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LOGOPowerPoint Template*PowerPoint 2002 and up required to use the template. q eBiz Service & Solutions10%15%20%55%2011Web Service & Solution eBiz Consulting SI Service & Solution Network Integrationq 2004 (:)2003 2004 20051,000500 1,50020%12%600400 3005001,00015%SupplierSupplierSupplierstockholderEmployeesOn-lineOff-lineSCM ERP IPSEIP/KMS/GWIRM/RMS/PRMWebSite CRM/CPPartnersq eBusiness TransformationMarketing Diagramq IT. : IT IT 10 20 50 100 100 100 (845 )10 (4,159 )5 10 100 200 200 43%24%22%6%4%20%34%40%ConsultingMarketingContentsFlashDesign CodingCTIUMSMailingServerD/BCreativeInteractionSystemebiz IntegrationStrategy SoppingeCRMIRMVOC/ RMSe-Learning Interactive Full Service ebiz, eSolutionLOGO100%50%25%75%一月二月三月四月五月標題文字流程圖說明文字判定條件1條件2說明文字結束q e-CRMService Sales CRM Data Warehousing/IntegrationSMS ChannelWeb FAX ChanneleMail ChannelWeb Site ChannelPost channelConsumerInvestorPurchaser AnalystThe pressClub Marketing Customer Interaction Platforms Interaction Management Infrastructureq 2004 1 10,00020,000 SolutionERPCRM/DWKMS/GWEDMSWCMSMailingCommunityB2B FAX(: ) (21,626)(18,122)(9,807)(7,984)(7,467)(10,266)(14,073)(7,810)q OrganizationINFRA MU sales 1 team Sales 2 team Automation team Network teamConsulting MU Consulting 1 team Consulting 2 team Consulting 3 teamR&D eBiz team Mbiz teamSI MU Sales 1 team Sales 2 team SI System team SI Develop teamBSP MU CS team Biz 1 team Biz 2 team Biz 3 team2001200220034007001,500250Value Profit350500q Solution 2,000(:)2004700CMSGW/KMSERPCRM/DWUMSEIPSCMPMSCMS營銷綜合圖產 品促銷價格分配顧客v 9469739891,0781,1101,1951997199819992000200120024,0003,0002,0001,000()(/): ContentsClick to add Title1Click to add Title2Click to add Title3Click to add Title4SWOT 分析content弱點content機會content威脅優勢content屬性產品比較產品1產品2說明說明1*說明2*說明1*說明2*說明說明1*說明2*說明1*說明2*說明說明1*說明2*說明1*說明2*結論說明1*說明2*說明1*說明2*文字文字文字文字迴圈圖: 顯示具有連續迴圈過程工時任務資源射線圖: 顯示元素與核心元素的關係產品 品質銷售 業績售後 服務售前 推廣Hot TipvHow do I incorporate my logo to a slide that will apply to all the other slides? On the View menu, point to Master, and then click Slide Master or Notes Master. Change images to the one you like, then it will apply to all the other slides. DiagramThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.Title Add your textThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.Cycle DiagramTextText TextTextTextCycle nameAdd Your TextDiagramTextTextTextAdd Your Title TextText 1Text 2Text 3Text 4Text 5Add Your Title TextText 1Text 2Text 3Text 4Text 5TextTextDiagramConceptAdd Your TextTextTextTextTextTextText金字塔圖表:顯示基於基礎的關係說明文字說明文字說明文字目標圖: 為實現目標而採取的步驟提高產品質量加強售前宣傳加強售後服務目標:銷售100萬目標:銷售100萬DiagramAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextDiagramAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your Add Your TitleTitleDiagramAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextTextTextText說明文字2說明文字3說明文字1說明文字2說明文字3說明文字1DiagramTextTextTextTextAdd Your TitleAdd Your TitleLOGOHow to reach online user and provide Customised In-depth product information?How to sell products and process orders Over the Web?What are new offerings, unique to the Web?How to revolutionise business models and shift value creation?Product/Service InnovationBusinessModel InnovationMarketing InnovationChannel InnovationSource : Arthur D.Littleq eBusiness Perspective( e-Business )DiagramAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextCycle DiagramTextText TextTextTextCycle nameAdd Your TextHot TipvHow do I incorporate my logo to a slide that will apply to all the other slides? On the View menu, point to Master, and then click Slide Master or Notes Master. Change images to the one you like, then it will apply to all the other slides. DiagramTitleAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextAdd Your TextContentsClick to add TitleClick to add TitleClick to add TitleClick to add TitleClick to add TitleDiagramThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.Title Add your textThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.DiagramTextT
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