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单 位:怀柔区第四中学授课人: 吴 平iverountainesertakeThe Yangtze RiverThe Yellow River 6,300 km (long)5,464 km (long)The Yangtze River is longer than The Yellow River .The Takelamagan DesertThe Maowusu DesertThe Takelamagan Desert is larger than The Maowusu Desert .1 million square (large)32.4 million square (large)Mount Tian Mount QomolangmaMount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tian . 1532.8m1,532 m (high)8,848 m (high)The Qinghai LakeThe Dongting LakeThe Qinhai Lake is larger than The Dongting Lake .4,500 square KM (large)2,740 square KM (large)Act it outThe pink ruler is longer than the blue one . The blue ruler is shorter than the pink one .The picture is nicer than that one .The white T-shirt is larger than the yellow one . This apple is bigger than that one . The book is thinner than the dictionnary .The dictionary is heavy ier than the book . The blue bag is dirty ier than the red bag . This banana is better than that one . (good) That banana is worse than this one . (bad)Act it outBuilt : 2000 Price :420 ¥ (each) Room : single,two-three rooms Close to the beach Good viewsBuilt : 1980 Price :150 ¥ (each) Room : single,two rooms Clean ,clear air, Nice surounding : parkThe Beach HotelThe Garden Hotel单 位:怀柔区第四中学授课人: 吴 平The Mississippi River6,300 Km longThe Nile River6,600 Km long(long)The Nile is longer than the Mississippi. ABThe Mississippi River6,300 Km longThe Nile River6,600 Km long(long)The Nile is long than the Mississippi . ABer The Sahara Desert The Gobi Desert The Sahara Desert is larger than the Gobi Desert.9.6 million square Km1.2 million square Km AB(large)The Sahara Desert The Gobi Desert The Sahara Desert is larger than the Gobi Desert.9.6 million square Km1.2 million square Km AB(large)28,251 feetK2 Mount Qomolangma(high)Mount Qomolangma is higher than K2. AB29,028 feet28,251 feet29,028 feetK2 Mount Qomolangma(high)Mount Qomolangma is higher than K2. AB29,028 feet5,315 feet3,227 feetLake BaikalThe Caspian Sea(deep)Lake Baikal is deeper than The Caspian Sea . AB5,315 feet3,227 feetLake BaikalThe Caspian Sea(deep)Lake Baikal is deeper than The Caspian Sea . AB
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