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Lesson FifteenTouched by the MoonStructure of the TextPart 1 (paras. 12 ) On the way to a friends house, I was awe-struck by the moonrise in Manila and mentioned the moons influence on my friends life.Part 2 (paras. 34 ) During the visit to the northern India, the author witnessed the beautiful moon over mountains and the plain respectively.Part 3 (para. 5) In the Philippines, the author watched the full moon over the sea.Structure of the TextPart 4 (paras. 67) The author viewed the whole nature and revealed the relationship between man and nature.Part 5 (paras. 810) The author rethought the modern life and expressed the willingness to live close to nature.Words v. to fill with awe e.g. They were d into silence by the great man.awesome: expressing or causing feelings of ; remarkable, outstanding, marvelousstruck / stricken: filled with, made silent or showing e.g. They sat in awestruck silence after hearing the truth at last.2. chinkChink: refers to a narrow opening or crack, such as that between boards in the wall of a shed, through which the wind blows or one may peep e. g. All one could see through the s in our bamboo awning were a few desolate villages.3. clayclay: fine-grained earth which becomes more plastic when water is added, and can be moulded and dried to make bricks, pottery etc.e.g. to moisten / wet ones : to drinkfeet of : a surprising fault or weakness in the character of sb who is admired and respected e.g. Why are people always surprised when they discovered that their heroes have feet of ?4. cragcrag : a high, steep, rough and rugged rock or mass of rocks e.g. cragsman (a person accustomed to or skilled in climbing crags)craggy: having many crags; steep, rugged and rough in appearance; cragged e.g. hillI was attracted by Abraham Lincolns face.5. cyclo-: circle, ringbicycle, tricycle, motorcyclecircular: in the shape of a circlecircus: a circular area (for acrobatic, clown, and trained animal performance)cyclic: moving in recurrent circlescyclone: a storm in which wind whirls round and round in a circlecirculate: move around in a circle; to be distributed to a circle of readers6. giganticgigantic: suggests an extremely large size or amount, mostly used exaggeratedly or figurativelybig: emphasize the magnitude of weight, volume or extentlarge: preferable to big in formal style, normally not used to modify such nouns as success, progress, advance, promotion, development, change, etc., for which big or great are ready choicesgreat: sounds emotional, suggesting attracting or surprising magnificence or giantness; it is commonly used with nouns denoting personal qualities, like courage, confidence, ability, wisdom, etc.7. harshharsh: unpleasant in causing pain to senses; physically disagreeable, lacking any comfort; severe, cruel e.g. voice / noise (rough, jarring) daylight (too strong for the eyes)The cloth is to the touch.(with a rough surface)He is too with the children.His family couldnt survive the winter.The prisoner suffered much treatment at the hands of his jailers.8. shapev. form, fashion, mould in a definite shape e. g. childhood experiences that a persons character the clay before it dries out a folktale into a narrative poem up or ship out: used to tell sb that if they dont improve, or work harder etc., they will have to leave their job or position e.g. He finally faced up to his drug problem when his band told him to shape up or ship out.9. worship e. g. sb as deity / GodPeople go to the church to God.His admirers ped at his feet.Many pilgrims at the shrine.n. ancestor / book / hero / idol / nature They bowed their heads in . (to show their respect)Language points in textTouched by the moon: being close to nature1. “Drive” Drive1) to move or travel in a vehicle e.g. Shall we stop for dinner or shall we drive on ?2) to take (sb.) in a vehicle e.g. Dont worry. Ill drive you to the airport.3) to force to go e.g. we should drive the invaders from our country.4) to force someone into a usu. unpleasant condition or undesirable course of action. e.g. The noise is driving me out of my mind.5) to force to go somewhere by hitting e.g. drive the nail into the wood“drive” VPDrive at: to mean or suggest indirectly; hint e.g. I see perfectly what you are driving at?Drive away e.g. The rioters fired shots in the air to drive away news photographers.Drive off: to force away or back; repel e.g. The army drove off the enemy with much loss of life.Drive sb. crazy (insane, mad, out of his mind, round the bend, up the wall)2. Moon n. a full moon a crescent moon ask/cry for the moon: demand sth. impossible bark at the moon promise sb. the moonMoon v.Moon about/around: to move about or pass time lazily or in a dreamlike state, with no purpose, interest, etc. e.g. Stop mooning around.Moon over: to be
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