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Tips on Being a Responsible Tourist 主讲:徐琰Key PointsSignificance of Being a Responsible TouristPublic Etiquette“Lady First” Rule Questions Why is it important to be a responsible tourist?Do you know anything about Chinese tourists bad behavior abroad?Being a Responsible Tourist Traveling to a foreign country broadens (拓展) our worldview and our life experiences. Being a Responsible Tourist And when we visit beautiful places, its natural to expect our holidays to be filled with pleasant memories and to leave a good impression on local people by being environmentally friendly.Being a Responsible Tourist With more and more Chinese tourists traveling abroad, however, other countries are becoming increasingly uncomfortable when confronting (面对) Chinese tourists bad behavior.Being a Responsible Tourist According to a recent poll (民 意调查), Chinese are said to be the worlds second worst tourists.Being a Responsible Tourist Currently, uncouth (粗野的) behavior including spitting, littering, jumping queues and talking loudly has already stigmatized (打烙印) Chinese travelers both inside and outside of China.Being a Responsible Tourist Actually, the behavior mentioned above may merely disgust people at home but are totally intolerable (不能忍受) in other countries.Being a Responsible Tourist Therefore, it is of great importance for every Chinese tourist to develop a sense of responsibility and to make a difference.Being a Responsible Tourist Here are some tips on how to behave abroad in order to make sure youre not the one that everybody hates, and to be more readily respected and welcome by local people.No LitteringDont litter (扔垃圾) in public places. Its definitely ill-mannered to drop the rubbish everywhere.No LitteringPollution is one of the many simple reasons why you should not litter. Those who litter are creating an unhealthy environment for anyone else around.No SpittingDont spit in public. For many, seeing someone spit in the street is unpleasant. The casual spraying of saliva (口水) is considered by many as a total disregard (无视) for other peoples feelings.图片来源: http:/travel.sina.com.cn/wo rld/2011-01- 14/1020150752.shtmlNo SpittingBesides, it can spread diseases. So think twice before you spit. And if you really need to spit, do it into a handkerchief or a tissue paper. Take your turn in line. It is always very rude and disrespectful (无礼的 ) to cut in front of people in line.Get in LineWhether at an airport check-in counter, a ticket box, or in a restaurant, you should always remember to queue in an orderly manner.Get in LineDo not jump queue. Not only is it rude, but also its frustrating (令人沮丧的) to everyone else whos been waiting.Get in LineDont talk too loud. In China, people tend to speak with increased volume when they want to demonstrate (显示) authority (权威), make a point ( 表明观点) or simply show friendship.Talk QuietlyThus, when Chinese tourists talk loudly in a restaurant, hotel or office, they may not be aware that they are creating noise that might bother other people.Talk QuietlySome tourist guides have said that what annoys people most is when Chinese tourists speak loudly and make noises in public.Talk QuietlySo when traveling abroad, you should be aware of this and speak more softly in the public places to respect personal space. 图片来源: http:/huaxiav.com/news/lvy ou/2015-03-10/142.htmlTalk QuietlyDont smoke in non- smoking areas. In many foreign countries, smoking indoor in public places is banned (禁止) by law.No SmokingThese public places include shopping centers, airports, train stations, hospitals, schools and all other workplaces.No SmokingBesides, considering the potential (潜在的) health risks that smoking poses ( 形成) to other people, you certainly should not smoke in public, especially in non -smoking areas.No SmokingAnd if you really want to smoke, try to find a designated (指定的) area.No SmokingObserve (遵守) the “ladies first” rule. “Ladies first” is the concept of the traditional culture in the West and is an essential (基本的) etiquette (礼 仪) for social activities.Lady FirstWhile the traditional Chinese etiquette stresses respecting the elderly or the guest, the Western etiquette emphasizes respecting women as the core content.Lady FirstIn social activities, paying attention to the “ladies first” rule reflects a persons upbringing ( 教养) and morality (品行). It is considered impolite and rude to go against (违反) the “ladies first” rule.Lady FirstSummarySignificance of Being a Responsible TouristPublic Etiquette“Lady First” Rule Thanks!
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