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双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件Breast carcinomas双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are the Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death around the world.leading causes of death around the world. Cancers arising in tissues such as stomach, liver, Cancers arising in tissues such as stomach, liver, lung, breast, nasopharynx and bone marrow are lung, breast, nasopharynx and bone marrow are very common in China.very common in China. 双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件(Adapted from Jemal A, et al: Cancer statistics, 2003. CA Cancer J Clin 53:5, 2003.)Epidemiology双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件l lWorldwide, the most common malignant tumors Worldwide, the most common malignant tumors in males are cancers of lung, stomach, liver, in males are cancers of lung, stomach, liver, colon/rectum and esophagus.colon/rectum and esophagus.l lWorldwide, the most common malignant tumors Worldwide, the most common malignant tumors in females are cancers of breast, lung, stomach, in females are cancers of breast, lung, stomach, colon/rectum and cervix.colon/rectum and cervix.WHO 2007WHO 2007双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件2007 CSCO Annual Meeting2007 CSCO Annual Meeting (2007(2007年全国临床肿瘤学大会年全国临床肿瘤学大会) ) l lIn China, the most common malignant tumors in In China, the most common malignant tumors in males are cancers of lung, stomach, liver, males are cancers of lung, stomach, liver, colon/rectum and esophagus.colon/rectum and esophagus.l lIn China, the most common malignant tumors in In China, the most common malignant tumors in females are cancers of breast, lung, colon/rectum, females are cancers of breast, lung, colon/rectum, stomach and liver. stomach and liver. 双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件Breast carcinomaBreast carcinomal lBreast carcinoma is the most common Breast carcinoma is the most common malignancy in women. malignancy in women. l lA woman who lives to age 90 has a one in eight A woman who lives to age 90 has a one in eight chance of developing breast cancer. chance of developing breast cancer. 双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件EpidemiologyStudy of cancer patterns in populations, cancer epidemiology, can contribute substantially to knowledge about the origins of cancer. Part 1Part 1双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件Breast cancer risk factorsBreast cancer risk factorsl lWell-confirmed factors Well-confirmed factors l lProbable factorsProbable factors双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件Factor 1: Geographic locationFactor 1: Geographic locationl llow-risk: Far East, Africa and South Americalow-risk: Far East, Africa and South Americal lhigh-risk: North America and Northern Europe high-risk: North America and Northern Europe areas. areas. 双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件EpidemiologyFactor 2: AgelBreast cancer is rarely found before the age of 25 years except in certain familial cases. lThe incidence rises throughout a womans lifetime. Seventy-seven per cent of cases occur in women over 50 years of age. lThe average age at diagnosis is 64 years. 双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件Factor 3: Early Age of Menarche Factor 3: Early Age of Menarche l lWomen who reach menarche when younger than 12 Women who reach menarche when younger than 12 years of age have a 20% increased risk compared to years of age have a 20% increased risk compared to women who reach menarche when more than 14 women who reach menarche when more than 14 years of age. years of age. l lIt is probably because of a prolonged exposure of It is probably because of a prolonged exposure of breast epithelium to estrogens and progesterone due breast epithelium to estrogens and progesterone due to earlier regular ovulatory menstrual cycles.to earlier regular ovulatory menstrual cycles.双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件Factor 4: Late Age of Menopause Factor 4: Late Age of Menopausel lLate menopause (54) also increases risk, but the Late menopause (54) also increases risk, but the magnitude of the risk has not been quantified. magnitude of the risk has not been quantified. l lIn contrast, surgically-induced menopause In contrast, surgically-induced menopause (ovariectomy or hysterectomy) before the age of (ovariectomy or hysterectomy) before the age of 35 results in a decrease of breast cancer risk. Even 35 results in a decrease of breast cancer risk. Even unilateral ovariectomy performed before the age unilateral ovariectomy performed before the age of 45 has been demonstrated to be protective.of 45 has been demonstrated to be protective.双水相萃取脂肪酶课件斯巴鲁售后服务经理人培训他汀类药物的安全性及对策胎膜早破病人护理查房糖尿病自我管理课件Factor 5: Nulliparity and older age at first live birthFac
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