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精选校园英语广播稿精选校园英语广播稿To see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.If you were a teardrop;In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright.SLANG POCKETP:好了,今天我们继续学习 5 个俚语。 。 。K:yep , and the first slang fot the slang pocket is- Kick the bucketP: yep, kick the bucket, bucket 表示踢,bucket 表示水桶, 难道,kick the bucket 表示提水桶吗? K:Kick the bugget 是俚语, 所以当然不能用它的字面意思来理解咯。其实,kick the bucket 这个俚语跟老美的杀猪习惯有关,过去他们在杀猪时,总是把猪倒吊在bucket 桶上,然后在猪的脖子上划一刀,开始放血,猪垂死挣扎时就会拼命地 kick 踢那个桶,因此 kick the bucket 实际上是对
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