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仅供个人学习参考 SELF USE ONLY, NO DISTRIBUTIONS ALLOWED!BEC Higher Writing 叶廖莎 Sarah仅供个人学习参考 SELF USE ONLY, NO DISTRIBUTIONS ALLOWED!仅供个人学习参考 SELF USE ONLY, NO DISTRIBUTIONS ALLOWED!BEC?仅供个人学习参考 SELF USE ONLY, NO DISTRIBUTIONS ALLOWED!Cambridge Business English Certificate 仅供个人学习参考 SELF USE ONLY, NO DISTRIBUTIONS ALLOWED!BEC vocabulary working place situation 仅供个人学习参考 SELF USE ONLY, NO DISTRIBUTIONS ALLOWED!通过率比较全球 通过过率中国 通过过率其他国家 通过过率40%70-80%35%仅供个人学习参考 SELF USE ONLY, NO DISTRIBUTIONS ALLOWED!参加培训比率比较中国 参加培训训比率其他国家 参加培训训比率 90%30%仅供个人学习参考 SELF USE ONLY, NO DISTRIBUTIONS ALLOWED!BEC Higher 通过率通过率AB20%1%3%“保C,争B,撞A” 仅供个人学习参考 SELF USE ONLY, NO DISTRIBUTIONS ALLOWED!2011年上半年 BEC高级考试时间: 2011年5月21日 距离今天:119天 考试报名截止时间: 2011年3月17日 距离今天:54天写作试题构成Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes Points: 30 Total: 25%Reading Writing Listening Speaking 成绩换算Passing Grades ScoreA 80-100B 75-79C 60-74Failing Grades ScoreD 55-59E 0-54写作试题构成Part Skill Type 1Concise Writing Describing Graphs 2Extended Writing Report/ Proposal/ Letter 剑3 P28写作试题构成PartResponse Points Time 1120-1401020-252200-2502045-50BEC高级写作课程安排第一课第二课第三课第四课第五课第六课Part One (小作文)ReportProposalLetterPart Two ( 大作文)Answer sheet Part 1Part 2(写清自己选择的题目)黑色签字笔字迹整洁清晰评分标准(P9)Band 5: Full realization of the task set All major content points included. Controlled, natural use of language; minimal errors. Wide range of structure and vocabulary.Effectively organized, with appropriate use of cohesive devices. Register and format consistently appropriate Very positive effect on the reader 评分标准(P8)内容组织语域格式 对目标读者的影 响6C原则完整 Completeness具体 Concreteness 清楚 Clarity正确 Correctness 简洁 Conciseness 礼貌 Courtesy如何提高写作保持一定的阅读量总结好词好句多写多练背诵好文章 www.britannica.com 大 不列颠百科全书 www.bloomberg.com 彭博社 托福老考题Part One 小作文图表题图表种类Table 细目表Pie charts 饼状图(剑2 T4;剑3 T4)Line charts 线形图(剑2 T1) Bar charts 柱状图(剑2 T2/3;剑3 T1/2/3/4)Table 细目表Pie charts 饼状图Pie charts 饼状图(单个)反映整体结构状况(多个)反映事物变化趋势读图关键:最大比例份额最小比例份额剑2 P82 Test4Line charts 线形图Line charts 线形图反映事物随时间的变化趋势横坐标-时间;纵坐标-数据读图关键:最低点最高点剑2 P28 Test1Bar charts 柱状图Bar charts 柱状图比较各事物大小多少反映事物随时间变化整体各成分相对关系读图关键: 最大值点 最小值点剑3 P28 Test1剑3 P46 Test2关联考察技能剑3 P28Describing trends 趋势描述大趋势描述(忽略细节) 具体关键数据(最值点、起始点终止点、拐点)考察技能Making comparisons 对照对 比 大特征定性对比 具体关键数据(最值点、起始点终止点、拐点)Describing trends 趋势描述Increase 增加Trends Decrease 减少 Stability 平稳fluctuation 波动Describing trends 趋势描述章法(organization)句群(衔接)v. adv. n. 句型剑3 P28 Test1Describing trends 趋势描述翻译:从2000年到2002年,超 市的营业额从大概65m增长 到80m。v. (Increase) 动词(上升): increase, increased, increasing grow, grew, growing rise, rose, rising surge, surged, surging soar, soared, soaring boost, boosted, boostingn. (Increase) 名词(上升)an increase a growth a jump a soar an upward trend v. (Decrease) 下降:fall, fell, falling drop, dropped, dropping decline, declined, declining slump, slumped, slumping plunge, plunged, plunging plummet, plummeted, plummetingn. (Decrease) 名词(下降):a decrease a decline a fall a drop a collapse a downward trendv. (Stability) 动词(平稳):remain/keep stable/steady/constant/unchanged to hardly change to have little change to stay the same to level off v. (fluctuation) 动词(波动):fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuatinga. (ad.) Degree 程度不同Big: marked (ly), considerable, sharp, dramatic, substantial Small: slight (ly), marginal, moderatea. (ad.) Speed 速度不同Fast: quick (ly), rapid, sudden, abruptSlow: gradual (ly), gentle, steady时间的嵌入in fromto betweenand duringand基本句型1描述对象 + 趋势动词 + 程度副词 + from数据1in时间1to数据2in时间2 The turnover for the supermarkets increased dramatically from about 65m in 2000 to 80m in 2002.Describing trends 趋势描述翻译:从2000年到2001年, 百货公司的营业额从50m 下降到36m,2002年没有 变化。Describing trends 趋势描述The turnover for the department stores decreased sharply from 50 in 2000 to 36 in 2001, without change in 2002/it stayed the same in 2002.注意:50m 36m about基本句型2描述对象 + 趋势动词 + 程度副词+ from数据1to数据1between/during 时间1and 时间2 The turnover for the supermarkets grew substantially from about 65m to 80m between/during 2000 and 2002.基本句型3There be + 程度形容词 + 趋势名词+ 研究对象 + between/during时间1and 时间2 There was a rapid growth in the turnover for the supermarkets between/during 2000 and 2002.基本句型4There be + 程度形容词 + 趋势名词 +in the number of 研究对象 + from 数据1in时间1to数据1in时间2There was a marked increase in the number of the turnover for the supermarkets from about 65m in 2000 to 80m in 2002.基本句型5We see / witness + 程度形容词 + 趋势名词+研究对象 + from时间1to时间2 We saw/witnessed an abrupt increase in the turnover for the supermarkets from 2000 to 2002.Describing trends 趋势描述翻译:小商店的营业额有所下 降,但2002年又有所上升。先上升后下降 increased slowly duringand but fell sharply in先下降后上升 fell and began to make a recover
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