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1丰城中学 2015-2016 学年上学期高三周练试卷英 语(1-45 班)命题人:刘艳红 审题人:高三英语备课组(2015-12-09)考试时间 16:10-17:20 (重点班不做 D 篇)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 1 5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)ACoffee is one of the most popular (流行的) drinks throughout the world today. In fact, according to some estimates, over 30% of all adults in the world drink coffee at least once a day on the average. Coffee contains a kind of drug called caffeine (咖啡因). Caffeine is a chemical that stimulates (刺激) the nerves of the body. Drinking coffee tends to make people a little bit more awake-at least for a short timebecause of this stimulating effect on the nervous system (系统). A cup of coffee has, on the average, about 3% caffeine in it. One story of the discovery of the coffee plant relates to this effect of caffeine. According to the story, coffee was discovered in East Africa. The story says that coffee was first found by a goat farmer named Kaldi. This was about the year 850. Kaldi was leading his animals through the mountains and the goats were stopping repeatedly to eat the plants near the path. Suddenly, some of the goats started jumping up and down in a very strange way. Kaldi figured out that the goats were acting this way because of the plants they were eating. Kaldi himself tried eating some of the green beans (豆荚) that the goats had been eating. He, too, felt the stimulating effect of the beans. Kaldi wanted to prove what had happened, so he picked some of the beans and took them back to his home village, where he told his story. The green bean got the name “Kaffa“ and later “coffee“ because the beans were discovered in a place called Kaffa in Africa. Then for years, people used to eat a few of the green Kaffa beans when they were in the mountains and needed extra energy to do their work. It was later found that the coffee beans could be picked and then dried until they turned brown, and then they could be 2stored. If the beans were dried and stored, they could be used at any time. 1. What is the purpose of drinking coffee?A. To become more awake.B. To become more healthy.C. To become more happy.D. To become more clever.2. How did the goats react after eating the plants? A. They fell asleep. B. They could not find their way home.C. They started jumping up and down.D. They wanted to eat more.3. Why did the green bean get the name “Kaffa“?A. Because Kaldi loved his home village very much. B. Because Kaldis goats loved the green bean very much.C. Because the beans were discovered in a place by this name.D. Because the beans could be picked and dried.BMalka and Shaindle are sisters. Although they live an hours drive from each other and dont see each other often, they are in touch. Malka has a large family. Shaindle, however, has had difficulty having children.Malka had just given birth to another son . Shaindle , married three years and still childless, was receiving fertility(生育) treatments. Involved with work , doctors visits, and medical treats, she was unable to make the trip to visit her sister after she had given birth.Malka knew her sisters problem and was quite understanding. Shaindle and her husband Feivel would be at the baptismal (洗礼)ceremony,of course.On the day of the baptism , Shaindle and Feivel arrived early, earlier than Malka and her family. Malkas mother-in-law, Yehudit, was already at the hall. “Hello,” said Shaindle cheerfully, never thinking what was about to happen.Yehudit turned to her angrily and said, “What a selfish sister you are! Never once did you see fit to visit Makla this entire week! No wonder you have no children!”3Shaindle went into shock at her words. She turned away, her eyes filled with tears. The accusation had cut Shaindle like a knife. She was psychologically bleeding. Poor Shaindle couldnt calm down. It took a while before she could regain her calmness. She couldnt look at Yehudit; it was just too painful for her to do so.The minute the words had escaped Yehudits mouth, she knew she had crossed a red line. She had stepped on very raw toes and felt regretted for her words but it was too late. Her attempts to apologize were ineffective. The celebration had suddently turned sour in just a matter of seconds. After all these years, the memory of that happening lingers on 4. Shaindle didnt visit her sist er after her sister gave birth because .A. she envied her sister B. she lived too far from her sister.C. she was too busy D. she didnt feel quite herself5. We can learn from the last paragraph that .A. Shaindle didnt forgive Yehudit for many years.B. Yehudit didnt realize how her words could affect ShaindleC . Shaindle couldnt get rid of the bad memory for many years.D. Shaindle burst out anger at Malkas mother-in-law.6. The purpose of the passage is to tell us .A. words can really hurt us B. sisters should care for each otherC. we should try to forget unpleasant thing D. two sisters different experiences7. The undeflined part “stepped on very raw toes” probably me
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