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1高二英语周练七十三第一部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. Well go to countryside for sightseeing this weekend. Would you like to join us? A. the; 不填B. the; aC. 不填; aD. 不填; 不填2.Im afraid I cant follow you. Sure! I will say it again. A. Pardon?B. Im sorry.C. Excuse me.D. Just fancy!3. It is a pity that you have missed such a golden opportunity. A. mightB. wouldC. should D. must4.What did you mean saying that?Dont get me wrong; I just want to help you. A. forB. inC. of D. by5. Millions of young trees have already been planted to take the place of which were blown over. A. thatB. onesC. themD. those6. Money is important, but interests me most is the responsibility that goes along with this job. A. what B. thatC. itD. which7. While seeing the film directed by Zhang Yimou, I found myself to tears many times.A. moving B. moved C. being movedD. to be moved8. Please cherish time and work hard. Whoever has wasted his life will eventually nothing.A. attractB. accomplish C. arrangeD. absorb9. If you the question from this point of view, you will find it of great importance. A. will consider B. are consideringC. consider D. considered210. The tower built more than one thousand years ago remained after the earthquake. A. to be standing B. to stand C. stood D. standing11. It is greatly to your that you gave back the money you had found; youre worth praising for your honesty.A. convenienceB. delightC. credit D. surprise 12. Lets go out to play football, OK?But I must get my homework first. A. to finish B. finished C. finish D. finishing13. Is there still any table ?Sorry, were fully booked for tonight.A. convenientB. enjoyableC. available D. consistent 14. His coming brought their quarrel to an end. There a moment of uncomfortable silence. A. was followed B. followingC. was followingD. followed15. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would say his bike on the way. A. broke down B. broke away C. broke outD. broke up第二节 完形填空 ( 共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)There once was a water bearer who carried water from the distant river into the town where he lived. He owned two pots, which he 16 at both ends of a pole (扁担) he balanced over his 17 . One pot was smooth and perfectly waterproof, 18 the other was old and a bit cracked (有裂缝的). 19 it leaked water on the way.Each day the pot leaked a little till came a time when it was 20 able to keep half of its content by the time theyd 21 the town. This caused the pot great 22 , and so finally, unable to 23 its embarrassment, the pot said to the water bearer, “Master, please break me! Throw me! I cant 24 this unhappiness any longer. Im unable to hold water, 3and you can 25 me and get a new pot.”“Oh,” replied the water bearer, “is that what you think of 26 ? Then please, let me show you something on the way 27 from the river tomorrow.”And the next day, after 28 both pots, and hanging the smooth one on the right and the cracked one on the left side of his 29 as usual, the water bearer pointed to the 30 side of the path and asked, “Tell me, what do you see?” The pot replied, “I see dirt and dust.” 31 this, the water bearer pointed to the left side of the road and asked, “What do you see on that side?” “Oh, there I see grass and wild 32 .” “Yes,” replied the water bearer, “this is the 33 you have created by leaking some water by the side of the path every day. You 34 the soil, you brought the sleeping 35 to life, and nourished the blooms, and from this side of the path, I picked a few flowers.”16. A. built B. hung C. moved D. aimed17. A. back B. arm C. shoulder D. chest18. A. since B. when C. though D. while19. A. In fact B. As usual C. After all D. At times20. A. still B. rather C. only D. even21. A. reached B. left C. toured D. crossed22. A. damage B. shock C. shame D. anger23. A. express B. contain C. save D. suffer24. A. support B. stand C. cause D. bring25. A. discover B. control C. improve D. replace26. A. me B. yourself C. it D. them27. A. back B. out C. ahead D. away28. A. filling B. setting C. making D. using29. A. step B. hand C. path D. pole 30. A. near B. far C. rightD. left31. A. RememberingB. Mentioning C. Seeing D. Hearing32. A. flowers B. animals C. plants D. species 33. A. confidence B. atmosphere C. wealth D. beauty34. A. farmed B. entered C. watered D. worked435. A. people B. seeds C. woods D. leaves第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AMy husband is reading The Secret Garden aloud to our kids. They are at the part where Mary has told Colin that shes found the garden her mother loved. Its an exciting moment. But the passage Im waiting for is a few chapters on, after Colin has tasted his first breaths of fresh air and Ma
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