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technologytechnologytechnologyWith the development of technology ,more and more people use mobile phone that more intelligent and useful.Now you can not only surf the internet but also play game or search map or busOf course you call your friends need not look for phone book instead of call his name So funnyIntelligent mobile phoneKinds of intelligent mobile phoneHow many system of those intelligent phone?How many intelligent mobile phones do you know ?Can you tell me what those phone name?NOKIAIphoneIntroduce a phone to youu双核1.5GHz的处理器 (Dual-core 1.5 G processor)u1GB的RAM内存(1 GB of RAM memory)u4GB机身内存(The 4 GB memory)u八百万像素(Eight million pixels )u4.0英寸的屏幕(4.0 inch screen)uAndroid2.3.5被改于MIUIu价格便宜是我们可以接受 的(the price is acceptable)Look so many mobile phone ,do you want buy a new intelligent phone ? If do, please you think twice because you must save money in eating or playingThank youThank youMade of King
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