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变电站综合自动化通信技术变电站自动化系统的通信技术 一、通信的内容变电站自动化系统的数据通信,包括以下几方面 内容:一是综合自动化系统内部各子系统或各种 功能模块间的信息交换;二是变电站与控制中心 间的通信;三是变电站自动化系统与维护终端之 间的通信。 1. 变电站自动化系统的现场级通信 在具有变电站层间隔层过程层的分层分 布式自动化系统中,需要传输的信息有如下几种 :(1)设备层与间隔层间的信息交换(2)间隔层内部的信息交换(3)间隔层之间的通信(4)间隔层与变电站层的通信(5)变电站层的内部通信变电站自动化系统的通信技术 2. 变电站自动化系统与控制中心的通信 (1)接受来自调度端的命令,对站内 的开关设备进行跳合闸操作; (2)接受来自调度端的命令,对继电 保护、自动装置的定值等进行调整, 对有关设备进行投退; (3)接受来自调度端的对时命令,对 变电站的时钟进行调整; (4)向调度中心上发变电站的运行信 息。变电站自动化系统的通信技术 3. 变电站自动化系统与技术支持中心的 通信 (1)远方维护和诊断; (2)远程程序下载、软件升级; (3)非保密数据的备份。功能A功能B继电保护控制控制继电保护传感器操动机构过程层接口间隔层过程层远方控制中心技术服务变电站层, ,高压设 备 远方保护变电站自动化系统的通信技术 二变电站自动化系统通信的特点与要求 1变电站通信网络的要求 (1)快速的实时响应能力。 (2)很高的可靠性。 (3)优良的电磁兼容性能。 (4)分层式结构。 2信息传输响应速度的要求不同类型和特性的信息要求传送的时间差异很大 ,其具体内容有 (1)经常传输的监视信息。(实时性要求较差) (2)突发事件产生的信息。(要求具有较快影响速 度) 3各层次之间和每层内部传输信息时间的要求变电站自动化系统的通信技术三变电站自动化系统的通信方案 (一)星型通信系统方案变电站主机从机1从机2从机N变电站自动化系统的通信技术特点: (1)通常用于以光纤为通信介质,因此具有 光通信的自然隔离、高抗干扰性、高安全 性的特点,适合于在变电站恶劣环境下使 用。 (2)各I/O单元及保护单元都与站级计算机 独立通信,故需要独立的通道,互不影响 ,可靠性高,可维护性好。 (3)采用串行通信实现互连,简便易行。 (4)星型连接连线较多,尤其是站级计算机 端接线较多,施工复杂。 (5)各I/O单元及保护单元之间的横向通信 必须通过站级计算机进行,复杂且效率不 高。第四节 变电站自动化系统的通信技术(二)总线型通信系统方案总线型通信系统是为克服星型连接的不足 而采用的,这种方式以一条总线连接各分 散的监控I/O设备、保护设备及站级计算机 ,实现各单元的互连。 变电站主机从机1从机2从机N第四节 变电站自动化系统的通信技术(三)环型通信系统方案环型拓扑由封闭的环组成、每个节点设备接到一 个转发器,可根据层次、服务类型构成多环形式 ,实现监控I/O设备、保护设备及站级计算机的信 息交换与数据转发。变电站主机从机1从机2从机N第四节 变电站自动化系统的通信技术总之,分散式变电站自动化系统的总体结构主要 取决于通信系统,而总体性能在很大程度上也由 通信系统的优劣来决定。采用光纤通信系统,可 实现很高的可靠性和安全性,是一种很好的选择 。总线控制方式问题:令牌、载波监听多路访问/冲 撞检测 3.2 Fiber Optic communications3.2.1 IntroductionvCommunication is an essential requirement for the operation and management of power systems.vAvailable technologies for communication are:(i) Power line carrier;(ii) Pilot cables;(iii) Microwave radio;(iv) optical fibres.Power Line CarriervThe method superimposes high frequency signals upon the phase conductors of certain high voltage transmission circuit.vThe main defects of the method are:Limited bandwidth (restricted capacity)Stray radiation (license needed)Expensive interfacing equipments.Pilot cablesvDedicate metal lines are used to transfer signal. vMain problems:Logistic problems (后勤服务问题)Interference (干扰)MicrowavevMicrowave radio is used to transfer signal.vMain problems:Frequency allocationLine of sight arrangementSite of antenna tower (high mountain)Fibre opticsvThe method transfers signals by light through optical fiber.vAdvantages :1) Not capacity-limited (Bandwidth) ;2) 100% dielectric (not affected by ground loop, inductive pickup, cross-talk or lightning);3) Small and light in weight;4) No stray radiation;5) Extremely low loss.vFibre optics offer significant advantages over other communication media and are ideally suited to the communication requirement of power utilities3.2.2 Fibre optics basicsvHistory of light communicationBeacon tower( 烽火台 ) Signal flare(信号弹)Signal lamp (信号灯)Semaphore;Flag signal(旗语)Traffic lights(交通灯)are the examples of light communication.vThe common feature of the above mentioned light communications is that all of them use visible light ,transfer the light through air and receive the light signal by humans eyes.vSignal can also be transferred by invisible light and through other kind of media.vFibre optic communication transfers signals using a kind of invisible light and through the optic fibre. 微波毫米波红外可见光紫外1m1mm1.7m0.8m0.7m 0.4m0.01m光通信300M300G177T375Tf电 磁 波 谱 图1.Spectral of light wave1.Spectral of light wave2. Basic structure of optical fibre communication systemElectrical transmitter Optical transmitter Optical relay Electrical receiver Optical receiver Fibre opticsInformation source Information destination Coding Decoding 护套claddingcore3.Structure of optical 3.Structure of optical fibrefibre and optical cable and optical cable claddingCore Optical cable3.2.2.1 Fibre types and characteristicsvThree basic fibre types available:(i) Step-index (阶跃折射率)(ii) Graded-index (渐变折射率)(iii) Single (or mono) mode (单模)Step IndexvA step-index fibre has only two distinct different refractive indices of the core and cladding.vThe light rays are propagated by total internal reflection at the interface between the change of refractive indices, as shown in following figure.12Propagation of light wave in the step index fibreThe conditions for total internal reflection can be stated as: (1) n1n2; (2)1C; (3) C=arcsin(n2/n1)n1n2interfaceCcorecladding光 波 在 纤 芯 中 的 传 播n1n2 c 190corecoreCCDrawback of step index fibrevBandwidth is limited.vTwo factors :(i) The first one:Light may enter the fibre at different angles and ,as a result, some light rays have to travel longer distances, thus taking longer to get from one end to the other, as showing in following figure.coreLight for different incident angles travel in different route and take different time to travel from one end to the other.The effect is commonly known as dispersion (色散) or multi-route dispersion (多径色散不同角度的入射光走不同的路 径)Transmission distancetTransmitted signalreceived s
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