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1辽宁省台安县辽宁省台安县 20182018 届初中英语升学考试模拟试题(一)届初中英语升学考试模拟试题(一)23456789九年英语模拟答案(一)九年英语模拟答案(一)单项选择(本题共单项选择(本题共 1010 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分分, , 共共 1010 分)分)15 BCCAD 610 BADAD 补全对话。补全对话。 (本题共(本题共 5 5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分) 1115 ADEBF.完形填空(本题完形填空(本题共共 1010 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分)分) 1620 ABADC 2125 DCBAC 阅读理解阅读理解 ( (本题共本题共 2020 小题,小题,26-4026-40 每小题每小题 1 1 分,分,41-4541-45 每小题每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 2525 分分) )2630DBCBA 3135 BDBDC 3640 DACCD 4145 ADCBE短文填空(本题共短文填空(本题共 1010 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分)分)46. made 47. stand 48. between 49. nothing 50. with51. pushed 52. turned 53. differently 54. hard 55. lives综合阅读(本题共综合阅读(本题共 1010 小小题,每小题题,每小题 2 2 分,共分,共2020 分)分)56. taking care of /caring for 57. Your friends 58. 他们经常不得不在周六工作一整天。59. 青少年可以用剩余的钱买他/她需要的东西。60. part-time job61. Yes, she is. 62Music.63She put photos of the finished shoes on a website.64.$80.5 65The first shoes she made were a pair of Vans that she drew on with markers and paint.翻译句子翻译句子( (本题共本题共 1010 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 2020 分)分) (短语整体翻译错误,扣(短语整体翻译错误,扣 2 2 分;其他情况酌情扣分。分;其他情况酌情扣分。 ) 66are interested in 67mind opening the window68. that/who taught you math69. by accident70 . used to be 71. because of 72regarded me as 73let your parents down74would rather 75 is made from apples书面表达(共书面表达(共 2020 分)分)OneOne possiblepossible version:version:HowHow toto protectprotect ourour liveslivesWeWe onlyonly livelive once.Itonce.It isis ourour parentsparents wishwish t to o seesee usus grogrow w upup safelysafely andand 10healthily.Inhealthily.In return,return, wewe shouldshould treasuretreasure ourour lives.Butlives.But inin thethe faceface ofof possiblepossible danger,danger, howhow cancan wewe protectprotect ourselves?ourselves?ThereThere areare manymany carscars onon thethe roadsroads thesethese days.days. WhenWhen wewe crosscross thethe road,road, wewe mustmust obeyobey traffictraffic rules,especiallyrules,especially atat traffictraffic lights.lights.AtAt school,school, wewe shouldshould getget onon wellwell withwith ourour classmatclassmates.es. WeWe shouldntshouldnt getget inin fightsfights withwith them.them.ItsIts importantimportant forfor usus toto knowknow whichwhich placesplaces areare dangerous.Wdangerous.We e shouldshould staystay awayaway fromfrom dangerousdangerous places.places.InIn addition,addition, I I thinkthink wewe shouldshould eateat healthyhealthy foodfood insteadinstead ofof junkjunk food.food. WedWed betterbetter getget enoughenough sleepsleep andand exerciseexercise everyevery day.day. WeWe mustmust refuserefuse toto abuseabuse drugsdrugs oror smoke.smoke.Lastly,Lastly, wewe shouldshould spendspend lessless timetime playingplaying computercomputer games.Wegames.We shouldshould alwaysalways rememberremember thatthat happinesshappiness isis thethe mostmost importantimportant thing.Wething.We shouldshould smilesmile andand bebe happyhappy everyevery dayday ifif wewe can!can!AllAll ofof usus mustmust dodo ourour bestbest toto protectprotect andand valuevalue ourour ownown lives.lives.作文评分标准:作文评分标准:档次内容语言表达逻辑结构文字量20-18 分内容丰富,包括 题目要求中的所 有信息。表达清晰,基本没 有语法、词汇等语 言错误。能使用常见的连接 词表示顺序和逻辑 关系。80-100 词17-14 分内容比较丰富, 缺题目要求中的 个别信息。表达清晰,语法、 词汇等语言错误较 少。基本上能使用常见 连接词表示顺序和 逻辑关系。60-80 词13-10 分内容不太丰富, 缺题目要求中的 较多信息。表达不十分清晰, 语法、词汇等语言 错误较多。不太能使用常见的 连接词表示顺序和 逻辑关系。40-60 词10 分以下内容不丰富。语法、词汇等语言 错误太多,影响对 内容的理解。信息 未能传达给读者。不能使用常见的连 接词表示顺序和逻 辑关系。40 词以下注:在每个档次中,单词拼写、字母大小写等错误,每累计 2 处扣 1 分,语法错误 1 处扣 1 分,扣 分总数不超过 5 分。
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