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课前准备:课本、笔记本、双色笔学习目标 1.掌握重点的单词、短语和句 子,并熟练运用。 2. 能用简单的词句给出个人信 息。 3. 知道本模块学习的重要性, 全力以赴完成目标。预习案be from /come from 2. Nice to meet you 3. .怎么样? 4. Welcome to 5. Class 4 Grade 7 6. the capital of 7. first name 8. 姓Can you distinguish them:America Chinese EnglishAmerican China EnglandIm from + . Im + .China ChineseEngland EnglishAmerica American形容词名词讨论:Cooperation and discussion 7内 容【课课内探究】知识识点探究要 求1. 小组组内先一对对一, 然后组组内合作讨论讨论 . 动动口动脑动动脑动 笔。 2. 组长调组长调 控好,确保每层层的学生都能最大限度解决问问 题题,以备备展示和质质疑,保证证高效完成。 3.科研小组组成员员要首先质质疑拓展目 标标组长调控高效讨论状态,讨论状态(03分) 各层组员积极参与,高效讨论.积极参与,做最主动,最好学的人!展示内容展示 小组组展示方式 点评评要求: 1)展示快速 ,突出重点 。 2)点评评大 方,语语言简简 洁洁,声音洪 亮。 3)讨论讨论 完 成后,非展 示的同学大 声背诵诵 M1U1的对对 话话。探究点一G2后黑板 G8 探究点二 G6/G9前黑板探究点三G1后黑板G7探究点四G4/G3 后黑板G5Brilliant presentation 精彩展示探究案1. I am your English teacher. Daming is from England. He is happy. 2. Are you from America? No, Im not.Is he Chinese? No, he isnt.Are they in Class 1? No, they arent.(1) 主语 be 动词后可跟名词、形容词、副词、介词(2) be 动词, Yes, No3. first name and last nameand are our 4. My She He Your 形容词性 人称代词主格1. I 2. He / She / It 3./单数名词/不可数名词 4.3. We / You / They/名词复数amisare熟记be动词用法歌诀 我用am ,你用are, is 连着他,她,它。 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 老师点拨:be动词be 动词( am, is , are) 填空1.I _ a student.2.He _ my friend.3.We _ students.4. _ you a new student ?5. They _ English.6. Lily and Kate _ from England.7. _ your brother a student?8. _ it the first lesson?amisareAre areareIs Is Chinese name :Liu DehuaFamily nameGiven name( 刘德华)English name: David Beckham ( 大卫. 贝克汉姆)Given nameFamily name知识拓展Can you find the differences between English names and Chinese names?Family name + Given nameGiven name +Family name中国人英国人老师点拨:人称代词的主格熟记人称代词主格用法歌诀 我是I, 你是you, 男用he,女用she, 物用it, 还有复数 we, you , they.Lets Lets practicepractice writing!writing!写作训练If you are Li Yuchun or Yao Ming, can you write a passage to introduce (介绍) yourself? Age(年龄 ):23 From:(city)Chengdu Favourite colour:Black Like doing:Singing and dancing Favourite season(季节 ):Autumn Age:27 From:Shanghai Favourite colour:blueName:Li YuchunName:Yao MingHello! My name is Li Yuchun. Im 23 years old.Im from Chengdu. Its a big city.Myfavourite colour is black. I like singing and dancing.Autumn is my favourite season.Hello! My name is Yao Ming. Im from China and Im Chinese. Im from Shanghai. Shanghaiis a big city. Im 27 years old. My favourite colour is blue. I like playing basketball.If you are a journalist(记者 ) from Dongyang TV(东阳电视台), write a passage to introduce Li Yuchunand Yao Ming to the audience(观众 ) after you make an interview(采访 )?Have a try(试一试 )! Good morning! Im Li Yuchun-a Super Girl(超女 ). Im 23 years old. I am fromChengdu.My favourite colour is black .I like singing and dancing. Autumn is my favourite season.Hello! Im Yao Ming. Im Chinese and Imfrom Shanghai. Im 27 years old. My favourite colour is blue. I like playing basketball. I am a good basketball player.This isShesShesHer She likesher This isHeshesHesHis He likesHes动脑思考:人称代词主格和形容词性物主代词人称代 词词主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey形容词词 性的物 主代词词my your hisherits our your theirmy代词练习 用所给代词的适当形式填空。 1._ ( I ) am a teacher. 2.This is _( I ) book. 3._(he) chair is blue. 4._(we) classroom is big. 5._(he) often plays basketball after school. 6._(he) teacher is good. 7._(we) buy a pair of shoes . 8._(they) are listening to the radio.
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