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单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练.重点单词1. vt.缚缚上;附加;连连接adj.附属的 n附着;附属;附带带4. vt.(使)组组成;形成;构成 n构成;组组成;形成5. vt.赚赚;挣挣得;获获得rollmusicianmusicmusicalattachattachedattachmentformformationearn单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练6. vt.&vi.表演;履行;执执行n履行;表现现;表演 n履行者;表演者7. vi.依赖赖;依靠 adj.可信赖赖的;可靠的8. adj.幽默的;诙谐诙谐 的 n幽默;滑稽;可笑 adj.不幽默的;拘谨谨的9. adj.熟悉的;常见见的;亲亲近的 adj.不熟悉的performperformanceperformerrelyreliablehumoroushumorhumorlessfamiliarunfamiliar单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练10. adj吸引人的;有吸引力的 vt.吸引 n吸引力;魅力11. adj.自信的;确信的 n. 信心;自信 adv.确信地;有信心地12. adj.简简短的;简简要的;n.摘要;大纲纲 adv.简简短地;简洁简洁 地13. n投入;热爱热爱 vt.献身;专专心于 adj.献身的;专专心的14. n邀请请;招待 vt.招待;邀请请 adj. 诱诱人的;有魅力的 attractiveattract attractionconfidentconfidence confidentlybriefbrieflydevotiondevotedevotedinvitationinviteinviting单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练.重点短语1.dream 梦见见;梦想;设设想2.to be 说实说实 在地;实话说实话说3.attach. 认为认为 有(重要性、意义义);附上;连连接4.in 用现现金;有现钱现钱5.play on 戏戏弄6.rely 依赖赖;依靠7.be/get with 熟悉;与熟悉起来8.or 大约约ofhonesttocashjokesonfamiliarso单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练9.break 打碎;分裂;解体10. in 另外;也11.sort 分类类12.above 最重要;首先upadditionoutall单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练.重点句型1.Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?你是否曾经经梦想站在音乐乐会的舞台上演奏,面对对成千上万的欣赏赏你的音乐乐并且不停地为为你鼓掌的观观众?at which单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练2. The TV organizers find four musicians who could act as well as sing.这这些电视电视 台的主办办者本打算找四位既会表演又能唱歌的音乐乐人。3. Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without.弗莱德和他的乐队乐队 不能出门门,一出门门就会被跟踪。had planned tobeing followed单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练4. Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked they were close friends.一些不认识认识 他们们的人也在不断地讨论讨论 他们们的私生活, 而且就像是在谈论谈论 他们们的密友一样样。 as if单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练.语篇练习根据课课文The Band That Wasnt完成下列短文。If we are honest_1_ourselves, most of us have dreamed _2_ becoming famous. Most musicians form a band because of the same interest_3_writing and playing music. They may play anywhere to earn some extra money as well as fulfill their dreams._4_,“The Monkees”, which started differently,_5_(begin)as a TV show with musicians_6_(play) jokes and music in the programme. 单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练Only after a year or so_7_they become more serious and they produced their own records and later became even more popular_8_“The Beatles” in the USA. The band once broke_9_and reunited. In memory of_10_time as a real band,they produced a new record in 1996.答案 1. with 2. of 3. in 4. However 5. began6. playing 7. did 8. than 9. up 10. their单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练.重点词汇及短语1form vt.&vi.形成;组成;养成;培养;n.形式;表格;形状;外形;状况;精神But just how do people form a band?(回归课归课 本P34)单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练要点导航form/set up a club成立俱乐部form a good habit养成一个好习惯form the habit offall/get into the habit of养成的习惯form an organization成立一个组织fill in the form填表格on/in form状况良好off/out of form状态不佳in the form of以的形式in any form以任何形式单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练归纳辨析form,build,found,put up,set up(1)form v构成;形成,强调所构成的东西必须具有外形或具有一定的结构或包含设计工作。(2)build表示“建设,建造”,既可接具体事物名词,亦可接抽象事物名词。(3)found意为“创立,创建”,指创立组织、机构、国家等,既接具体事物名词也接抽象事物名词。单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练注意:find(found,found)发现,找到;found(founded,founded)创立(4)put up 搭起;竖竖起;建立,多接具体事物名词词。(5)set up搭起,建起;创创立,建立,可接具体或抽象事物名词词。单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练完成句子(1)将单词以正确的顺序排列在一起就形成了一个句子。A sentence in a proper order.(2)他已经养成了在课堂上记笔记的习惯。He has taking notes in class.is formed by putting words togetherformed the habit of单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练(3)这这个队队在整个比赛过赛过 程中一直处处于良好的竞竞技状态态。The team were throughout the whole competition.(4)他正在填申请请表。He is filling in.on excellent formthe application form单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练2pretend v假装,装作;自命;自称Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan?(回归课归课 本P34) 要点导航pretend sth.假装pretendthat从句 假装、装作pretend to do sth./be doing sth./have done sth.假装要做/正在做/已做过过某事 单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练完成句子(1)当被要求去工作时,这位秘书假装自己头疼。The secretary when she was asked to work.(2)当我从他旁边经过时,他假装没有看见我。He when I passed by.(3)当老师回来时,这些学生假装正在看书。These students their books when their teacher came back.pretended a headachepretended not to see mepretended to be reading单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练(4)他假装吃过过晚饭饭了。He his supper.(5)迈迈克假装自己生病了,因为为他今天不想去上学。Mike because he didnt want to go to school today.3perform v做;履行;执行;表演;运转His most exciting invitation was to perform on a TV programme called “Top of the Pops”. (回归课归课 本P38)pretended to have hadpretended that he was ill单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练要点导航perform a dangerous operation做一个危险的手术perform an experiment做实验perform ones promise履行承诺performance n表演;演技;表现give a performance上演(戏)put on performances表演单元知识检测必修 2高考总复习(人教版广东专版)考点突破实战演练
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