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-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 学生关于家庭英语演讲稿My(精选多篇)hello, everyone, im liu dongdong. im a student. there are three people in My familyMy father, mother and i. My father is 40 years old. he is a worker. i think he is a good worker. because he works very hard. he gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. so he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets home. he likes reading newspapers. he usually reads it after supper. so he gets lots of news. My mother is 38 years old. she is a -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 worker too. she works in a very small factory. she is not tall and she has two big eyes. she loves me and she is good for me. she always buys some books for me. she wants me to be a top student. she also cares for My diet and life. i m 15 years old. i wear glasses. i like reading. i always read books after school. i like singing, too. My favorite singer is jay chou. his music is very nice. what do you think of him? i also like making friends. if you want to meet me, please write to me. oh, My parents love me and i love them, too. My family is a happy family. 各位好,我是刘东懂。我是一名 学生。有 3 人在我的家人,我的父亲, 母亲和我。 我父亲是 40 岁。他是一名工人。 我认为他是一个很好的工人。因为他的 作品很难。他起床很早,他每天工作超-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 过 10 小时。所以,他总是很忙,他看 上去很疲惫,当他回家。他喜欢阅读报 纸。他通常晚饭后读取它。于是,他得 到大量的新闻。 我母亲 38 岁。她是一个工人也。 她的作品在一个非常小的工厂。她个子 不高,她有两个大眼睛。她爱我,她对 我来说是很好的。她总是购买一些书籍 对我来说。她希望我是一个顶端的学生。 她还关心我的饮食和生活。 我 15 岁。我戴眼镜。我喜欢阅 读。我一直在学校读书。我喜欢唱歌, 也。我最喜爱的歌手是周杰伦。他的音 乐是非常好的。你觉得呢?我也喜欢结 交朋友。如果你想和我会面,请写信给 我。 噢,我的父母爱我,我也很爱他 们。我的家庭是一个幸福的家庭。students, guests , teachers and honorable judgesgood morning !My great pleasure to share My -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 dream with you today.when i was a child, i wanted to be a teacher. My father was a teacher, and he taught me a lot. i worshiped him very much. on My tenth birthday, he asked me,“what do you want to be when you grow up?”i answered proudly,“i want to be a teacher like you!”on hearing this, My father was very happy and said to me, “work hard and your dream will come true.” not long ago, one of My primary school teachers was ill. she wanted me to take her place for two weeks. i was glad but nervous. My father said to me,“this is a good chance. seize it! i wish you success!” when i came into the classroom, the children were very happy. i introduced Myself to them. soon, i got on well with them. they all liked me and i loved them. with My father and headmasters help, i did the work very well. now, i often miss those lovely children. that experience had made me -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 even more interested in being a teacher in the future.thank you very much.My dreamgood afternoon, everyone! im sure everyone has a dream of his own. today id like to share My dream with you.dream is a beautiful word for me. when i was a child, i often thought i would be a heroine to save the world. as the time goes by, i have knowned the superman and the superwoman is just a childs fairy tale. but its unimportant for me. i also want to save our world in My own way. at one point, i have considered becoming a doctor. in everyones opinion the doctor can save people from death. but im a student who is not learning anything about chemistry and biology. so this dream hardly comes true. but i dont lose My heart, i had known there are many jobs we -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 can do if we want to save our world. not only to be a superman or a doctor, but also to be a volunteer.as we all known, a peace-loving people will inserted flowers into the gunpoint; an environmentalists will advise people to protect the environment. they will try their best to save our world
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