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2011Fall出国经验交流会 经济/金融类本科申请经济学试验072班 姚羽欣 2011-5-7About Me姚羽欣 经济学试验0702班 Apply for 14 graduate programs in Economics (9MA+5 PhD, 13 US+1 Netherlands) Offer: Tilburg (RM/PhD, TW+420/m*24)UC-Riverside (PhD, TW+TA $17100/y*4) Admission: NYU(MA), NCSU(MR/PhD) Rejection: Columbia(MA), Duke(MA) Pending: TA&MU(PhD), Syracuse(PhD)About MeMy Background Overall GPA: 85+ Junior/Senior GPA: 88+ Exchange at UC-Riverside: A/A/A+ GRE: 1400+4.0 TOEFL: 105(20) Recommendation letter: 4 from HUST, 1 from UCR Research: have no decent paper Internship: ICBC-WuhanWhy to study Econ/Fin abroad? Good Reasons: Academic Interest/ImmigrationBad Reasons: Only for experience/Not sure what to doUncertain: Better Career Fit or not, that is the problem. - Motivation/Preparation/Personality - Financial- few funding, never push your parents hard - Better Opportunity- 保研,工作,经济实惠出国只是途径,而不是目的!Set up your goal Majors - GSAS-Economics MA/PhD, Agri-econ MS/PHD, Statistics MS e.g. PhD-Econ PhD, US NewsMA-Duke, NYU, Umich-AA, Vandy - Business School- Accounting, Marketing, MBA, Finance (MSF): 1-1.5y, few programsFinancial Engineering (MFE): Quant! 1.5-2y, Math&Computer e.g. Princeton, NYU, Columbia, CMU, Umich-AA, Gatech - Public Policy& School: MPA/MPP e.g. Syracuse, U Indiana-Bloomington, FSUSet up your goal Degree - PhD: 5 years, mainly economist/analyst in academia, public sector, and industry Pros: 有奖金, 毕业后容易移民找工作 Cons: 本科生竞争力有限,难申牛校 - Master: 1-2 years, career training (business school) or PhD preparation (econ ma)Pros: 更容易被牛校录取, 目前回国吃香Cons:几乎全自费,难移民找工作 - Master + PhD: Econ 7 years, Fin 5 yearsSet up your goal Where to go- depend on yourself - US, Canada (U British Columbia,U Toronto, Queens) - UK(LSE, Oxford, Warwick) - Europe: Netherlands (Tilburg, Tinbergen),France (Tolouse I), Germany (U Bonn, Frankfurt), Spain (UPF, Carlos III) - Singapore (NUS, NTS), HK (HKU, CUHK ) US(移民?名气?)vs. Europe(专排?成本?) Msc(找工作?名气?)vs. Mphil (学术?奖金?)How to prepare?- GPA as high as possible! Math/Micro/Macro(competitive 88+/acceptable 85) - GRE/GMAT (North America/Europe) GRE V550+/500 Q800/790 AW 4.0+/3.5 (econ/MFE, few MSF) GMAT 730+/700 (all business schools) - TOEFL/IETLS T: Overall 100+/95 Speaking 22+/19 I: 7.5+/7.0 Europe: both T or I are acceptable.How to prepare?- Research Important to RM/PhD! 在保证GPA和GT的情况下,主动寻找机会配合专业课,看前沿英文文献,做总结,多琢磨 论文能发表更好,但重要的是对研究领域有所认识 参与老师的课题,机会极少,主要看自己 - Internship Important to Business School! 金融机构, NGO, 与专业方向有关- 和专业相关的活动竞赛:重要性与专业有关 数学建模,案例分析,学术会议,社会实践,学生工作,金融 产品设计,课外学术作品,创业计划,国际志愿者Some Tips- 中介:自己才是主导!涉及专业背景的工作自 己完成,善用中介资源,不盲信。 - 论坛: Chase Dream, Grad Caf, Urch,寄 托天下经济版/欧洲版- 选校:浏览网站获得第一手资料,多发邮件问 小秘,设计自己的信息表,一定要选自己想去 的学校 - GT送分,护照,信用卡,事务工作及早办 - 论文,Research Proposal, 尽量别偷懒Best Wishes To All Of You !Email: yyx.ecogmail.com Tel: 13469994836 (call me after 21:00) 以上个人观点,仅供参考出国只是途径,而不是目的!名校不是唯一的考虑因素。“父母在,不远行,行必有方”吾辈当为中华之崛起而读书,勿忘!
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