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直接引语语与间间接引语语定义直接引语语:直接引述别别人的话话,用引号。Eg: John said, “I like reading story books.”John said that he liked reading story books.间间接引语语:用自己的话转话转 述别别人的话话,不用引号。引述动动 词词引导词导词转转化 I 人称 时态时态 指示代词词 时间时间 状语语 地点状语语 动词动词1. 主句是一般现现在时时,从句时态时态 无需变变 化。2. 主句是一般过过去时时,从句也要用相应应 的过过去时态时态 。this-that, these-thosehere-therecome-go转转化 II 陈陈述句,引述动词动词 用say, tell等没有疑问问意思 的词词,引导词导词 一般用that,也可省略。根据直接引语语的种类类语语序2. 特殊疑问问句3. 一般疑问问句4. 祈使句Practice1. “You should be more careful next time,” his father always says to him. 2. “I havent heard from my parents these days,” says Mary.3. He says to me, “Are you a student?”4. “Have you been to my home, George?” she says.5. “Where are you going?” the father asks his sonHis father always says that he should be more careful the next time. May says that she hasnt heard from her parents those days.He asks me if I am a student. She asks George if he has been to her home.The father asks his son where he is going.6. “Are you sorry for what you have done?” the mother asksthe naughty boy.7. She says, “Did you meet this man at the station two hoursago, Mr. Li?”8. “Write your names on your papers first,” the teacher says to us.9. “Please come here again tomorrow,” her friend says to her.10. “Dont make so much noise in class, boys and girls,” saidthe teacher.The mother asks the naughty boy if he is sorry for what he has done.She asks Mr. Li if he met that man at the station two hours before.The teacher tells us to write our names on our papers first. Her friend asks her to go there again the next day.The teacher ordered the boys and girls not to make so much noise in class.时间时间 状语语的转换转换today-that day tonight-that nighttomorrow-the next dayyesterday-the day beforelast year-the year beforeago-beforenow-thenBack直接引语为语为 特殊疑问问句*引导词导词 用原来的疑问词问词 ,转转化为陈为陈 述语语序一般的引述动词为动词为 ask, wonder, want to know 转转化后的句型为为: sb ask (sb) +特殊疑问词问词 +陈陈述语语序BackHe asked me, “What have you done?” He asked me what I had doen.直接引语为语为 一般疑问问句*引导词导词 用if/whether, 转转化为陈为陈 述语语序引述动词动词 用ask, wonder, want to know 转转化后的句型为为: sb ask (sb) if/whether+陈陈述语语序BackHe asked me, “Do you want to go with us?” He asked me if I wanted to go with them.直接引语为语为 祈使句Back*没有引导词导词 ,转转化为为不定式的形式,没有时态时态 的变变 化引述动词动词 用ask, tell, order 肯定句转转化后的句型为为: sb ask sb to do sth 否定句转转化后的句型为为: sb ask sb not to do sth“Dont open the box.” he said to me. He asked me not to open the box.语语序问题问题Can he speak English? Have you finished your homework? Do you like English? Does he like English? Did you get up early this morning?What is your name? Where did you buy this coat? What do you like about China? When does he get up every morning? Back时态时态 的变变化直接引语转换语转换 成间间接引语时语时 的时态变时态变 化例 句直接引语语间间接引语语 一般现现在时时 一般过过去时时 do/does didHe said, “Im afraid I cant finish the work.”He said that he was afraid he couldnt finish the work. 现现在进进行时时 过过去进进行时时 am/is/are doingwas/were doingHe said, “Im using the knife.”He said that he was using the knife.现现在完成时时 过过去完成时时 have/has done had doneShe said, “Ive not heard from him since May.”She said that she had not heard from him since May. 一般过过去时时 过过去完成时时 did had doneHe said, “I came to help you.”He said that he had come to help me.过过去完成时时 不 变变He said, “I had finished my homework before supper.”He said that he had finished the homework before supper.一般将来时时 过过去将来时时 will do would doShe said, “Ill do it after class.”She said that she would do it after class.Practice1. “I havent heard from my parents these days,” said Mary.2. He said to me, “Are you a student?”3. “Have you been to my home, George?” she said.4. “Where are you going?” the father asked his son5. “Are you sorry for what you have done?” the mother asked th e naughty boy.6. She said, “Did you meet this man at the station two hours ago, M r. Li?”May said that she hadnt heard from her parents those days.He asked me if I was a student. She asked George if he had been to her home.The father asked his son where he was going.The mother asked the naughty boy if he was sorry for what he had done.She asked Mr. Li if he had met that man at the station two hours before.
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