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Luoyang Center Primary SchoolShen Fangying( The first period )last weektodayyesterdayNational Day National Day holidaythis weekOctoberNational Daywent(go的过去式)had(have的过去式)played(play的过去式)watched(watch的过去式)What did I do on National Day?What did you do on National Day? I played and played in Hongmei Park. I went there happily.What else did you do on National Day?I watched TV. And I had lunch with my family.Where were they on National Day? They were on the farm.They visited the farmWhat did they do on National Day?Unit 5 On the farmafter the holiday 在假期以后the first day of school after the holiday 假期以后上学的第一天 go to school early 早早地到学校去 before class 在课前Read and judge(读并判断)1. It is the National Day holiday today. ( )2. Today is the first day of school after the holiday. ( )3. Nancy goes to school early. ( )4. Helen and Nancy meet in the school playground. ( )5. They meet after class. ( )wasHelenbefore classlast weekWhat did Nacy/Helen do last week?当我们听较长的对话或短文时,可以尝试速记, 如记录关键信息的单词首字母。Learning tip (学习方法小提示):Take notes(速记):What did Nacy/Helen do last week?Nacy: Watch a filmwWhat did Nacy/Helen do last week?1.Read the text by yourselves. Pay attention to the questions.独立朗读课文对话,注意问句。2. Underline the main questions in the text. You may discuss with each other. 在课文的主要问题下划线,可以相互讨论。Who When ActivitiesNancyHelenon Wednesdaywatched a filmon Monday and Tuesdayvisited a farmOn Monday On Tuesdaywatered trees watered flowers milked cows pulled up carrots collected eggs cooked food picked oranges tasted pears tasted orangesWhat did Nacy/Helen do last week?3.Read the text in different roles. Find the answers.小组内分角色朗读对话,寻找答句。(圈出新单词和短语)当我们在阅读时,如果遇到不认识的新单词或 短语,可以尝试根据上下文和语境推测词义。Learning tip (学习方法小提示):New WordsNew Wordsp pu ull ll u up cp ca arrrro otstsmmi ilk clk cowows cs co oll lle ectct e eggsggsf fu un nwwa ater trter treeees sp pi ick ck o or ra angnge es ts ta astste e o or ra angnge es swwa ater trter treeees sNew WordsNew WordsOn Monday, we watered trees and pulled upcarrots. p pu ull ll u up cp ca arrrro otstsNew WordsNew Wordsmmi ilk clk cowows cs co oll lle ectct e eggsggsWe milked cows.We collected eggs.New WordsNew Wordsp pi ick ck o or ra angnge es ts ta astste e o or ra angnge es sWe picked a lot of oranges and tasted them.New WordsNew Wordsf fu un nThat was fun.It is an interesting thing. And we have a good time there.On the farm What,what, what did you do? Visited,visited, visited a farm Milked, milked, milked cows What,what, what else did you do? Collected, collected, collected eggs Pulled, Pulled, Pulled up carrots Oh, oh, they were fun!/t/ /d/ /id/watched watered visitedpicked pulled collectedmilked played neededtasted* 动词过去式一般的加ed。以不发音的e结尾直接加d 。特殊变化需牢记。How do they talk about last week?4. Lets talk about ast week together.(让我们一起谈一谈课文中人物的活动吧!)Read and complete(读并完成句子)Last weekLast week was the National Day holiday. Nancy( )with her family. It was a( )cartoon, they all ( )it very much. On Monday and Tuesday I ( ) with my family . On Monday, we ( )and( ).On Tuesday, we ( ) and ( ). There were many( ) trees on the farm .They were apple trees,( ) and pear trees. We ( ) and tasted them.visited a farm watered treespulled up carrots milked cowscollected eggsfruit orange trees picked a lot of orangeswatched a filmfunnylikedTry to talk about last week according to the text! 你能根据课文内容谈论或介绍不同人物的相关内容吗?Try to talk about last week in groups. 小组内根据关键词提示交流或复述课文中不同人物的相关内容。Learning tip (学习方法小提示): 当我们根据课文内容交流或表达时,可以整理出 文中的关键词语作为提示。last weekNancyon Wednesday watch a film Helen visite a farmon Monday water treespull up carrotson Tuesday milk cowscollect eggspick orangestaste orangesRead and judge(读并判断) Tom: Hi, Ben and Yang Ling.Ben and Yang Ling: Hi, Tom.Tom: Ben , it was the National Day holiday last week. What did you do ? Ben: I visited a farm with my parents. We milked cows and picked oranges. We had lotsof fun. How about you, Yang Ling? Yang Ling: I visited my grandparents with my parents on Mid-Autumn Festival. We hadmoon cakes and watched the moon. It was beautiful. And you, Tom?Tom: On Monday, it was my cousins birthday. We played computer games with her friends. On Wednesday, I was at home. I cooked dinner and watered flower for my parents. It was fun!Yang Ling: We all really had a good time on National Day holiday.Read and choose(读并选择)( ) 1. It was last week. A. weekend B. Sports Day C. the National Day holiday ( )2. On National Day Ben
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