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大学英语四级词 汇串讲四级词汇考查特点名词、动词一统天下词组搭配 (名词、动词、形容词+ 介词、 副词搭配)是四级考试最爱义近、形近词常考一词多义、一词多性常考Credit (8次)credit card 信用卡Credit hour 学分V: 把(钱)存入(账户)A sum of money is credited to an account.把.归因于,认为是.的功劳 The old man credited him with having saved his daughterv考题 Tomorrow the money will_(转到你 的账上)答案:be credited to your accountEntitle (7次).V 给予权利;给予资格 pattern:entitle sb to sth/ sb is entitled to sthEg. They are entitled to first class travel.v 他们可以坐头等舱旅行。近义词辨析:找词伙关系v看电视、看足球比赛v看电影v看书、看报v看黑板、看照片vWatchvSeevReadvLook at近义词:通过英文解释和例句找出细微差别Accumulate: 积累、筹集,积存 (gragually get) Eg: accumulate books: 收藏书籍accumulate funds 筹集资金Assemble: 收集,集合 collect, gather Eg:1. Assmble your papers and put them in the file.把你的文件归拢放在这个文件 夹内。 2. Well assemble at the gate at 7 oclock tomorrow morning. 明晨七时在门口集合 。 形近词辨析:找词伙关系vRelease, relate, relieve, retainrelease sth to sb 向某人公布/发布(消息 ) Be related to/ have a relation to 和.有关 系 Relieve + 痛苦、忧虑 relieve your headache Retain: keep 保存、保留 Eg: Retain an appearance of youthRetain ones rights考题vDont _ news to the public, without my permission.Answer: releaseadopt and adaptadopt:采纳,采取,收养 Eg: He was able to persuade his boss to adopt his plans.adapt.(to) 适应于 Adapt oneself to sth Eg: One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions考题vMost of the new immigrants found it hard to _ (适应新环境)vAnswer: Adapt themselves to the new environmentExtensive and intensiveExtensive: 广泛的 Eg: extensive readingextensive knowledge Intensive:精耕细作的,集中的,加强的 Eg: intensive readingintensive training 强化培训transform Tansfer, transmit, transport,vtransform vTansfer,v vtransmit,v transport,v改变,转变,改造v转让(权利等); 转乘; 转调v播送;传送;传递v运输、运送Transform (transformation)改造, 1. The sofa can transform for use as a bed. 这个沙发可改作床用。 转变,改变,v2. To transform hills into fields is an extremely tough job. 改山造田可是硬碰硬的事。 Transfer:v 2.He likes to transfer from the bus to the subway on his way home. 转调 3. He has been transferred from Beijing to Shanghai.Tansmit (transmission)v 1. V:播送;vThe game was transmitted live in Spain.v这场比赛在西班牙进行了现场直播。v2. V 传播,传染(疾病) vmosquitoes that transmit disease to humans.传染疾病给人类的蚊子Transport (n , v)n 运输,vTransport has always been the key to developing trade. 运输一直是发展贸易的 关键。 V运输vTheres no petrol, so its very difficult to transport goods.没有汽油,因此很难运 输货物。vTransportation 运输工具怎么去准备??v从真题中去准备!v从真题中的 四个选项的意思你都要弄懂,尤其是大纲 之内要求掌握的单词你必须要清楚!v知道它们的基本含义之外,还要知道它们 的一些生僻的意思!词组搭配最爱考的几个单词是:vvvvvvv不要死记硬背词组!v要从动词本身的意思,以及介副词本身的 含义中去猜测词组的意义!voff:“离开“Cut offSet offGo offpullv outv upv throughv over考题: The doctor tried to pull _ the patient .怎么复习词组?v大纲要求掌握多个词组,但真正 考到的不到个v再缩小一点:年真题 中出现的短语(重点词汇)v近义词组要去查字典,从例句中发现其细 微差别vSet back 与 hold up考题:if you suspect your illness, youd better _ seeing a doctor.考题:There is a big hole in the road which_ to the traffic.vSet asidevSet offvSet outSet about考题 Since we have signed the contract, we d better _ preprareing for it. 答案:set about常考介词短语vBut for= withoutvRegardless ofwhatever 不管,不顾vdespitein spite offor all 尽管: I shall go regardless of the wheather.For all his wealth, he is a very lonely man.All in allAfter allAt bestAt mostAt leastAt last总的来说,总而言之毕竟至多,充其量至多,充其量至少最后动词、名词、形容词与介、副词的搭配( 考个,占)v特别爱考的:to, for, off, in, on, atvto:不定式动名词 考题: Contribute. to Attribute. to Attend to Devote toEating too much fat _ your high blood pressure具有比较意义的adj 也常和to 搭配Preferable更可取的,更喜欢的,更合适的v考题 The dark suit is_ to the light one for evening dress(晚礼服) preferable suitable具有比较意义的adj带to的有:vSupeiorto vInferior.tovPrior.tovSecond.tov比 更优越v比 更低劣v先于.v仅次于.如何复习四级词汇v1. 分类记忆: 1)按n, v, adj 来分类 2)再按有无搭配把各种词性的单词分成两 类 3)然后把近义词、形近词找出来进行比较 记忆 2.真题记忆:把近5年真题中的“选词填空”、“完形填空” 、的选项中词汇及“翻译”中的词汇短语强 化记忆。四级备战建议:强攻高频词汇,增强 信心 8次:credit 7次:entitle, raise, range 6次:abandon, access, adopt, charge, cultivate, exhaust, extensive, grant, leak, present, regardless of, reserve 5次:acquire, adapt, assemble, associate, attend, available, expand, identical, insert, intensive, involve, matter, preferable, promote, regulate, replace, retain, split, transfer, transission, transportvGod helps those who help themselves!四级各部分分值比例v写作15%v听力 35%v快速阅读 10%v选词填空10%v传统阅读15%v完形填空10%v翻译5%
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