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1翻译政府工作报告中政策术语 的几点体会2讨论要点v深入解读 v准确表达 v灵活变通3深入解读:小心陷阱v例一 原文:鼓励承接国际服务外包业务 初译:to participate proactively in outsourcing of international services 问题:到底是 “国际服务”的业务被外 包,还是来自国际上的外包服务业务?4深入解读:小心陷阱(续) v例二 原文:保持速度与结构、质量、效益相统一 初译:align speed with structure, quality and efficiency (保持A与B、C、D相统一) 改译:maintain momentum while pursuing structural optimization, quality and efficiency at the same time (保持速度A与B、C、D 相统一)5深入解读:参考上下文v例 原文:坚持“引进来”与“走出去”相结合,不断扩大 对内对外开放(第二部分第八小节标题) 初译:Striking a good balance between “Bringing In” and “Going Out” strategies, 改译:Maintaining a balance between inbound and outbound investment, 终译:Maintaining a two-way flow of inbound and outbound business activity, and opening Shanghai wider to the rest of the country and the world 6深入解读:听话要听音 v例一 原文:大力实施品牌战略,形成更多 拥有自主知识产权的核心技术和知名品 牌。 初译: to implement the branding strategy with an aim to .7深入解读:听话要听音(续) v讨论 :问题一:我们有品牌了吗? 贴牌生产,e.g. 服装 以市场换技术,e.g. 汽车 问题二:什么是“品牌战略”? 理解1怎么打品牌 理解2企业发展靠品牌 8深入解读:听话要听音(续) v修改 改译:Meanwhile, we must make strenuous efforts in marketing and branding with an eye to developing more proprietary core technologies and strong brands. 或者:to develop/formulate marketing and branding strategies; to acquire/build up marketing and branding capabilities 9深入解读:听话要听音(续) v例二 原文:信息产品制造业要强化研发设计,进一步完善产 业链,加快发展集成电路、新型元器件、新一代移动 通信等重点产业。 或者:In the area of ICT products manufacturing, we stress the stronger capacities of research, development and design as well as improved industrial chain 改译: and build up competencies across the whole value chain . 10深入解读:勤做背景调研 v例一 原文:加快建立以企业为主体的技术创新体系。坚持“ 市抓实力、区县抓活力、企业抓动力”,引导和鼓励 企业增加研发投入,加强企业技术中心建设,切实增 强企业自主创新能力。 初译:We induce and encourage business to increase their investment in Research and Development (R&D), 改译:. We will encourage and incentivize increased corporate R&D investment, .11深入解读:勤做背景调研(续) v 怎么个“引导”法?国家经济贸易委员会、国家税务总局文件、海关总署关于印发鼓 励和支持大型企业和企业集团建立技术中心暂行办法的通知 国经 贸1993261号四、通过审定的技术中心可以享受的优惠政策 1进口用于开发新技术、国内不能生产供应的仪器、仪表、化学试剂和技术 资料按原国务院生产办、财政部、人民银行、国家税务局、海关总署国生 技改199292号文的规定,免征关税和进口环节的增值税; 2中试产品定期减免所得税。 3技术中心的科技设施建设投资按零税率计征投资方向调节税,其具体范围 比照固定资产投资方向调节税科学类税目注释执行。来源:北京信息网http:/www.ctibj.com.cn/assembly/action/browsePage.do?channelID=1102299625224&contentID=1109742000573 12深入解读:勤做背景调研(续) v例二 原文:实施积极的就业政策,加大了政府扶持创业和就 业援助的力度,新增了大量就业岗位,一大批就业困 难群众重新走上了工作岗位。 初译:The government implemented active employment policies, intensifying efforts to support entrepreneurship and assist people in seeking jobs. Many new jobs were created to help a large number of people having difficulties in finding jobs get reemployed. 改译:Employment Assistance Program13讨论要点v深入解读 v准确表达 v灵活变通14准确表达:咬文嚼字 v例一:虚词 原文:切实减轻中小学生过重课业负担 初译: reduce the excessive workload of primary and secondary school students. 思考:这些“过重课业负担”该不该有?是“ 属于”学生们的还是不合理地强加给他们的 ? 改译: reducing the excessive workloads primary and secondary school students face 15准确表达:咬文嚼字(续) v例二:实词 倡导全社会对老年人的尊敬和精神关爱 to advocate respect and mental care for the elderly to promote love and respect for the elderly 能源安全 Safe energy supply Energy security16准确表达:咬文嚼字(续) v例三:搭配 原文:基本完成乡镇机构、农村义务教育和乡镇财 政管理体制等改革任务 初译: accomplish the reform of institutions, compulsory education system and the financial and taxation system at town and township level. (the reforms of A, B and C at 乡镇 level) 改译: complete our reforms targeting town and township-level financial and taxation systems and institutions and the rural compulsory education system. (the reforms of 乡镇level A1 and A2 and B)17准确表达:把握分寸 v例一 原文:鼓励承接国际服务外包业务 初译:to participate proactively in outsourcing of international services 改译:to make strong inroads into the international services outsourcing market 建议: to encourage Chinese/local companies to seek more service business outsourced by international clients (the worlds office?)18准确表达:把握分寸(续) v例二 原文:畅通群众诉求渠道,引导群众通过理性合法形式 表达利益要求。 初译:More channels will be open to receive public complaints, so as to guide the public to voice their opinions in a rational and legal way. 改译:More channels will be opened for public to voice their interests and demands in a rational and lawful manner. 19准确表达:运用术语 v例一 原文:健全信息安全保障体系,加强信息安全关键技术 研发,确保基础通信网络和重要信息系统的安全。 初译: and make sure of the safety of basic communication network and important information systems. 改译: ensure the security of basic telecommunication networks and mission-critical information systems.20准确表达:运用术语(续)v例二 原文:完善人才服务体系,健全人才流动机制 和激励机制, 初译: institution that allows for the flow of human capital 改译: facilitate healthy movement between jobs 终译: facilitate job mobility 21准确表达:受众意识 v例 原文:充分发挥三级医院在疑难杂症诊疗和教学、科研 方面的优势,加强医学重点学科建设, 初译:We will leverage on hospitals at municipal, district and community levels 改译:Capitalizing on the advantages of tier 3 hospitals 终译:Capitalizing on the strengths of top-level hospitals in diagnosing and treating difficult and complex cases as well as teaching and research, 22讨论要点v深入解读 v准确表达 v灵活变通23灵活变通 v例一:
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