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外语系 岳宝华1.什么是国际音标?由于英语的拼写形式和读音有很大的 分歧, 所以无法完全根据字母来读音。为了精确地学习和掌握语音, 就要借 助一种注音手段来弥补这一缺陷, 于是便 产生了一定数量的精确记录语音的符号 ,叫做“音符”(Phonetic symbols)。国际音标(旧称万国音符)是国际 语音学协会(IPA - International Phonetic Association) 于1888年拟定的一 套为各国语言注音的语音符号。我们这里所 说的国际音标是专门为英语注音的那一部分 标音符号。目前我国通用的国际音标共有48 个, 其中, 元音音标20个,辅音音标28个。英语元音 (English vowels) 英语元音音素共 20个。分单元音 和双元音两大类 。a. 前元音:/ i: /, / i /, / e /, / / b. 后元音:/ :/, / /, / :/, / u /, / u: /, / c. 中元音: / : /, / /a. 合口双元音:/ ei /, / u /, / ai /, / au /, / i/b. 集中双元音:/ i /, / /, / u /单元音的分类双元音的分类a.爆破音 / p /, / b /, / t, / d /, / k /, / / b.摩擦音 / f /,/ v /,/,/ /,/ s /,/ z / , / /,/ /,/ h /, / r / c.破擦音 / t/,/d /,/tr/, /dr/,/ts/,/dz/ d.鼻音 /m/ , /n/, / e.旁流音(舌侧音) / l / f.半元音 / w /, / j /英语辅音 (English consonants) (共28个 )前元音/i:/ feel heat 热 leap 跳 / / bad land Dad map hat/i/ fill hit lip 嘴唇 /e/ bed lend dead met head前元音练习bee billbee billdeep digdeep digtask testtask testGive me a beefsteak, peas ,and beer, please.Give me a beefsteak, peas ,and beer, please. Catch that mad black cat Better late than never.(迟做总比不做好) Better to do well than to say well .(口说不如实干)A friend in need is a friend indeedA friend in need is a friend indeed(患难之交才是真(患难之交才是真 朋友)朋友)后元音/ :/ all fall hall /u:/ goose 鹅 food loose 松的 / :/ calm/ / boss fox hot /u/ good foot look / comeA large army marched past the farmyard Its hard to see any stars in the dark sky The clock is stopped , its not long Lost time is never found again Who said the soup was too cool? As a rule , the skies are blue in June He looks like a good cook I took my book and looked at it as long as I could中元音/ : / / /earth search bird churchanother order method doctorMy younger brother is a doctor Give me some butter and sugar We will have a get-together after supper双元音/ei/ /e/ age late pain failedge let pen fill双元音/ai/ /i/bike mine heightboy coin noise voice双元音 / u/ /au/coal pose loan 贷款 bowl 碗doubt found noun爆破辅音/p/ pea /t/ tear /k/ class/b/ bee /d/ dear /g/ glassGood, better, best, 循序渐进 Never let it rest, 永不停止 Until good is better, 好上加好 And better best , 精益求精摩擦辅音 /f/ /v/fast few leaf proof safe surfvast 巨大的 view leave prove save serveHe works hard as if he never knew fatigue.It is very difficult for us to finish it before five.摩擦辅音/s/ /z/bus ice loose race usedbuzz 蜂音 eyes lose raise used摩擦辅音 / / / /thank theme thick bath breath cloththan these this bathe breathe clothe/ / /s/thin thing faith mouth / / breathe clothe seethe 沸腾sin sing face mouse /z/ breeze 微风 close seize/ / /t/thank thought / / there they those / / threetank taught /d/ dare day doze 打瞌睡 /f/ freeA thousand thanks. Cathy has three brothers. Mr. Smith talked about this, that and the other. There is something. They have been there for more than three months.摩擦辅音/ / / /cash fish ship shoeleisure 闲暇 measure 测量 pleasure vision 视觉Measure for measure.以牙还牙She sells sea shells on the seashore.她在海边捡贝壳。摩擦辅音 /h/ hard he house who hi hello/r/ red road write wrong破擦辅音 /ts/ /dz/carts rates Seats / t/ cheep choke 闷塞 larch 落叶松 richcards raids Seeds /d / jeep joke large ridge 脊破擦辅音/tr/ /dr/track tree truck trydrag dream drug dryNever trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻烦不找你,就别自找麻烦。鼻辅音/m/ /n/ / /dim 朦胧的 din 喧闹 ding 唠叨 seem seen seeing sum sun sung whim 怪想 win wing舌边辅音/l/l/ /n/ /r/ lead need read light night right半元音/w/ /j/warm young well yard while yield where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。 you still look young, year after year. 一年一年过去了,你看起来还那么年轻。
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