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单词类游戏 基本操作模式 1. 言语声明游戏开始:now,lets play a gameetc 2.教师用最简练易懂的语言讲解,同时用TPR做 出示范性动作:you should like this 3.教师用言语询问学生反馈:Are you clear? Clear? Do you understand? Understand? 4.言语性告知学生游戏正式开始:now,lets begin! 5.教师需严格按照自定游戏规则进行游戏,让学 生在失败中慢慢了解游戏的具体游戏规则,难 度设置应适宜1.Jump and say One by one 系列: 学生要尽力跳起来,用 头碰到老师拿卡片的高度。 T:Now,lets play a game!Every one should jump,and do it like this(T shows first). (After showing) ask Ss, “Are you clear?/ Do you understand? Yes or no?” Now, lets begin!2.One by one jump the card touch the card pass the card kiss the card shoot the card 3. high and low voice 当教师用不同声音领读该单词时,学生应 用教师规定的相应声音跟读 T:When I say “apple” (high voice), you should read “apple” (high voice) 或: Thigh voice S-low voice 当然大小声可改编为其他种类的声音4. follow the feather 教师将一张纸拿高,当纸张一落,学生应 在纸张落地前尽量多说该单词,多多益善 T: Look, this is a piece of paper. You should say the word like this (show how to do )5.plus one / minus one 1.T:When I say “apple apple” , and you should say “apple”! When I say “apple apple apple apple”, you should say “apple apple apple”! Are you clear? 2. T:When I say “apple apple” , and you should say “apple apple apple”! When I say “apple apple apple”, you should say “apple apple apple apple”! Are you clear ?6.Bombs 教师有2个以上单词,指定其中一个为炸 弹单词,当学生读到炸弹单词,需改变读 的方式,比如说bomb 或做出其他动作, 谁读出该单词即为输 T:look, there are 3 words, I put the bomb under/behind this word, when you read the bomb word, you should keep silence (crossing your fingers)and say “bomb”, are you clear? Now lets have a try!7.Chinese Kongfu 即一口气说英语 T:now lets play a game. First , sniff (demonstrating), and then exhale (demonstrating), then read “aaaaaaaaa”as many as possible.Are you clear? Now lets have a try.8.Memory Game 第一个学生说一遍该单词,第二个学生说 两遍,第三个学生说三遍,以此类推 T:Lets play a game. You say (pointing at S1) “apple”, and you (pointing at S2) say “apple apple” ,and you (pointing at S3) say “apple apple apple”Are you clear?9.Cow boys 分为两组,每组出一个学生上台,两学生背对背,没人 手中各拿一单词(不要让对方看到),教师说one,两 学生各朝自己方向向前走一步,教师说two,两人再走 第二步,教师说three,两人同时转身面对面,设法先读 出对方手中的单词,即为胜 T:Now lets play a game! First, who can help me? (choosing one Ss in each group). Put the two Ss standing back to back, then tell them” when I say one, you should walk like this (demonstrating),when I say two ,you should walk like this (demonstrating) ,when I say three, you two should turn around quickly ,and read his/her word (pointing at the other Ss),Are you clear?10.Hitting words 分组进行,每组出一名学生上台,目标单 词在黑板上,当教师说apple,台上学生 需快速找到大锤子,看谁最先打到黑板上 单词,并大声读出该单词,即为胜 Look,there are 3words on my blackboard, when I say “apple”, you should find the hammer quickly, and do it like this! (demonstrating). Do you understand? 11.Trick game 12.Train game 13.Whats missing?
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