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胡萝卜、鸡蛋、咖啡豆送给大家Put three pots of water over the fire. 先往三只锅里倒入一些水,然后把它 们放在旺火上烧 。In the first pot, put some carrots. 然后在第一个锅里,放一些胡萝卜。In the second pot, put some eggs. 在第二个锅里,放一些鸡蛋。In the third pot, put some coffee beans that have been grounded into coffee powder. 在第三个锅里,放一些已经磨成粉末的 咖啡豆。Boil all three pots for 15 minutes. 煮沸15分钟。Take out what you put in. 再来看你放进去的这些东西。The carrots went in hard.They are now soft. 胡萝卜已经不再坚硬,它开始变得柔软。The eggs went in soft inside.Now they are hard inside. 鸡蛋原来是薄薄的外壳保护着它柔软的内 心。但是经开水一煮,它变硬了。 But the water has the colors and the wonderful smell of coffee. 但是那锅水的颜色已经改变 并散发出诱人的咖啡香味。The coffee powder has disappeared. 而咖啡豆不见了。Now think about life.Life is not always easy. 生活不总是一帆风顺的。Life is not always comfortable. 也不总是风平浪静的。Sometimes life is very hard. 有时我们会碰到很多困难。We work very hard but get few results. 经常会我们付出很多但得到的很少。 What happens when we face difficultiesdifficulties? 那么,当我们遇到困境时,我们会怎样呢?Things dont happen like we wish. 事情不会总向着我们希望的方向发展 。 People dont treat us like we hope. 周围的人群也不总是向我们所希望的 一样对待我们。Now think about the pots.The boiling water is like the problems of life. 这些煮沸的水就像我们在生活中遇到的困 境一样。We can be like the carrots. 我们也许像胡萝卜。We go in tough and strong.一 开始是坚硬的、强壮的We come out soft and weak. 后来却变得软弱。We get very tired. We lose hope. We give up. 我们丧失了希望,我们 选择了放弃?There is no more fighting spirit. 不再有向上的意识,进 取的精神? NO! Dont be like the carrots!NO! Dont be like the carrots! 不,不要像胡萝卜一样!不,不要像胡萝卜一样!We can be like the eggs. 我们也许会像鸡蛋一样。We start with a soft and sensitive heart.一开始有着柔 软而敏感的心We end up very hard and unfeeling inside. 在生活的压力下,却逐渐 变得强硬而又冷漠We hate others. We dont like ourselves.我们不再友好 ,我们敌对任何人。We become hard-hearted.There is no warm feeling, only bitterness. 这里不再有温暖,只有苦闷、冷漠、悲愤Dont be like the eggs!Dont be like the eggs! 不要像鸡蛋!不要像鸡蛋!We can be like the coffee beans. 我们也许像咖啡豆!The water does not change the coffee powder. 沸水没有改变咖啡豆!The coffee powder changes the water! 咖啡豆改变了沸水!The water has become different because of the coffee powder. 沸水因为咖啡豆而变得不一样!See it. Smell it. Drink it.The hotterhotter the water, the betterbetter the taste. 水的温度越高,咖啡的香味就越加醇厚!We can be like the coffee beans. 我们应该像咖啡豆!We make something good from the difficulties we face.我们转变了困境。We learn new things.我们有了新的进步!We have new knowledge, new skills, new abilities. 我们有了新的知识、新的技 能、新的习惯!We grow in experience.我们在经历中成长!We make the world around us better. 我们使我们周围的世界更加美好!To succeed, we must try and try again. We must believe in what we are doing. We must not give up. We must be patient. We must keep pushing.为了成功,我们必须持续不断的努力 我们要坚信现在所做的一切 我们要永不放弃 我们要有韧性 我们必须要不断的排除面前的障碍difficultiesproblemshandle with careProblems and difficulties give us the chance to become strongerstronger and betterbetter and toughertougher. 摆在我们面前的困难只会让我们更 加强壮、更加坚强What are we like when things do not go well?Are we like the carrotor the eggor the coffee bean?Be like the coffee bean!Be like the coffee bean! 向咖啡豆学习!向咖啡豆学习!你呢,我的朋友,你是看似强硬,但遭遇痛苦和逆境后畏缩了 ,变软弱了,失去了力量的胡萝卜吗? 你是内心原本可塑的鸡蛋吗? 你先是个性情不定的人,但经过死亡、分手、离婚或失业,是 不是变得坚强了,变得倔强了? 你的外壳看似从前,但你是不是因有了坚强的性格和内心而变 得严厉强硬了? 或者你像是咖啡豆吗?豆子改变了给它带来痛苦的开水,并在 它达到100度的高温时让它散发出最佳的香味。水最烫时,它 的味道更好了。如果你像咖啡豆,你会在情况最糟糕时,变得有出息了,并使 周围的情况变好了。
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