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句子成分(课堂版)Introduction1.学习语法的重要性 2.学习语法的方法善于思考归类,系统分析,不断总结规律 ,还要多练习,多应用。第一讲 相关概念缩写字母 原词 代表词性n. noun 名词 v. verb 动词 vt. transitive verb 及物动词 vi. intransitive verb 不及物动词 modal v modal verb 情态动词 aux. v. auxiliary verb 助动词gerund gerund 动名词pp. present participle 现在分词pp. past participle 过去分词考点1 词性的英文缩写缩写字母 原词 代表词性adj. adjective 形容词 adv. adverb 副词 num.numeral 数词 interj.interjection 感叹词 pron. pronoun 代词 prep.preposition 介词 art.article 冠词 conjconjunction 连词 考点2. 及物动词和不及物动词 实义动词后面跟宾语时,这个动词是及物 动词。 实义动词后面不跟宾语时,此时这个动词 是不及物动词。 The door opened. (open后面没跟宾语,此时,open是不及 物动词。) He opened the door. (open后面有宾语the door, 此时,open是 及物动词)注意:英语中一个动词是及物动词还是不及物 动词,关键是看它用在句中时后面是否跟宾 语。 有些动词既可作及物动词又可作不及物动词, 词义相同。如: The meeting began at six. We began the meeting at six. 有些动词既可作及物动词又可作不及物动 词,但词义不同。如: The man walked away. (walk不及物,意为 “走”) He walked the dog every day.( walk及物动 词,“遛”) She walked me to my car.(陪同,陪伴护送) She washes clothes at home. (wash vt.,“洗 ”) The clothes washes well. (wash vi.,“耐洗 ”)Ex. 1 指出下列句中划线动词是及物动词还是 不及物动词,及物填 vt.,不及物填 vi. Most birds can fly.( ) The children are flying kites in the park. ( ) It happened yesterday.( ) My watch stopped.( ) The baby stopped crying when he saw his mother. ( ) She spoke at the meeting this morning. ( ) Shall I begin at once?( ) She began working as a teacher after she left school.( )( ) When did they leave Beijing?( ) They left last week. ( )Ex. 1 指出下列句中划线动词是及物动词还是 不及物动词,及物填 vt.,不及物填vi. Most birds can fly.( ) The children are flying kites in the park. ( ) It happened yesterday.( ) My watch stopped.( ) The baby stopped crying when he saw his mother. ( ) She spoke at the meeting this morning. ( ) Shall I begin at once?( ) She began working as a teacher after she left school.( )( ) When did they leave Beijing?( ) They left last week. ( )Vi. Vt. Vi. Vt. Vi. Vi. Vi. Vt. Vt. Vt. Vi. 考点3. 实义动词、助动词与情态动词 实义动词 指的是那些意义完全且能够独立作谓语的 动词。如: He lives quite near. (live“住”,有明确的意 义,单独作谓语,为实义动词) I like reading. (like “喜欢”,意思明确, 单独作谓语,为实义动词) I bought a pen yesterday. (bought “买”, 意义明确,单独作谓语,为实义动词)助动词 助动词的“助”,是“帮助”之意。因此 ,助动词是指那些用来帮助构成时态 、语态、虚拟语气、疑问句、否定句 和倒装句和帮助强调的词。这些词本 身无词汇意义或意义不完全,不能单 独作谓语。帮助构成时态的 The boy is crying. He has arrived. I have been painting all day. 帮助构成否定句和疑问句的: Does he like English? He doesnt have lunch at home.帮助构成被动语态的 Trees are planted in spring. The house has been pulled down.帮助构成虚拟语气If he had come yesterday, I wouldnt have made such a mistake. 帮助构成倒装句的So did he love his mother that he bought her many presents on her birthday. 帮助构成强调意义的He did come yesterday.因此可以看出,常见的助动词为do, be, have,它们为基本助动词。一个词既可以作实义动词也可以作助动 词,具体是哪一种,主要看它们在句中 的功能。He did his homework at seven oclock. Did he do his homework yesterday? He has had breakfast. 实义动词助动词实义动词助动词实义动词Ex. 2指出下列斜体单词是实(义动词) 还是助(动词): 1.Does ( ) he like ( ) swimming? 2.He does ( ) like ( ) swimming. 3.Where does( ) he live ( )? 4.He does ( ) some washing after work. 5.He has ( ) had ( )supper already. 6.The bridge has( ) been( ) built( ) now. 7.I have ( ) been ( )waiting ( ) for you all day. 8.He was ( ) struck ( )by a stone.Ex. 2指出下列斜体单词是实义动词还是助 动词: 1.Does ( ) he like ( ) swimming? 2.He does ( ) like ( ) swimming. 3.Where does( ) he live ( )? 4.He does ( ) some washing after work. 5.He has ( ) had ( )supper already. 6.The bridge has( ) been( ) built ( ) now. 7.I have ( ) been ( )waiting ( ) for you all day. 8.He was ( ) struck ( )by a stone.助实 助实 助实实助 助助实助助实助实实情态动词 情态动词同助动词一样,不能单独作谓语 ,要和实义动词一起作谓语。因此,情态 动词也称为情态助动词。情态动词同基本 助动词的区别在于,基本助动词本身无意 义,而情态动词有自己的意义。如: He can swim across the river. You must stay at home. I might leave tomorrow. 能够 必须 或许考点4. 谓语和非谓语在英语中,一个主谓结构中只能有 一个谓语,再出现动词时,要变成非 谓语形式,即:to do, doing, done.Ex. 3 先找出句中的谓语,然后改正句中的错 误,并说明原因: 1. Get up early is good for our health. 2. I want go home now. 3. My favorite sport is play football. 4. There is a bird sings in the tree. 5. The boy sits over there likes singing. 6. The house was built last year has been sold out. 7. The girls are singing over there are my classmates. 8. My parents wanted him work hard. 9. I remember saw him that day. 10. I saw him walked into the building. Ex. 3 先找出句中的谓语,然后改正句中的错 误,并说明原因: 1. Get up early is good for our health. 2. I want go home now. 3. My favorite sport is play football. 4. There is a bird sings in the tree. 5. The boy sits over there likes singing. 6. The house was built last year has been sold out. 7. The girls are singing over there are my classmates. 8. My parents wanted him work hard. 9. I remember saw him that day. 10. I saw him walked into the building. Getting go 前加to playplaying sings singing sits sittinghim 后加 tosaw seeingwalked walk/walking考点5. 主动关系和被动关系 先看下面两个题: 1. _ wonderful, this kind of food enjoyed a good sale . A. Tasted B. Being t
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