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完形填空考查什么呢?1 语篇的理解能力a篇章阅读理解b 获取和分析信息的能力2 在语篇的层面上准确运用,恰当,运用词汇的 能力包含一定 技巧Part IObserve and finish the exercise below, then try to discover some useful skills.A jobless man applied the position of “office boy” at a very big firm. After the interview, the manager said, “You are _1_. Give me your email address, and Ill send you the _2_ to fill in, as well as when you will start.” The man replied , “ I dont have a computer, nor do I have an _3_.1 A welcome B informed C hired D satisfied 2 A letter B album C list D application 3 A excuse B email C ability D address高考英语备考指南The skills you have used:2 C application 文中动词applied 的复现上下文意思3 B email email address的复现上下文意思Notice: 1 不是所有的复现词都有价值!使用复现词技巧时一定 要结合上下文,并观察选项是否符合上下文的逻辑关系。 2 文章中的复现词不一定和选项一样,可能是同词根但 不同词性既然文中复现的词与选项可能有一定差异, 我们可以把这个技巧更进一步的使用吗? Pay attention to the following exercises and you may discover something newMost ants have two compound eyes. Compound eyes have many parts called lenses(透镜)that help insects _1_well. . Some ants _2_by drumming on the ground. They also “talk” by _3_each other with their antennae(触角). 1 A smell B see C sense D feel 2 A touch B listen C comprehend D communicate 3 A smelling B tasting C touching D helping高考英语备考专项训练The skills you have used:1 B see 与文中“eyes”相 关2 与文中“talk”近义summary: 1 复现词技巧延伸: 选项与复现词一样D communicate3 C touching 与文中“antennae” 相关选项与文中的“复现词”完全不同但有内在联系与复现词同词根The skills you have used:1 文中“story”复现A stories2 C tales 与文中“story”近义3 education 与文中“open the eyes of children”相关除了复现词,相关词,我们 还可以利用什么呢?People joke that no one in Los Angeles read; everyone watches TV, rents DVDs, or goes to the movie.City _1_ have only 10 percent of traffic that car washed have.But how do you explain the following? An annual book festival in west Los Angeles is “ _2_” year after year. 1 A cinemas B libraries C supermarkets D parkings2 A broken out B carried out C sold out D run outtips:注意文章前后意思的转变高考英语备考专项训练常出现的连接词/短语有 *让步: *转折: 原因: 结果:but, however because, because of, as , since , . so, therefore, as a result, though, although, in spite of, 利用连接词帮助理清上下文逻辑关系 A food store sold all kinds of popular foods. except for a $7 parking fee, the festival was free. Even so , some people _7_ the food store prices by _8_ taking in their own sandwiches and drinks.7 A avoided B increased C asked D bargained 8 A openly B secretly C slowly D naturally尽管如此高考英语备考专项训练既然可以利用文章中的连接词,那么,可以 使用逆向思维选出连接词吗?Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. _1_, illness or accidents may occur without reason. 1 A Obviously B Unfortunately C Naturally D Occasionally上下文逻辑关系是_,可以填什么连接词转折高考英语备考指南It is obvious that more and more children are being taken out of normal schools every year. _3_, many questions have emerged(浮现), encouraging the debate over home schooling against public schooling.3 A As a result B On the whole C After all D On the contrary上下文逻辑关系是_,可以填什么连接词结果高考英语备考指南Skill III context (Pay attention to the first sentence of the text)Text 1Text 2如果不能在文章中发现明显的相关词汇,则要注重 语篇的整体把握,这时候,要特别注意文章首句!On a hot summer day in last August, I was orderinga cool drink at a waterfront cafe on a Greek island. Over a hundred degrees in 1 air. Crowded. Tempers(脾气) of both the customers and waiters had 2 to meet the situation, making it a rather _3_ environment. 1.A. fresh B. cool C. still D. thin 2.A. risen B. hoped C. attempted D. managed 3 A peaceful B comfortable C quiet D quarrelsome文章中哪些部分有助于对语篇的整体把握呢?请 标出来2006 全国高考On a hot summer dayOver a hundred degreesCrowded给人的感觉是?热 still令人心烦 temper had risen导致了易发生争吵 quarrelsome The damage caused by light pollution comes from _1_designed outdoor lighting. Most cities in the world today use outdoor lighting that is not only far too _2_, but also directed to places where it is not_3_. This wasted light reflects off dust and moisture(湿气) in the air, causing skyglow. Skyglow cause clouds to glow white, orange, or pink, and _4_our view of the nighttime.1 A advancedlly B poorly C nicely D perfectly 2 A dark B bright C splendid D glorious 3 A needed B lighted C designed D equipped 4 A beautifies B satisfies C ruins D decorates damagelight pollutionThis wasted lightpoorly designed outdoor lighting ruin our view of the nighttime directed to places where it is not needed 完形填空 分析语篇技巧:3 文章首句利用篇章中关键短语把握 整体语境1 词汇信息2 连接词或短语Brief summary: the skills we reviewed today复现词/短语相关词/短语近义词/短语上下文逻辑关系Practice and Discovery: Finish the cloze test below and more important, write down the skills you have just used with your partnerTell a story and tell it well, and you may open wide the eyes of a child, open up lines of communication in a business, or even open peoples mind to another culture or race.People in many places are digging up the old folk _2_ and the messag
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