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-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 工业分析与检验专业英文自荐信(精选多篇)dear sir or madam:sincerely thank you for reading my applications.i graduated from lanzhou petrochemical college of technology. as anindustrial analysis and testing professional student, i love my major and put agreat deal of enthusiasm and energy. in our school, i learned chemical analysis,instrumental analysis, industry analysis, english and mathematics etc.i got the certificate of analysis and intermediate certificate in computeroperation. in addition i have -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 passed the college english 4 in 2014. also i haveparticipated in rigorous training in analytical skills. so i can skillfullyoperate various experiments. not only that, i also actively participated inpart-time internship in order to enrich my experience and to improve myoperating skills.during my school time, i have developed the rigorous scholarship and thequality of serious work. i am not only simple and honest, but also i can endurehardship, almost as i was born in a peasant family and i lived in rural areasfor a long time. i am optimistic and i have a good relationship in ourclass.now i was in the golden age of life, and i am eager to show my talent in avast world. i am not satisfied with the current level of knowledge and i lookforward to training in practice. i have learned about the development prospectsof your company. i very much hope to join your -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 company. so i recommend myselfand hope i could serve for your company.工业分析与检验专业介绍学院重点建设专业,学院精品专 业专业前景工业分析与检验技术在国民经济 建设中,具有特殊的地位和作用,素有 工农业生产的“眼睛”和科学研究的“参 谋”之称。作为一种检测工作,其行业 覆盖面宽,应用领域十分广泛,在湖南 省“十一五”中,新型工业化带动作用明 显增强,做大并形成了机械、食品、石 化、有色、建材、冶金、轻工、文化、 旅游等 9 大千亿产业,全省工业化率达 39.5%。并且在“十二五”规划纲要中提 出:工业化率达 44%,长株潭首位度和 辐射带动能力进一步增强。工业化和城 镇化的增长,必将对工业产品和人民生 活质量都有更高的要求,也就必将对相 应的产品进行更严厉的监督,为工业分 析与检验专业带来更好的发展机会,为-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 该专业人才创造更多的就业机会。就业面向学生毕业后能在化工、环保、石 油、轻工、医药、冶金、地质、建材等 部门进行分析检验工作及实验室的组织 管理工作,并能参与对分析方法的选择、 改进和制订等科研工作。在外贸、商检、 环保、精细化工、食品、医药、纺织、 化妆品、建材、石油等部门从事化学分 析、生产技术管理、产品质量监控、化 学检测、现代仪器分析。在工业企业从 事原料及产品的化学成份、结构分析及 污染监测等工作。 就业面广,属于新 型专业,未来两年前景不错。核心课程基础化学、分析化学、电化学分 析、色谱分析、光学分析、现代分析技 术、电工电子技术基础、分析仪器与技 术、仪器分析、计算机在分析检测中的 应用、数理统计在分析检测中的应用、 综合实验、认识实习、生产实习、毕业 实习、毕业设计等,以及各校的主要特-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 色课程和实践环节。 实验室情况本专业拥有专业实训室 15 间, 拥有气相色谱仪、液相色谱仪、离子色 谱仪及原子吸收仪等现代化仪器设备, 价值 1000 余万元。学生获奖在全国第二、三届石油与化工院 校学生化学检验工技能大赛中,本专业 学生获得团体二等奖 2 个,个人全能二 等奖 3 个,个人全能三等奖 4 个。 学 生就业情况本专业就业面宽,毕业生就业率 100%,涉及环保、化工、食品、矿产 等多个行业,供不应求。dear sir or madam:sincerely thank you for reading my applications.i graduated from lanzhou petrochemical college of technology. as an industrial analysis and testing professional student, i love my major and put a great deal of enthusiasm and energy. in our -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 school, i learned chemical analysis, instrumental analysis, industry analysis, english and mathematics etc. i got the certificate of analysis and intermediate certificate in computer operation. in addition i have passed the college english 4 in 2014. also i have participated in rigorous training in analytical skills. so i can skillfully operate various experiments. not only that, i also actively participated in part-time internship in order to enrich my experience and to improve my operating skills.during my school time, i have developed the rigorous scholarship and the quality of serious work. i am not only simple and honest, but also i can endure hardship, almost as i was born in a peasant family and i lived in rural areas for a long time. i am optimistic and i have a good relationship in our class.now i was in the golden age of life, -
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