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Child as he is. You are the last man (that) I will marry. (肯定表否定) No one can manufacture a lock without the key. Similarly god wont give us a problem without solution . We are in a dilemma whether to.(我们处在对.进退两难,犹豫的 境界中) Errors like the rice straw, upon the surface flow; he who would search for the pearls must dive below.(错误像稻草漂浮水面,欲寻 珍珠者,必往深处潜) It is the first step that costs trouble.The first step cost trouble. Virtue is lofty , but it requires you to give .(美德是很高尚的,但需 要你的付出) Beauty unaccompanied by virtue is as a flower without perfume .(美 而无德犹如花而无香) Im a slow walker , but I never walk backward .(我尽管走的很慢,但 我始终没有后退.)It is widely/generally believed that It is universally acknowledged that (被所有人认为)A case in point is that 用于列举 Victory belong to the most persevering (胜利属于坚持的人) Never fear shadow . They simply mean that there is a light shining somewhere nearly .(不要害怕阴影,因为已有阳光的存在) Reserving a dream is uppermost (梦想力量无坚不摧) Weep not for the past and fear not for the future (不要为过去哭泣 ,也不要为未来而恐惧) A journey of a thousand mile begins with a single step. (千里之行 始于足下) The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”. Yesterday is history , tomorrow is mystery ,but today is a gift ,that is why we call it present. Govern your thoughts when alone and your tongue when in company.(一人独处慎于思,与人相处慎于言)
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