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高三英语随堂练习必修三 Unit2 Healthy eating 一 .Reading and summary Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very f_.His restaurant o_ to be full of people. But not today! What c_have happened? C_ drove Wang Pengwei inside a n_ small restaurant.A waiter gave him a m_.There were only two kinds of food and one drink on it:r_ vegetables,fruit and water.He was a_ at this and especially at the prices.He t_ away the menu and hurried outside.He decided to w_ his c_ back!rustratedught oulduriosityewly-openedenu aw mazedhrewinustomers二. Listening for information Energy- giving foods Body building foods Protect ion foods Owner of restaurant Proble ms with foods offeredFoods to be offered Wang PengweiYong Huirice, noodles, nuts, buttermeat, fish, tofufruit and vegeta -blesToo much fat More protec -tive foodsNot enough fat More body- building and energy - giving foods Pengwei closed his restaurant and set out for the Library . There he started reading the books on healthy eating . He was amazed to find one needed three main kinds of food to stay healthy . They are energy giving foods help you work and play all day. They are rice, noodles, nuts , butter and etc. Body- building foods make strong bones and muscles and they are meat, fish and tofu. Protective foods help a person digest food and keep the body healthy. They are fresh fruit and vegetables. Wang Pengwei realised very quickly that his menu had energy and body- building foods, but little protective food. Yong Hui , on the other hand, offered plenty of protective foods on her menu but little envergy or body- building foods. Neither of them was providing a balanced diet. It seemed both of them were wrong. Pengwei began to wonder. Was that why he was so fat?三. Listening for details 1. Pengwei was worried when he thought his restaurant would no longer be popular because_. A . he would be in debt B. he could no longer earn his living C. he would lose his job 2. Yong Hui was very angry when she came to Pingweis restaurant because _. A. she thought he was a new customer B. she thought he had spied on her restaurant C. she was told he was a spy 3.Pengweis research showed _. A. neither menu was balanced B. Both menus were balanced C. His menu was balanced 4.He suggested they provide a combined menu because _. A. he liked Yong Hui B. this would provide a balanced C. he didnt want to lose his customers. 二 短语回顾 1 节食 2 平衡的饮食 3 特殊的饮食 4 应该 5 对感到厌倦 6 扔掉 7 说谎 8 摆脱 9 谋生 10 准备好了干 11 大量的on a diet balanced diet a special diet ought to be tired of throw away tell lies get rid ofmake ones living be prepared( to do sth)/for stha large amount of/an amount of 三 考点解读 1.diet/food diet指的是习惯性的食物或规定的食物,特别 指维持健康的定量或定质的食物,如病人的疗养 饮食,它是可数名词,常与不定冠词a连用. food是一般用法,凡能吃喝的具有营养的东西 都称food.它是不可数名词,但是表示食物的种 类时,可以用复数。 (1)The doctor has ordered me_(特殊 的饮食). (2)_(适当的饮食)and exercise are both important to health. (3)_(太多的甜食)will make you fat.a special dietProper dietToo many sweet foods 2.energy/power/force energy能量,能力,能源 power动力,思维能力,权力 force指物理学意义上的力,也指为做成某事而 使用的力量,还常指武力。 (1)I want you to put a stop to it.I know you have the _. (2)He pushed the door open with_. (3)What kind of food is_(提 供能量的食物). (4)We should devote all our_to the task.power forceenergy-giving foodenergies 3.prepare 准备,预备,筹备 prepare for 为做好准备 be prepared for 准备好了干=be ready for be prepared to do sth.准备好了干 (1)(她做的菜)tasted delicious. (2)Will you please help me_the party? (3)He thought himself to_(为做 好充分的准备)the exam.The courses she preparedprepare forbe well prepared for 4.curiosity/curious curiosity n. 好奇心,求知欲 curious adj.好奇的,爱管闲事的 (1)She is so_about others privacy. (2)His_to learn new knowledge is quite strong. (3)Many people are_about the origin of mankind. 5.amount n.总额,总 数,数量 a (large)amount of大量的(后接不可数名词), 做主语时,谓语为单数 in small/large amounts少量地/大量地curious curiositycurious a large quantity of 大量的(做主语时,谓语 用单数)+可数名词/不可数名词 quantities of 大量的(做主语时,谓语用复数 )+可数名词/不可数名词 (1)When there is_sun and rain,the fields are green. (2) Quantities of money_spent on the bridge.(be) (3)A large amount of money_on the bridge.(be)a large quantity ofwere was 6 think of 考虑,关心,想起 think ofas 认为 是 think highly/poor of 对 评价好/不好 think about 考虑 think over 仔细考虑 (1)I_the good days I spent there on seeing the photo. (2)I would never_giving up the project. (3)The idea he thought of_(solve)the problem is something of strange.thought ofthink ofto solve 7.in debt 欠债,负债 ge
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