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St. Marks CathedralSt. Marks Cathedral雄伟壮丽的圣马可大教堂始建于年,重建于 年,它曾是中世纪欧洲最大的教堂,是 威尼斯建筑艺术的经典之作;据说其中埋葬了耶酥门徒 圣马可而得名;圣马可是圣经马可福音的作者,被 威尼斯人奉为护城神,其坐骑是狮子,当威尼斯摆脱拜 占庭的控制,成为一个城市共和国后,元老院决定圣马 可为城市的新守护神,以代替狄奥多尔,所以威尼斯的 城徽是一只巨大的狮子抱着福音书。 Magnificent St. Marks Cathedral was built in 829, rebuilt in 1043 1071, it was the largest church in medieval Europe, is Venices classic architecture; said to his disciples in which Jesus was buried and San Marco name; San Marco, the Bible, “Mark“ of the author, was regarded as a protection Venetian city of God, the mount is the lion, when the Byzantine of Venice out of control, as a city of the Republic, the Senate decided to San Marco for the city the new patron saint, to replace Theodore, so Venices city emblem is a lion holding a huge gospel.St. Marks Cathedral is the pride of Venice, San Marco Cathedral of the Christian worlds most famous cathedral is one of the Fourth Crusade of departure. The glory of Venice, Venices rich, of course, Venices history and beliefs, all in here. Cathedral was built in the 11th century, after upgrading from time to time. Today, the cathedral is the Eastern Byzantine art, Roman art, medieval Gothic art and Renaissance art combination of a variety of artistic styles, combined in harmony, integrates coordination,beautiful, unique.圣马可大教堂是威尼斯的骄傲,圣马可大教堂是基督教世界上最有 名的大教堂是第四次十字军东征的出发之一。在威尼斯,威尼斯荣 耀的丰富,当然,威尼斯的历史和信仰,都在这里。大教堂建于11 世纪,从时间后升级到时间。今天,大教堂是东方拜占庭艺术,罗 马艺术,中世纪哥德式艺术和文艺复兴时期的艺术风格多元和谐相 结合,艺术的结合,整合协调,美观,独特。The year 1063, half the original site of the burnt church, according to Apostolic Church of Constantine the city rebuilt it again. After several rounds of transformation of its elevation to the 15th century as it has so far completed only the gorgeous face. Church of the plane is the second golden age of Greek cross-shaped, and four wings which have a triangular arch on the dome, while the dome is divided into two treatment: its gentle arc within less than a semicircle, while the external particularly high level, enhance the contour. In the positive part of a two-story entrance porch, which encircle the two wings, the shape appears flat to the main entrance, each row of five large marble-shaped beam column as baidunzi ticket gate. 这座教堂原是作为基督教传说中的圣徒马可的墓 葬教堂的。公元1063年,在原来半烧毁的教堂旧 址上,根据君士坦丁城的使徒教堂又把它改建了 。其立面经过多次改造,至15世纪时才完成了它 迄今那样的华丽面貌。教堂的平面是第二黄金时 期的希腊十字架形,当中和四翼各有一个在三角 拱上的圆顶,而圆顶分为两层处理:其内部的弧 度平缓,不到半圆形,外部则特别拔高,增强轮 廓线。在正面的入口部分有一个二层楼的门廊, 它环抱着两翼,使其正门的外形显得平直,每一 排有五个大的有大理石束柱作为墩子券形门。 Byzantine architectural features, has four main aspects: first is the roof shape, commonly used in “dome top.“ The second prominent feature is the overall shape center. Byzantine architecture in general, the construction composition of the center, often very prominent, both the high body mass that big, round dome, often the center of the whole architectural composition surrounding the central parts around it are often ordered to set up some coordinated with the small parts.The third characteristic is that it created the dome square pillars supporting the structure in a separate method and the corresponding centralized architectural form. The typical approach is to send the sides in the square plane tickets, four tickets to the diagonal diameter between the masonry dome, like a complete dome was made in the sides of coupons cut from it the weight of the four Certificates bear, so that interior space was a great freedom. The fourth characteristic is the use of color, not only pay attention to changes, but also pay attention to unity, so that interior space and exterior building facades look dazzling.Gothic architecture mainly by the stone skeleton of the composition of coupons and flying buttresses. The basic unit is a square or rectangular plane in the four corners of the pole tip vouchers for two-center of the circle frame, all four sides and one diagonal, slate roof rack in the coupons, the formation of the vault. In this way, you can make a vector of different span the same high coupons, dome light, intersections clear, reducing the coupon foot thrust, simplified construction.
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