strongest animal _ Ive ever seen.that /不填who/whom/that /不填whomwhichthat /不填that /不填用适当的关系词填空: 12. The writer and his novel _ youve just talked about is really well-known.13. This is the factory _ they work.14. This is the factory _ they went to visit next week.15. I still remember the day _ I first met her.16. April 1st is the day _ is called April Fools Day in the west.17. We cant tell you the reason _ she was late for school.that /不填wherewhich/that/不填whenwhich/that whyFill in the blanks with proper prepositions or adverbs:1. When I grow _, I want to be a car designer. I want a job _ a big car company.2. Athletes in different countries are all busy getting ready _ the 29th Olympics.3. We must find _ who made our classroom so dirty.4. _ first I wanted to be an actress.5. I looked _ the Internet to find one university.6. After I graduate _ high school, I plan to go there.7. I already have some money _ my education.8. She wants to draw plans _ them.up withforoutAtonfromforforFill in each blank with the proper word from the brackets:1. I dream to be a _(design) in the future.2. Jiang Wenli is a well-known _(act). I like her very much.3. I hope to go to university to get good _(educate).4. My _(hobby) are swimming, skating, running and reading.5. Congratulations! I am _(real) happy for you.6. Where do you plan _(go) this weekend?7. Many students went to the Summer Palace yesterday, _(include) me.8. Its very expensive _(study) in the United States.9. I will also need a _(collect) of my _(draw) and ideas.designer actresseducationhobbiesreallyto goincludingto studycollectiondrawingsA task: What job do you want to do after you graduate from high school? What do you need to study to get that job? What else do you need to do? Write a plan to help your dream come true. Try using this pattern:To get my job, first _, then _ and finally, _.”pilotfire fighterbutchermerchanttailorThink about it!1. What does a student do?2. What does a lawyer do?3. What about a merchant?4. What would you like to be? And why?Read quickly and answer the questions:1. What does a lawyer do?2. What about a merchant?help people understand and use lawshelp people who are in trouble with the law and also help put criminals in prisonLanguage notes:steal stole stolen “偷, 窃取”steal sth. “窃取某物”steal sth. for sb. “为某人窃取某物”steal sth. from sb. “从某人那里偷盗,偷某人的某物”have sth. stolen “某物被偷”1. Find out what he stole.Who has stolen my bike?He stole the bag for her.He stole some money from the passenger on the bus.She has had her purse stolen.2. 12:00 pm In court with Earl.in court “在法庭上”Ill meet him in court tomorrow.Language notes:dinner n. “晚餐;正餐” 通常其前不加任何冠词, 但当dinner前面带有形容词时, 其前可带 aearly dinner 午时的正餐late dinner 晚时的正餐be at dinner 在吃饭have dinner 吃饭ask sb. to dinner 请某人吃饭Its time for dinner. 是吃饭的时候了。We have a good dinner together. dinner n. “晚宴”a state dinner 国宴give sb. a dinner for/in honor of sb. 设宴招待某人3. Dinner with Mother.Language notes:pick v. “摘,采(花朵、果实)等”pick up “拾起, 捡起”4. 7:30 am Pick up pants from the tailor.pick cotton/apples Please pick up the pen on the floor.Pick it up. Pick them up.5. Make sure they are long enough this time.make sure “确定, 确信, 证实” 后面常跟宾语从句Make sure that the room is locked before you leave.Please make sure that the lights are turned off.Language notes:enough n. “足够, 充分”Enough has been said on this subject.Ive got enough to do at the moment.enough adj. “足够的, 充分的”做定语修饰名词, 可放在名词的前面或后面也可作表语Do you have enough time? = Do you have time enough?Six bottles of wine will be enough.enough adv. “充分地, 足够地”用于修饰动词、形容词或副词, 但要放在所修饰的动词、形容词和副词之后Have you played enough?The box is light enough for me to carry.She stayed there long enough.Language notes:常用句型: enough (for sb.) to do sth. “足够(某人) 做某事”常和 so that 句型发生转换It was cold enough to wear a fur coat.The house is big enough for three of us to live.He is so strong that he can lift th
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