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New wordsMay you be happy every dayconfessionu1.comfession (n) 供认、自白、承认.ue.g. make a full comfession of ones crimes.对自己所犯罪行供认不讳。uV.confessuConfess ones guilt=confess oneself (to be) guiltyuadj.confessed 自认的、公开的、众所周 知的。2.prospectu(1)前途 前景 .nue.g. we have good prospects.uOpen up broad prospects for 为开创广 阔前景u(2)景色 景象.nue.g. a beautiful prospect over the valley.u(3).探寻 勘探v.uProspect for sth 勘探、寻找uProspector 勘探者、探矿者。uProspective adj 未来的、预期的、可能的。3.Conveyu v.(1)convey sth from one place to anlther.运送、搬运。u(2)make known传达、转达。uConvey ones deepest sympathy to 向表示深切哀悼。uWords fail to convy my meaning5.occasion (n)u1.场合、时刻。uA great occasion 盛大场面。uOn the occasion of值此之际。u2.时机、机会。uTake occasion to利用机会做uAn occasion 间或、有时。uadj.occasional 偶尔的、不时的;临时的 、特殊场合的。6.liaisonun.u1.联络、联系。(u)uIn close liaison with与密切配合。u2.联络员、联系人。(c)uLiaison officer 联络员。uV.liaise 联系uLiaise with sb 与联系。uLiaise between and联通与ue.g. her job is to liaise between teacher and students.uHe had to liaise with the police while writing the report.7.inevitableu1.不可避免的、不能防止的。adjue.g. her being fired is inevitable.u2.惯常的、照例必有得。uHe sits down and drinks a inevitable cup of tea.u3.the inevitable 必然会发生的事。8.authorityu1.权威、权力、威信。(u)uhave authority over对有(行使)权力。ue.g. who is in authority here?u2.专家、权威人士、权威著作。(c)ue.g. an authority on plant.u3.根据、凭证。ue.g. whats your authority for that statement.9.curse 咒骂uI curse myself for not seizing the opportunity to be with her .u我暗骂自己没有抓住和她共处的良好时机 。Part 2.phrase5 new phrases1.Feel unsure of oneselfuFeel unsure of oneself=lack self- confidence 不自信 ue.g. I feel extremely unsure of myself.我对我自己极端不自信。2.convey ideas传道授业。ue.g. Teachers work is to convey ideas 3.Cut oneself inplace刮破了 几处。ue.g. The little girls cutting herself in 3 places made her mother angryu I pictured my students while I was shaving and cut myself in 3 places. 4.turn ones stomach使 呕吐。The boys loving letter nearly turned the girls stomach5.pop by冷不防地出现 。e.g. Then lisa started poping by.Part 3 sentence(1)uA display of interest from the TA puts the student in the difficult position of fearing unfavorable results for showing no response to that interestu助教展现他的兴趣会 让学生处于担心如果 不对那个兴趣表示回 应会带来不利后果的 困境中。(2).uIt makes the objective evaluation of all students almost impossibleu这让所有学生的客观 评价几乎不可能。(3).uAn inevitable loss of respect for the TA occursu对助教的尊敬不可避 免的降低了。
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