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1 Unit 2 language课题Module 3 unit 2 language practice 课型复习教学目标Consolidate the key words and phrases重点Consolidate the key words and phrases难点Consolidate the key words and phrases教法及教具教学过程教学内容个案调整教师主导活动学生主体活动词汇应用:根据句意、首字母、或中文提示填词,要求意思通顺,语法搭配 正确。1. I find it difficult to _ (结合 , 联合 ) having a careerwith looking after children. (combine) 2. You need a password to get _(使用的 ) 机会 , 权利 to the computer system. (access) 3. The enemy _ (占领了 =take over) the city. (occupied) 4. Every person s fingerprints are _ ( 独特的 ). (unique) 5. The carpet has a pretty _ (图案 ). pattern 6. I dont like the leading _ ( 人物 ) in the novel. character 7. We have begun the difficult _ (过程 , 进程 ) of reforming the education system. (process) 8. It will pay to do good _ ( 行为 , 行动 , 事情 =action). (deeds) 9. Chairman Mao spoke Putonghua with a strong Hunan _ (口音 ). (accent) 10. It s a c _ to eat dumplings and fly Kongming lanterns on the Lantern Festival. (custom) 单项选择 D) 1. _ is no point in putting up such a sign around the street corner. A. It B. That C. This D. There B) 2. Without proper lessons, you could _ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano. A. keep up B. pick up C. draw up D. catch up D) 3. The lion is considered the king of the forest, for it is a (n) _ of courage and power. A. example B. sign C. mark D. symbol D) 4. We shouldnt spend our money testing so many people, most of _ are healthy. A. that B. which C. what D. whom A) 5. -I hear John refused to tell the truth and was taken away by 2 the police. -Really, where did you _ that? A. pick up B. put up C. hear from D. get up C) 6. His name was on the _ of my tongue, but I simply couldnt remember it. A. end B. edge C. tip D. side B) 7. You have made a few spelling mistakes in your composition, but it is well written _. A. on a whole B. as a whole C. general speaking D. as the whole A) 8. - How do you like _ here so far. Mr. Fox? - Well, Ive really enjoyed meeting many nice people here and everything here is quite different. A. it B. them C. that D. this B) 9. Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. result from B. contribute to C. attend to D. lead in C) 10. _ the traditions of country music can be traced back over the centuries, the term “country“ is a relatively modern invention. A. Now that B. Despite C. Although D. As long as B) 11. The chairman thought _ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting. A. that B. it C. this D. him C) 12. He is so lazy. That is _ makes him so poor. A. when B. where C. what D. why D) 13. Everything has two sides. Beautiful songs, sometimes. _ be just noise to others. A. must B. may C. should D. could D) 14. Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly _ size and shape. A. on B. from C. by D. in C) 15. -If he works hard, he _ to succeed in science. -Yes. He is _ diligent than clever. A. hopes; much more B. wishes; no more C. promises; more D. will be able; rather A) 16. Mr. Wang was chosen to _ our school at the meeting. A. represent B. stand for C. on behalf of D. take the place of B) 17. There is no need to leave a tip. Service _ in the bill. A. includes B. is included C. is contained D. contains A) 18. There is a small group of words which even some native speakers and writers of English find _. A. confusing B. confused C. to confuse D. being confused 3 完型填空We all know that language can sometimes get lost in translation. But do you know that some facial _1_ may also be _2_ in cross-cultural situations? According to a study by Glasgow University, Europeans look _3_ a persons whole face _4_people from East Asia focus _5_ on the eyes. Researchers recorded the eye movements of 13 Westerners and 13 Easterners as they observed pictures of expressive faces. They were asked to _6_ the pictures into the following categories: happy, sad, surprised, fearful, disgusted, angry, or neutral. The team found East Asians focus much more attention on the eyes and also make a _7_ number of mistakes. Different from Europeans, they _8_ to have a more difficult time _9_ the difference between a face that looks fearful as opposed to surprised, and disgusted as opposed to angry. “Westerners look at the eyes and the mouth _10_, whereas Easterners _11_ the eyes and neglect the mouth,“ said researcher Rachael Jack. “This means that Easterners have _12_ in telling apart facial expressions that look similar around the eye region.“ Jack said that the differences in eye movement reflected a cultural _13_ in the way people use their faces to express themselves. Easterners use the eyes more and the mouth _14_. The difference in the use of text messa
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