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English Reading An Introduction张Andy http:/www.tronest.cn OUTLINElPrefacelAims & RequirementslCourse PlanlClass ArrangementlPerformance Assessment1. Preface English Reading vs. Extensive Reading Extensive Reading vs. Intensive ReadingEnglish Reading doesnt mean extensive reading. Rather, it includes intensive reading as well as extensive reading.There are traditionally two complementary approaches to reading, namely extensive and intensive reading. 1. PrefacePurposeStarMaterialBaseComp.ErIrLanguageInformationWell-chosenWidely-rangedTextSkillGeneralDetailedStudentTeacherVs.2. Aims & Requirements A reading program is to enable students to enjoy (or at least feel comfortable with) reading in the foreign language, and to read without help unfamiliar authentic texts, at appropriate speed, silently and with adequate understanding.高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲(见周记本封底)3. Course Plan 2nd term: 热门阅读 1st term: 趣味阅读接触各类题材、熟悉常见体裁、拓宽知识范围认识阅读本质、培养阅读兴趣、训练阅读技巧 4th term: 考试阅读 3rd term: 专业阅读了解阅读题型、备战等级考试、超越等级水平学习专业知识、分析语言特点、优化知识结构3. Course PlanI. W Power & AnecdotesJ. W Memory & Fables G. R Abilities & QuotesH. R Speed & SongsF. R Models & HumorsB. R Nature & IdiomsA. Course IntroductionC. R Purposes & SlangD. R Habits & ProverbsE. R Materials & RiddlesL. Conjunctions & TalesO. Main Idea & SpeechK. W Formation & FestivalsP. Reflection & EvaluationM. W Chains & MythsN. S Patterns & Videos4. Class Arrangement课外阅读交流课文阅读理解策略技巧讨论15分钟左右, 理论讲解和问 题讨论相结合 ,培养策略意 识和加强阅读 理解能力。60分钟左右, 每次安排4-5 位同学上台发 言交流,并设 计和组织相应 的课堂活动。 15分钟左右, 每次一篇,若 课堂剩余时间 有限,可以省 去课文阅读教 学环节。 课堂教学师生互动5. Performance Assessment
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