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Unit 25 The accident Lesson 99 Retell:The children were.when.The truck was It was carrying .suddenly,.the children shouted. So they decided .when they was running they heard The manhe didnt his bike .luckily, Lilei and Jim carried.Lucy and Wei hua went The gatekeeper and Lin Tao went .LiLei went to Miss Zhao hurried off with .,LiLei went to the school office to .1.What were the children doing at the time of the accident ?2.What happened suddenly?3. What did they hear when they wererunning to move the bag of rice ?They were leaving school.A bag of rice fell off the truck and landed.They heard the sound of a motorbike.4.Was the man on the motorbike traveling fast ? Yes , he was.5.What happened then ? His bike hit the bag of rice and he fell off his bike and lay on the road.6.Was the man badly hurt ?No, he wasnt.7. Whose room did the two boys carrythe man to?8. What did the gatekeeper ask the children not to do ?9.Where did Li Lei find Miss Zhao?To the gate keepers room.He asked them not to crowd around him.In the school library.10.What was she doing when Li Lei told her about the accident? She was choosing a book.11.What did she do after she heard theaccident? She got a medicine box as quickly as she could. 12.What did she ask Li Lei to do ?She asked him to go to the school office to call the police.Guess:1.When did you see the accident?2.Where did the accident happen?3.What happened to the man?4.Where did the bag come from?5.Did anyone else see the accident?Lucy is playing football while Lily is dancing.Lily is dancing while Lucy is playing football.LucyLilyHan meiWei huaHan mei is drawing while Wei hua is writing.Wei hua is writing while Han mei is drawing.Tom Jim Tom is playing computer games while Jim is running.Jim is running while Tom is playing computer games.Translate: 1.当我正在看电视时,有人在敲门.2.当Jim 在复习功课时,有人打电话给他.3.当他们正在谈话时,老师进来了.4.当我们正在做饭时,妈妈回来了.While I was watching TV, someone knocked at the door.when I was watching TV, someone knocked at the door.While Jim was reviewing lessons, someone called him.When Jim was reviewing lessons, someone called him.While they were talking, the teacher came in .When they were talking, the teacher came in .While / when we were cooking, mother came back home.While 和when 的区别:1.while :两个动作同时发生从句中的动作只能 用延续性动作,如: eat, sit, run, play,watch 等; 2. when: 两个动作既可以同时也可以一前一后,从 句中的动作即可以终止性( borrow, lend, forget) 也可以延续性. 3.While 后一般接be doing 的句型, 用while 的地方 可用when 代替, 反之不行.Do part 2:fell was going wanted was coming was travelling hit fell were stopping were carrying moved ran hurried ; http:/www.che1122.com/ 昆明违章代办 wld17xoy到高兴才对。”“哈哈,贱人,又是那个贱人。凭什么她一出生就拥有别人一辈子都拥有不了的东西,甚至大家一起进宫,她不用侍寝就能得到 皇贵妃的名号,而我,从官女子一步一步的往上爬,我错了吗?错的是她,是她。”“你这个疯女人,真是疯了,在冷宫十年了还不知悔改,好, 今天咱家就送你上路。”李公公手里拿着三尺白绫勒住了平妃的脖子,平妃这一条鲜活的生命在他手里扑腾,她的手指被抓破了也不自知,最后 她不挣扎了,留着一口气在背后用血手指写下了雪恨两个字,静静的护在身下含恨而终。“如果有来世,我还是不想和纪纯一同爱上一个男 人,太痛太恨了。” 第002章 世风雨飘摇七皇子府。“郡王爷,不好了,宫里刚刚传来消息说,平妃娘娘阍了。”“什么,你可打探清楚了? ”“小人不敢撒谎,昨夜平妃娘娘突然病重,宫内人人不让探视,知道今早才传出娘娘阍了的消息,王爷您快去看看吧!”“来人给本王备马, 本王要立即进宫。”“是,王爷。”司马昭懿不能家丁备马,便匆匆往府外赶,门外正好有家丁遛马进来,便一夺马鞭,翻身上马,朝宫内飞奔 而去。我,司马昭懿。是日曜国七皇子,母亲是兆佳贵妃,但母亲在我5岁的时候死的不明不白,是姨母将我养的,就是平妃。她是我母亲庶出的 妹妹,自小对我疼爱有加,我亦对她敬爱如生母,情分不比亲子浅半分。 “姨母,你千万不能有事,是昭懿来晚了,你要等我。”司马昭懿赶到 储秀宫的时候,被侍卫紧紧的拦在了门外,求进不得。“都给我滚开,不认得本王是谁吗?”“七王爷,你不要为难属下,我们也是奉命办事。 ”“奉命,奉谁的命?父皇吗?他平日可是最疼爱平妃娘娘的,不可能不让我进去探视的,你们张了几颗脑袋敢对我假传圣旨?”“属下自然是 不该假传圣旨,但圣上有命,就是苍蝇也不能放进去一只,您就不要为难我们这些做奴才的了。”司马昭懿一怒,拔出自己的随身佩剑架在刚才 说话的侍卫脖子上。“信不信我现在就杀了你?”“哈哈哈”远处传来一阵笑声,明黄色的蟒袍在几个侍卫的簇拥下缓缓走来,此人便是太 子司马城泷无疑。“七弟何苦跟几个侍卫过不去呢?他们也是奉旨办事,就算你杀了他们,你依然也是见不到平妃的,何不就此打道回府?”“ 太子日理万机,居然还有心情来储秀宫门说这一段风凉话,我若是你,此刻应该是陪着父皇同悲才是,宫内治丧期间太子笑意不减,若是被言官 知道,不知太子如何自处?”“我这是好心帮你,却被你挖苦一番,真是狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心。”“那臣弟就先谢过太子了,臣弟还有要事 ,太子请回吧!”见司马昭懿下了逐客令,太子不怒反笑的说道:“七弟聪明一世糊涂一时,忘了这宫墙不过短短数米,宫中
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