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水浒传的翻译研究水浒传的四个英译本分别是:赛珍珠的All Men are Brothers;英国学者杰克逊的Water Margin;中籍美人沙博理的Outlaws of the Marsh;英国学者登特-杨的The Marshes of Mount Liang。Pearl Buck- cultural hybridIndeed, in translating this novel I have had no academic interest at all; the original is as an excellent tale as excellently told. I have translated it as literally as possible, because to me the style in Chinese is perfectly suited to the material, and my only effort has been to make the translation as much like the Chinese as I could; because I should like readers who do not know that language to have at least the illusion that they are reading an original work.武行者心中要吃,那里听他分说,一片声喝 道:“放屁!放屁!”Now Wu the priest longed much in his heart to eat, and so how could he be willing to listen to this explanation? He bellowed forth, Pass your wind-Pass your wind!虔婆骂道:“老畜生!你这般说,却似放屁 !我这行院人家,坑陷了千千万万的人,岂争他 一个!”(68)Then the old woman cursed him also, saying, “You old beast, such talk as this is but to pass your wind! Have we not do evil to countless men already through this courtesan of ours and why should we care for this one man?”西门庆道:“不敢问娘子,青春多少?”And His Men Ching said, “I do not dare to ask how many springs and autumns the goodwife had passed?”太师大喜,便问:“将军青春多少?”The prime minister was greatly pleased and he asked him, saying, “How many green springs have you passed?”史进道:“小人大胆?敢问官人高姓大名?”(2 )And Shih Chin said, “I, who am but a humble person, yet dare greatly enough to ask your honorable surname.”娘道:“我儿,三十六着,走为上着。只恐没处 走!”王进道:“母亲说的是。”(1)And she said, weeping, “My son, to extricate yourself from a difficulty there are thirty-six ways but the best of them all is to run away. But I am only afraid there is no place to which you can run.”Wang Ching then said, “My mother has spoken well.”一连打了两料,打得宋江皮开肉绽,鲜血迸流。So Sung Chiang was given two rounds of beatings and his skin was split and his flesh broke forth and the red blood streamed out.打得宋江一佛出世,二佛涅槃,皮开肉绽,鲜血 淋漓。They beat him then so that he was breathless and half dead. His skin was flayed open and his flesh was torn and the red blood streamed.白胜惊得面如土色,就地下取出一包金银。Pei Shengs face turned the color of clay, for from the earth they pulled a bundle of gold and silver.正是鲁班手里调大斧!(20)It reminds me of the old proverb, Do not try to get the ax from Lu Ban, the god of the carpenters.Thats really like trying to teach your grandmother to cook eggs!这汉撇了枪棒,便拜道:“小人有眼不识泰山”。 (16)The man threw his cudgel away, saluted with folded hands, and said, “I did not recognize Mount Tai.”话说当时杨雄扶起那人来,叫与石秀相见。石秀 便问道:“这位兄长是谁?”杨雄道:“这个兄弟 ,姓杜,名兴,祖贯是中山府人氏。因为他面颜 生的粗莽,以此人都叫他做鬼脸儿。”(46)Yang Hsiung raised the man and then introduced him to Shih Hsiu as Tu Hsing of Chung Shan Fu. He had a fierce face, and therefore people called him the Devil Faced Man.可怜两个强徒,化作南柯一梦。(5)We cannot but pity these two ruffians, who were sent to their last sleep in this way, and whose deeds passed like a bad dream.二青衣望下一推,宋江大叫一声,却撞在神厨内 ,觉来乃是南柯一梦。(41)The two Little Blue Clothes pushed him over the balustrades into the water and he suddenly awakened as though from a dream.一丈青Ten Feet of Steel . thorny rose船火儿Boat FlameBoatman玉麒麟 unicornJade Qilin( Qilin, a kind of legendary animal, is a symbol of nobility and propitious omen in Chinese culture and often used to mean outstanding people)鲁达道:“谁耐烦等你?去便同去”。S: Lu Ta said, “Who can take the trouble to wait for you? If you want to come with us, come at once”.Improved: “Come together with us! ”你诈死!洒家和你慢慢理会!You are pretending to be dead! I shall come back and finish this affair at another time!You are playing dead! Ill settle with you later!梁中书道:“世杰自幼读书,颇知经史,人非草 木,岂不知泰山之恩,提携之力,感激不尽!“Since childhood I have always studied. Ive learned history and the classics.” Liang replied. “But Im a man of feeling. Of course I know how much I owe your noble father in the Eastern Capital. I can never thank him enough for his help”.The governor Liang said, “From my youth I studied the books and I know honorably the Four Books and the books of history. Yet a man is not a stalk of grass or a tree and how can I not be aware of the grace from the Highest One, your father, who has lifted me step by step so that my gratitude can never be ended!”可教往来客人,结伙成队,于巳,午,未三个时 辰(上午9时到下午3时)过冈,其余演,卯,申, 酉,戌,亥六个时辰(下午3时到晚间11时), 不许过冈。(22)And this command is published everywhere for passing guests and travelers that they must only cross the ridge in a large number together. And the ridge may only be crossed from mid-morning to mid-afternoon. In the other hours of early dawn and evening none are allowed to cross the ridge.林冲大骂道:“量你是个落地穷儒,胸中又没文 学,什么怎做得山寨之主!”(18)“You are evidently a poor scholar who has failed in the official examinations,” said Lin Chung. “You have no learning so how can you be the leader at this stronghold?”又行不到三五十步,惙着肩气喘。只见山坳里起 一阵风,风过处,像那松树背后,奔雷似的也吼 一声,扑的跳出一只吊睛白额锦毛大虫。He had gone but thirty or fifty paces more and his shoulders were heaving with his panting when suddenly b
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