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point_ cheat_ reason_ share_ feeling_ German_ series_ nature_ purpose_ power_word carduseful nouns点;要点;尖端;分数 欺骗;骗子理由;原因;理智份;分额;股分感觉;感受;感想;感情 德国人;德语连续;系列自然;自然界目的;意图 能力;力量;权力trust_ list_ teenager_ advice_ questionnaire_ quiz_ situation_ editor_ habit_useful nouns信任;所依靠的人;委托清单;名单;一览表(13-19岁的)少年,少女忠告;建议调查表;问卷 测验;提问情形;境遇;位置编辑习惯;习性;举止add_point_ignore_concern_loose_cheat_word carduseful verbsvt.增加;添加;补充说 vi.加;加起来;增添vt. &vi.指向;瞄准vt.不理睬;忽视vt.涉及;关系到vt.解;弄松 vi.变松;松开vt. &vi.欺骗;骗取;欺诈;作弊share_dare_trust_suffer_communicate_useful verbsvt. &vi.分享;均分;分担aux.敢;胆敢vt. &vi.信任;信赖vt. &vi.遭受;经历;忍受vt.传达信息等 vi.交际;沟通add up_calm down_have got to_be concern about_walk the dog_go through_hide away_set down_Expressions carduseful expressions加起来平静下来不得不;必须关心;挂念遛狗经历;经受a series of_on purpose_in order to_face to face_according to_get along with_fall in love_join in_一连串的;一系列;一套故意为了面对面地按照;根据所说与相处;进展useful expressions躲藏;隐藏放下;记下;登记相爱;爱上参加;加入Word studydaredare 既可以用作情态动词,也可以用作行为动词。 (1)情态动词: 敢于,竟敢,多用于否定、疑问句中 ,常与hardly, never, no one, nobody连用,后面跟动词 原形。过去式为dared,否定式为dare not.(2) 行为动词:胆敢,敢于 dare to do sth. 注意: 肯定句中,不定式一般加to.e.g. He dared not go near the dog.在用do 或does构成的否定句或疑问句中,to 常常省略。 e.g. I dont dare (to) go back to look.e.g. He dared to do that and something even worse.Word studyseries e.g. There has been a series of car accidents at the crossing. indoors / outdoorsadv.e.g. go /stay indoorsgo through/suffere.g. Iraq has gone through too many wars in the past ten years.Answer keys for Exercise 2: 1.They hid there for almost two years and never dared go out.2.We tried to calm him down, but he kept shouting.3. Dont laugh at him. Sometimes you are not able to do as well as he (does).2.4. In the early 20th century, China went through too many wars.5.The children have been indoors all day. Let them play outdoors for a while.Answer keys for Exercise 2: 6. Please use the word to make a sentence according to the situation given.7. This series of readers is very interesting.8. The man saved the girl from the river and her mother was very grateful.9. Mr. Jones lives alone and often feels lonely.10. We communicate with each other by Internet/ through the Internet.Word studyadd(1) to put together with sth else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc. add sth ( to sth) add some sugar to the milk add sth to what Ive said (2) to join (numbers, amounts, etc.) so as to find the total add A and B e.g. If you add 2 and 7, you get 9. (3) add up e.g. add up all the money(4) add up to e.g. add up to 52Word studyupset(upset, upset, upsetting)(1) vt. 使心烦,使不安 e.g. Dont upset yourself. (2) adj. 心烦意乱的,心情不舒适的e.g. She was upset at not being invited.ignoretake no notice of sb / sthe.g. Dont ignore English.Word studyhave got to have got to = have to have got e.g. You have got to finish the work now.concern be concerned about e.g. Every teacher is concerned about his students study.Word studycheat(1) cheat in the exam(2) cheat sb (out) of sth e.g. They cheated the old woman (out) of her money by making her sign a document she didnt understand. e.g. In our school, six to ten students share a room.share1st listening1) Tick out the following people Leslie Clark doesnt meet in Luoyang.A. officials B. bus-owners C. engineersD. taxi-drivers E. teachers F. studentsG. headmasters H. businessmen2) According to Clark, tell whether the following statements are true or false.A. A few of them invite her to dinner with delicious food and drink.B. They take her to visit a beautiful lake in the countrysideC. She stays in the best hotel in town. D. Most people invite her to their home as guests.FT FTListening TextLeslie Clark, a Canadian from Vancouver, arrives in China to do some business in Luoyang,Henan Province. Her company sells buses. During her one- month stay she meets many Chinese people: officials, engineers, businessmen, store-owners, shop assistants, students, teachers, road workers and bus drivers. Most of these people try to make friends with her. A few of them invite her to dinners with delicious food and drink. They take her to visit interesting places and to a mountain in the countryside. She is given a comfortable room in the best hotel in town. Some people invite her to be their guest in their homes. Leslie is asked whether she thinks Chinese people are friendly. “Yes,”she says without a moments thought, “I think the Chinese are very friendly.” Everyone who asks her says that they are glad to hear it. However,when she got on the plane to fly home,another Canadia
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