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一.选择题: 1 ( ) _ sign here stands for _ mistake.A) Aa B) Athe C) Thea D) Thethe Cthe sign 表特指这个标志,stand for “代表”,a mistake 表“一个错误”。2.( ) Peter has bought _useful dictionary. It is helpful to her study. A) the B) an C) a D) / Ca useful dictionary 一本有用的字典3. ( ) Wang Fang plans to give _information to his boss.A)many B) huge amounts of C) an amount of D) a few Binformation 是不可数名词,huge amounts of “大量的” 用于修饰不可数名词 ; many, a few 修饰可数名词4. ( ) A: Is this your MP4? B: No. _ is in the schoolbag. A) I B) Me C) MyD) MineDI是主格用于句首,me 是宾格用作宾语, my 是形容词性 物主代词后接名词,mine 是名词性物主代词,相当于形容词性物主代词加上名 词,本题中mine=my+ schoolbag 5 ( ) Peter lost _new computer on his way to school last week. A) his B) he C) him D) himselflose his new computer “丢了它的新计算机 ” A6. ( ) The Sun family had a _ visit to Canada last month.A) ten daysB) ten day C) ten-daysD) ten-dayDa ten-day visit 意为 “十日游”,这里a ten-day 做定语修饰visit7. ( ) Peter is reading _composition. It was written all by himself.A) a 80-words B) an 80-words C) an 80-word D) a 80-word Can 80-word composition “一篇80词的作文” 理由同上题,注意本题中an 80-word. 8. ( ) Some people like to eat Chinese fast food, but _prefer McDonalds hamburgers.A) another B) the other C) others D) the others Csomeothers 一些另一些(表泛指),somethe others 一些,剩下所有的another 另外的, onethe other 一个另一个(共两个) 9. ( ) Weve got four different answers to that question, but _of them is correct.A) all B) neither C) both D) none all “三者以上都”,表肯定,后面be 动词用(are, were),若是一般现在时,行为动词用原形none “三者以上都不“,表否定,后面be 动词用(is, was),若是一般现在时,行为动词后加sboth “两者都”,表肯定,后面be动词用(are,were)若是一般现在时,行为动词用原形neither “两者都不“,表否定,后面be 动词用(is, was) ,若是一般现在时,行为动词后加sD10. ( ) There is _ in todays newspaper.A) something interesting B) interesting somethingC) something interestedD) interesting nothingAsomething 某事物 (用于肯定句中) anything 某事物 (用于否定句及疑问句中)nothing 没有什么事物 (用于否定句中)其中 notanything=nothing something, anything, nothing 都是属于 不定代词 不定代词+形容词11. ( ) Your idea sounds much _than his.A) interesting B) interested C) more interesting D) more interested sound + 形容词,much 修饰比较级,interesting 是多音节, 所以用more intersting,本题答案是much more interestingC12 ( ) Bill gets up every day except Saturday or Sunday, because he _go to school.A. mustnt B. neednt C. shouldnt D. cant must “必须”, 否定“neednt” (不必), neednt (禁止 ) must be “一定”should “应该”, 否定 “shouldnt”can “能够”, cant be “不一定” B13. ( ) People often _ “hello” to each other when they make a phone call.A) say B) tell C) talk D) speak say “说”, say to Sb, say in+语种 tell “告诉”, tell Sb. to do Sth. tell a story , talk “谈论“, talk about Sth. speak+语种 A14.( )Who can _me the meaning of that sign?A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk tell me the meaning 告诉我意思B15. ( ) Some questions _at their class meeting last week.A. raised B. rose C. were risen D. were raised raise 举起,抬起,增加,提高,提升,提出rise 上升,上涨,起立,升高raise 是及物动词,后面加宾语rise 是不及物动词,后面不加宾语本句的意思“上周一些问题在班会课中被提出来。D16. ( ) What are you going to do when you finish _the room?A) to clean B) cleaning C) clean D) cleaned finish doing Sth. 完成做某事practise (keep, deny, admit) doing Sth.cant (couldnt) help doing Sth. be busy doing Sth. give up doing Sth. mind doing Sth. prevent Sb. from doing Sth. B17. ( ) A: I didnt sleep well last night and feel quite sleepy now.B: Why not stop _?A) to work B) to have a rest C) having a rest D) to go with your work stop doing Sth. 停止做某事 (不做)stop to do Sth. 停下来去做某事 (去做另一件事) stop to have a rest 停下来去休息B18. ( ) My grandmother _wash clothes by hand but now she _doing it with the washing machine. A) used toused to B) is used tois used toC) is used toused to D) used tois used to used to+动词原形 (过去常做,现在不做了)be used to+V-ing (习惯于做某事) be used to do Sth. (被用来做某事) D本句意思 “我的奶奶过去手洗衣服,但是现在习惯 于机洗衣服。 ”used to is used to19. ( )Keep the window _while you are in.A) open B) opening C) opened D) to open Akeep+形容词 open 这里是形容词,意 为“开着的” 。 20. ( )He is getting fat, _ he has decided to go to work on foot.A) so B) though C) because D) andA21. ( ) It happened _ the morning _ September 10, 2008.A) inonB) onof C) inofD) oninBon the morning of September 10, 2008 “在 2008年9月10日的早晨” ,具体某一天前用on so “所以”22 ( ) A: Jim never goes to school late. B: _. A) Neither do IB) Neither did I C) So do I D) So did Iso +助动词+人称 表示 “肯定的也”,助动词随时态neither+助动词+人称 表示“否定的也”,助动词随时 态A23. ( ) Mike failed in yesterday s test. _.A) Either did John. B) So did John. C) Neither did John. D) So John did. Mike 昨天考试不合格。 本题目应看作肯定的“也 ” B24. ( ) Could you please tell me if
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