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Module 1 round 圆形的;球形的 nice 友好的,亲切的; will 将,将会 讨人喜欢的 youll = you will 你将 always 总是,一直 tower 塔 bridge 桥 a bit 稍微,有点儿 shy 羞怯的,胆怯的,腼腆的 Module 3 *e-card 电子贺卡 wont = will not 将不 quiet 文静的 countryside 农村,乡下 another 另一个,再一个 farmer 农民;农场主 him (宾格)他 there 在那里 *parrot 鹦鹉 twenty 二十 lots of 许多的,大量的 helpful 肯帮忙的;有用的 breakfast 早餐 maths 数学;数学课 have breakfast 吃早餐 *plus 加,加上 tea 茶;茶叶 more 更多的;另外的;附加的 tea party (下午的)茶会, 茶话会 Module 2 Module 4 about 关于 river 河 pick 采,摘(花、水果) fourteen 十四 wide 宽的,宽阔的;宽广的 sixteen 十六 old 年代久的,古老的 eighteen 十八 clock 钟,时钟 thirteen 十三 wheel 轮子fifteen 十五 Module 7 seventeen 十七 class 班级 nineteen 十九 any 一些,若干;任何一个 afraid 担心的 ask 问;询问;打听 feel 感觉;觉得 question 问题 all right 好,行 forty 四十 Module 5 so 因此 about 大约 tomorrow 明天 Monday 星期一 thirty 三十 why 为什么 Module 8 Why not? 为什么不呢? hard 努力地 Tuesday 星期二 lazy 懒惰的,懒散的 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 parent 母亲;父亲 next 下一个的;其次的 Parents Day 家长日 week 周,星期 speak 谈话;说 with 对于 Module 6 quite 很,非常 stamp 跺脚,用力踩 good at 擅长 computer 计算机,电脑 English 英语;英语课 shall 该,要 PE = physical education arm 胳膊 体育;体育课Chinese 汉语,中文;语文课 werent = were not 不是 art 美术;艺术;美术课 wasnt = was not 不是 report 成绩报告单 fun 有趣的事 try 尝试,试图 Module 10 Module 9 second 第二 floor 层 were (are 的过去式)是 worried 担忧的;焦虑的 young 年轻的 find 发现,找到 beautiful 漂亮的,美丽的 first 第一 was (is 的过去式)是 remember 记起;回想起 also 也,还 Mothers Day 母亲节 then 那时 vegetable 蔬菜 who 谁 last 上一个 grandparent (外)祖父; (外)祖母 (注:黑体词为义务教育英语课 old 老的,年老的 程标准二级词汇,标有的词为 五级词汇表外的词汇)三年级下册 模块重点句M1: This is Xiaoyong. Hes very clever. But hes a bit quiet.M2: This river is very wide. And its very long. This is Big Ben. Its very tall. M3: Well see lions, tigers and pandas. Will Sam go, too?Yes, he will. Will you go, too, Daming?No, I wont.M4: Will we pick pears? Yes, we will.Ill pick ten apples.Ill pick twelve pears. M5: Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow? No, I wont.Will you take your ball tomorrow? No, I wont.M6: Here are his arms.Here is his leg.Here are his hands.Here is his foot.M7: Are there many children in your class? Yes, there are forty-one.Are there many children in a class in the UK?No, there arent. There are about twenty. M8: Is Daming naughty in class?No, he isnt.His work is good.Im happy with that. Thank you.M9: They were very young then.Yes. But they are very old now.Your hair was very short then.Yes, now its long. M10: Was Daming there? No, he wasnt.Were you on the second floor?Yes, we were. And Daming was there!
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