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以“礼物”为主题写一篇作文。该文章必须包括以下内容:1、你送礼物的对象及所送的礼物;2、该礼物对他(她)可能产生的影响或带来的变化。(1) 审题(占文章主要部分)(2) 组织文章结构. Head:. Body:. Ending:引出礼物的主题 礼物+送的对象送他(她)礼物的原因(1、2句过渡)影响或变化1影响或变化2支持句支持句支持句支持句希望他(她)喜欢礼物(11)重申礼物的含义(3) 充实每一句的内容影响或变化1 支持句 影响或变化2 支持句影响或变化3 支持句影响或变化1 支持句支持句影响或变化2 支持句支持句影响或变化1 支持句影响或变化2 支持句影响或变化3 支持句档次内容语言组织结 构A9-109-104-5B7-87-83C5-65-62D3-43-41E0-20-20Gifts are the things which is full of love. Just like I deliveres gift to my grandparents every year when they have birthday. I gave presents to them not only to prove my love but also show that although they are old, I still thank them and remember them.aredeliverason their birthdays,to showgive 语法错误、表达不准确 未进入话题,偏题 开头太长、不简洁In this summer holiday, my best friends went abroad from England to study. I wouldnt like to leave her, but I know this idea is helpful for her. I ready the most important present to sell her. It is a camera. friendtoI sent her a camera which was a most unforgettable present. Chinglish 词汇的正确使用 语法错误recently,Im thinking about what I can buy for Susan who is my best friend. Because her birthday is coming. After a long-time thinking, I decide to buy some books for her. Because she loves reading very much. , because, becauseKnowing that she loves reading, I decide to buy some books. 需使用不同句式 ChinglishIn the evening, we had a dinner together and sang a “happy birthday” song to my grandmother. At last, I gave my gift to grandma and when she got the gift, She was very surprise, because this is my first gift to her. I stand between my grandma and grandfather. I looked at my grandma. Then said with smile,“ Grandma, you can see it!” She looked the gift which was wrapped up in color paper and put the box out of the paper carefully. Then she happily . I said: “Happy birthday and I love you dear grandma!” I think its a wonderful day. 语言错误 偏题surprised stoodLooked at colorfultook She felt very happyit wasI think, I will give my mother a bike as her gift. And I believe it will make she some changes. First, going to work by bike is more convenience than by bus. Secondly, cycling a bike is a popular way going out in US, England and so on. Whats more, my mother has a little fat and goes out by bike can help she to loses weight. The most important is that going out by bike wont pollute the air.bring her some changes.Firstly,convenientcyclingto go outisgoing outherloseThe most important thing 语言错误 部分语句偏离主题I have a friend who named Tom. He is famous for that he goes to school out of the time everyday. He always sleep later in the morning. Although his home is near by the school. It is necessary for me to call him to get up early. When his birthday is coming, I bought a clock to him. It is notice him dont be later for school. A few days ago , he give up his bad habit and go to school on time. I thought I helped him in right way and I feel very happy that can help other who got in trouble. After that time, we become good friend and help each other.My friend, Tom, used to go to school late.,because he always got up late.helpOn his birthday, I sent him a clock in order to remind him not to.be late for school.later gavewent aso thatfeltbecame 语言错误 内容较切题,相对完整I sent a book called “confidence” to my friend to make her confidentFrom what is mentioned above, it is crystal clear that we should be confident, we are more powerful than we considered. 总结偏离主题 没有和开头相呼应This Saturday will be my best friends birthday. I would like to give her a book as the birthday present.So I choose to give her this present. I really hope she will like it.As is mentioned above, the book may benefit so much that it is the best present for her.In terms of this present, it has tremendous benefits to my sister. Not only can her get joy and knowledge when she plays the I-touch, but also the present improves our friendship.以“礼物”为主题写一篇作文。该文章必须包括以下内容:1、你送礼物的对象及所送的礼物;2、该礼物对他(她)可能产生的影响或带来的变化。(1) 审题(占文章主要部分)(2) 组织文章结构. Head:. Body:. Ending:引出礼物的主题 礼物+送的对象送他(她)礼物的原因(1、2句过渡)影响或变化1影响或变化2支持句支持句支持句支持句希望他(她)喜欢礼物(11)重申礼物的含义(3) 充实每一句的内容影响或变化1 支持句 影响或变化2 支持句影响或变化3 支持句影响或变化1 支持句支持句影响或变化2 支持句支持句影响或变化1 支持句影响或变化2 支持句影响或变化3 支持句送朋友Tom手表Tom有迟到的习惯 有时间观念 别人觉得他可信任自己的工作、学习更高效 在新环境中解相思之仇 想起过去一起度过的时光 作为鼓励在新环境中更好地生活和学习
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