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T H ED I F F E R E N CThe difference between people in china and the west in their ways of praisingIn the cross-cultural communication between China and the West, the compliment(恭维) is one of the most widely used language behaviors. But this language behavior has special performance mode and content, and distinct(完 全不同的) national characteristics. We can see from the differences that the compliments of the Chinese reflected in the “British Columbia(不列颠哥伦比亚 省) has respect for (尊敬)people ”, while Americans “respect for people”not “humble self” at the same time. In American culture, anyone can give a compliment or be complimented. Especially the women, who are the object of compliment or praising, may be complimented for the replacement of the hair style and the change of clothing. However, womens appearance is even the focus of compliments. Regardless of her age, career and social status, she can be complimented. So are the men, children and elderly. When an American woman is complimented, she wont feel shy, instead, she thinks it is decent(体面的). In Chinese culture, anyone can give a compliment or be complimented, but it should have points among men and women, old and young, seniors and juniors(尊卑). Womens appearance is often the target, but is generally between female and female. A boy may be regarded as “vulgar(庸俗的)” if he compliment on an unfamiliar woman about her appearance. If an American boy praised a Chinese girl he met, “you are a sexy girl“, he probably will receive heavy scolding. Mens compliment on the appearance of others wives is a taboo(禁忌). As for(就方面来说) the abilities and achievements, the praises and the compliments in American culture and Chinese culture also exist differences. In American culture, it is a serious judgment when others abilities and achievements are included in the compliments. Only those who have the ability and higher social status have the power to praise the achievements of others. This kind of praises or compliments usually appear between the upper and lower levels people of different social status. In addition, that the lowers judgments on the superiors cant be directiy expressed is the dominant(明显的) rule. Another rule is that to hope even require the higher social status to judge the work of their subordinates(下属).In Chinese culture, praises and compliments have a wider range. It is the same with the American culture that for abilities and achievements, also other serious praise, only those people with the talent evaluation(称赞) ability can praise others. Older can praise young man, but this is only an encouragement, not really compliments on their abilities and achievements. Meanwhile, the younger can praise the older and the lower can praise the superior(地位高的), but this is just a compliment, and this is flattering(谄媚 的) more to those complimented. Therefore, in our daily life, we have a lot of praises for other peoples abilities and achievements but they have different meanings on different occasions(场合), not only serious praises, but also a compliment to make the relationship closer.The striking(显著的) difference in the use of compliments in Chinese and American cultures is the different position of personal pronouns. When an American compliments others, they always put the first person(第一人称) “I” at the beginning of the sentence.(1) I think your coat suits you. (2) I like your hair style. (3) I am so proud of you. Americans tend to personal feelings, they have their own opinions on things, thinking the best compliment is to reveal(透露) their real opinions. The Chinese often put the second person(第二人称) “you” in the beginning, such as “how beautiful your clothes”, “your design is so innovative(新颖的)“ and so on to lower yourself to show respect to others.The way to receive a compliment or praise is different, too. In American culture, the acceptance of a compliment or praise can thank others. They often accept a compliment or praise with “Thank you“ for they believe that all the people are equal.Chinese people always be modest to receive praises and compliments. In Chinese culture, modesty is a virtue, so when someone is praised or complimented,we often hear answers such as“no, no.”,” you are flattering me“,” I will be ashamed“, ”Not so good“,” not enough “and other self- deprecating(谦虚的) words. Americans consider the behavior as inferior(低等的), showing that they are incompetent(无能力的). Their cultural background is that those who are praised have to make a positive evaluation for the praise and say “Thank you” or some words like that.Different nations have different ecological(生态上的), physical(自 然的), social(社会的) and religious(宗教的) environment. The language habits, social cultures and many other factors are not the same, causing people to speak with different ways. Language is the carrier(载体) of culture. Any language is a reflection of a culture,and h
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