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虚拟语气大全*标准的虚拟语气 *特殊的虚拟语气标准的虚拟语气If 从句谓语动词主句谓语动词表将来表现在表过去were to/ should+ v原would/could/should +v原would/could/should +v原动词过去时动词过去完成时would/could/should + have 动词过去分词l如果我教你的话,我就会用英语教。lIf I were to teach you, I would teach in English表将来were to/ should+ v原would/could/should +v原l如果邀请了他他就会来。lIf he were invited, he would come.表现在动词过去时would/could/should +v原l如果他昨天离开家的话,他早就应该到这里了 。lHe should have arrived here if he had left home yesterday.l如果我上学期不努力的话,我就不会通过期末 考试。lIf I had not worked hard, I would not have passed the last final exam.表过去had 动词过去分词would/could/should + have 动词过去分词特殊的虚拟语气1.错综时间虚拟语气:主从句发生时间不一致l_ (如果你上学 期努力点), you would not be preparing for the make-up exam.lIf you had followed my advice, you _ (过着一种幸福 的生活) nowadays.If you had studied hard last term would be leading a happy life 2. It is (high/about) time that + 从句lIt is high time we _ .(起床)l快半夜了, 我们该离开了lIt is near midnight, its time we left.got up从句谓语动词直接用动词过去时3. 含有were, had, should, could 的从句 省略if法lHad I a lot of money, I would buy this house.l如果我能做这件事情,我一定会做的。lCould I do it, I would surely do it.l万一黑死病再次出现,我们该怎么办?lShould the Black Death reappear, what should we do?If I had a lot of money,If I could do it,If the Black Death should reappear ,4. 从句谓语动词必须用(should) 动词原型l有一些动词后的从句l句型:it is + 一系列形容词和名词 + that lLest 和 in case 后的that 从句l祝愿性的语气:May you succeed.Long live our motherland.God bless you有一些动词(表建议,命令,请求,要求)后 的从句lAsk, command, decide, demand, desire(希望 ), insist, move(动议), order, direct(命令), propose, request, recommend(推荐,建议), suggest, urge(敦促), rule(裁定).l特别是说明:由这些动词演变过来的形容词和 名词后的从句的动词与这些动词后的从句谓语 动词用法一样。比如suggest 和suggestion 后的从句的动词都应该用(should) 动词原 型 。有一些动词(表建议,命令,请求,要求)后 的从句lI desire that _ (他教 这个班).lI request that every student _ (做练习) carefully.lIt is a good suggestion that _ ( 他提前准备)he should teach this classdo the exercisehe prepare in advance句型:it is + 一系列形容词和名词 + that l一系列形容词和名词: important, desirable, necessary, essential, imperative, vital, natural, strange, incredible, my wish, a pity-It is natural that mothers should love their children-It is natural that mothers love their children (其中should可以省略)Lest 和 in case表”唯恐” 后的that 从句l他怕下雨便带了一件雨衣。lHe took a raincoat with him lest it should rain.l带把雨伞以防下雨。lTake an umbrella in case it should rain.5. wish, as if/ as though, would rather/would sooner/had rather, if only 后面的从句的谓语动词用过去时虚拟现在 和将来的情况,用过去完成时虚拟过去的 情况lI wish I _ a bird. (表现在的愿望)lI wish she _ . (现在他已经离开)lI would rather _ . (现在没有做 )lI would rather _ .(现在已经 做了)lIf only he _.(没有来)lIf only he _ .(已经来 了)were had not left he did it he had not done itdid not come had not come另外一些特殊的虚拟用法lWithout water, human being would not live.lBut for his help, Tom would not have passed the examination.lWork harder, he would have passed the final examination in last term.
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