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There are many good reasons for wearing a school uniform. Firstly, students do not need to concern themselves with what they are going to wear to school every day. Secondly, uniforms cost less if students had to buy a variety of clothes. In addition, when students wear a uniform, they feel that they belong to a group and are proud to represent their school.Although in many countries school uniforms have been abolished(取消), school children in Britain and other countries still have to wear them. This shows that no one can agree on wearing school uniform. It is clear then, that there are both advantages and disadvantages to wearing one.On the whole, there are advantages and disadvantages to wearing a school uniform. In my opinion, each school should have the right to choose whether its students should have to wear a uniform or not.However, not everyone likes the idea of wearing a school uniform. One reason why students dislike uniforms is that they are not considered fashionable. What is more, sometimes uniforms may not be comfortable or even appropriate (适合)in extreme(极端) weather conditions. They may be too hot to wear in summer or not warm enough in winter
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